



An ochazuke (rice steeped in tea) set from Ogura | YUKARI SAKAMOTO


‘Ochazuke’: Where to get a breakfast of steaming tea-soaked rice in Tokyo

                                                                                              by  Dec. 2 2016

It’s one of Japan’s most comforting of comfort foods: a bowl of rice with a hot pot of tea poured on top. Ochazuke, literally “steeped in tea”, is typically served at the end of meal or a night out, but it can also make for a quick and light Japanese breakfast. The dish can be traced back to the Heian Period (794-1185), when it took the form of hot water poured over cold rice. Tea replaced hot water during the Edo Period (1603-1868), and the dish evolved again in the 1950s when Nagatanien started selling “instant” ochazuke packets containing powdered tea and kombu (kelp). Ochazuke has continued to change; nowadays, it is possible to find it served with an umami-rich seafood dashi.

My favorite version is made by an ochazuke specialty chain, Dashi-chazuke En. Its dashi is made from several types of fish — soda-gatsuo (frigate tuna), saba (Pacific mackerel), katsuo (bonito, or skipjack tuna) and iriko (dried sardines) — with konbu, salt and chicken stock rounding out the broth. The morning set, served from 8-10 a.m., is around ¥500. There are a few options for toppings, including salmon, chicken or nine lightly pickled vegetables. Dashi-chazuke En’s branch in Shinjuku Station is easy to find: Exit the station’s west exit, pass the kōban (police box) and you’ll see the chain on your right.

Inside, jazz music plays in the background and you can sip your hot breakfast watching harried passersby on their way to work. There are branches of Dashi-chazuke En throughout Tokyo, but not all are open for breakfast.

On the other side of the city is Sushi Sei, which has a branch inside Tokyo Station’s basement. Its popular tai gomadare (sesame sauce sea bream) breakfast is available from 7-10 a.m. It includes a bowl of rice and a pot of dashi served with thin slices of sea bream sashimi folded like a flower and surrounded with a thick, rich sesame dressing. You can make your own ochazuke by mixing the ingredients together and dressing them with the hot savory broth. Garnish with nori slivers and arare (rice crackers) to complete the dish. The sesame sauce brings a welcome nuttiness to the fishy broth.

Farther away, but good to remember for when you’re flying out of Tokyo, is Ogura in Haneda Airport. The original shop in Ginza is an upscale location renowned for its Satsuma-age (fried fishcakes) served in a hot broth. The ochazuke at Ogura is substantial and served with cha meshi (rice cooked with dashi). There are many toppings to choose from, including aji no namero (horse mackerel tartare), seared mentaiko (spicy pollack roe) or salmon with ikura (salmon roe).

There’s nothing more soothing than a big, nutritious bowl of steaming tea-soaked rice before a flight — especially if you’re leaving at an ungodly hour.

Dashi-chazuke En Odakyu Ace, Nishiguchi underground mall No. 1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; 03-6279-4196; open Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-10:30 p.m. (L.O.), Sun. and hols. until 9:30 p.m. (L.O.); www.dashichazuke-en.com. Tsukiji Sushi Sei Tokyo Station GranSta Dining 1F, 1-9-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,

Tokyo; 03-5220-6865; open 7-10 a.m. daily for breakfast; www.tsukijisushisay.co.jp/store/tokyo.html. Ogura Edo Koji, International Terminal 4F, Haneda Kuko 2-6-5, Ota-ku, Tokyo; 03-5755-9920; open daily 6 a.m.-midnight (L.O.); bit.ly/2fLkID5.

The USS Arizona Memorial and the Battleship Missouri Memorial rest in the heart of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 5. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit the naval base in Hawaii, the scene of Japan's attack in World War II, later this month. | KYODO  / |

Abe’s Pearl Harbor visit rooted in pragmatism amid uncertainties surrounding Trump                                    by Staff Writer

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit this month to Pearl Harbor will be a historic gesture that represents the strength of the Japan-U.S. alliance and the evolution of the bilateral relationship since World War II. But the trip is also rooted in pragmatism amid uncertainties surrounding the incoming administration of outspoken and erratic U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.

Experts have lauded the timing of the visit, which will coincide with the final summit between Abe and outgoing President Barack Obama on Dec. 26 and 27. Although it had been in the planning stages since the two nations marked the 70th anniversary of World War II’s end — far ahead of Trump’s electoral victory — they say the meeting is expected to send a message to Trump that the alliance in its current form works. The alliance has seen significant progress under the stewardship of Abe and Obama; the two sides in 2015 upgraded their defense guidelines for the first time in 18 years, and Tokyo enacting contentious security laws this year allowing the Self-Defense Forces to aid the U.S. military in limited scenarios.

Yet despite this progress, Trump has unnerved U.S. allies, including Japan, by saying during the election campaign that they must cough up more cash if they wish to shelter under the U.S. security umbrella. Trump also ripped Obama’s much-trumpeted visit to Hiroshima — the first by a sitting U.S. president. He openly questioned whether Obama discussed Pearl Harbor with Japanese officials during the visit, and proclaimed that “thousands of American lives were lost.” More than 2,400 U.S. servicemen and civilians were killed in the devastating sneak attack on Dec. 7, 1941, that thrust the U.S. into the war. Kent Calder, director of the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, said Abe’s visit could soften the incoming administration’s view of Japan. “It also probably makes the U.S.-Japan alliance more constructive to some of Trump’s supporters, or at least more palatable … because it looks like Abe is being contrite, and that he is reflecting on what Japan did and he is not insisting on both taking economic advantage and historical or geopolitical advantage,” Calder said. For Abe, visiting Pearl Harbor is among the foremost postwar issues he has been keen to settle. Last year, he became the first sitting prime minister to address a joint session of Congress, during which he mentioned Pearl Harbor and the Japanese attack. Yet settlement does not necessarily mean an apology. During a Monday news conference, the prime minister emphasized the nature of the visit as intended to “console victims” of the Japanese attack 75 years ago. This phrasing was similar to Abe’s speech in Congress, where he also avoided using more direct language that might constitute an apology. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga on Tuesday echoed Abe, making it clear that the purpose of the visit is to remember the victims, not to apologize for Japan’s actions. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, who will be traveling with Abe, repeated that position. While the White House has welcomed Abe’s announcement, bitter feelings on the U.S. side may remain. When asked if the U.S. government expects an apology, White House press secretary Josh Earnest noted that veterans and survivors “may feel personally embittered.” Still, Earnest added that he is “confident that many will set aside their own personal bitterness … because they recognize how important this moment is for the United States.” Sheila Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said that rather than focusing on apologies, the two countries should instead devote their energies to preventing a repeat of war.“I think it is an important place for Japanese and Americans to think how far we’ve come,” Smith said. “I think that what we all need to remember today is that wars are devastatingly costly to everybody. Abe’s visit demonstrates the acceptance of the consequences for Japan of that decision.”

For Obama, the trip by Abe is a chance to burnish his legacy — especially considering the beating it has taken by Trump, who has bashed his other signature achievements, including the Iran nuclear deal and diplomatic normalization with Cuba. Experts, however, agree that the big winner of the visit will be Abe. Fumiaki Kubo, a professor of U.S. government and history at the University of Tokyo, said that with a single trip, Abe would have the chance to cast aside a perception that has long dogged him — the label that he is a staunch historical revisionist. “Even though Abe is still viewed as a revisionist, he has made more progress in wartime reconciliation than any other prime minister,” Kubo said. “This could be a model case for a reconciliation and set an example that both sides have to make efforts.” While Abe and Obama have tried to avoid politicizing the Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor visits, political analyst Harumi Arima said Tokyo is likely to view this month’s visit as providing a boost for Abe if he were to call a snap general election early next year. “Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is dead and it is unlikely that we will see progress on the return of any of the four islands off Hokkaido at the upcoming Japan-Russia summit talks,” Arima said, referring to the decades-long territorial row that has prevented Tokyo and Moscow from inking a formal peace treaty. “Abe needed something to help present a rosy picture to the public.”


雷撃隊指揮官 語らなかった真珠湾 日米開戦75年

  • 印刷

真珠湾攻撃直前の12月7日付で途絶えている北嶋一良さんのメモ。戦死した部下の名前や住所などが書かれた別のメモが添えられていた。 太平洋戦争後の人生を、宗教の道にささげた旧海軍航空隊の将校がいた。兵庫県別府村(現加古川市)出身の故北嶋一良(いちろう)さん。戦友とのつながりを絶ち、体験を明かすことをかたくなに拒否して過ごした日々の陰に、日米開戦を告げた真珠湾攻撃があったという。1941(昭和16)年12月8日から75年。今も残る遺品の数々から、北嶋さんの思いの一端が浮かび上がる。 手帳、写真、手紙、勲章…。北嶋さんが73年に亡くなった後、押し入れから出てきた段ボールには、戦時中の品が詰まっていた。

 「天理教明親分教会」(兵庫県播磨町)の教会長を継いだ三男常生(つねお)さん(65)が言う。「いろいろ残っているんですが、戦争に対する率直な心情が分かるものが少ないんです。生前に処分したんでしょうか」 その中に、真珠湾攻撃前後の行動を日ごとにまとめたメモがあった。41年11月18日付に始まり、「ハワイ攻撃につき隊長説明」(23日付)、「出港」(26日付)、「慰安演芸会」(12月2日付)などと細かく記している。攻撃直前の12月7日付は「総員戦闘配置」「隊長の話し」などに続き、はやりの民謡から取ったとみられる一節。その日の記述なのか、後から書き加えたのかは分からない。



 1912(明治45)年生まれの北嶋さんは、旧制加古川中(現加古川東高)を卒業後、海軍兵学校をへて艦上攻撃機の操縦員に。37(昭和12)年の日中戦争開戦直後から中国大陸で空爆に参加し、真珠湾攻撃当時は29歳の海軍大尉だった。 任務は、敵艦に低空で近づき、魚雷を投下する空母「加賀」の雷撃隊指揮官。攻撃の主力と位置付けられた部隊で、搭乗員は飛行訓練を積んで結束を固めた。北嶋さんは、12機36人を率いて真珠湾へ出撃する。防衛研究所(東京)が所蔵する「飛行機隊戦闘行動調書」などによると、雷撃隊は加賀を含む空母4隻の40機120人で編成。米艦隊に大きな被害を与えた一方、対空砲火を受け、日本側戦死者のおよそ4分の1に当たる5機15人が戻らなかった。その全員が、北嶋さんと行動を共にした加賀の隊員だった。




 これに対し、当時の行動を記録した北嶋さんのメモには、攻撃後の受け止めが書かれていない。記述は12月7日付でいったん途絶え、加賀で南方に転戦した翌42(昭和17)年1月に飛ぶ。 その代わりなのか、同じ様式のメモが1枚挟み込まれていた。記されていたのは戦死した15人の名前。それぞれに住所と親族の名前、続柄が書き添えてある。


 北嶋さんは、加賀がミッドウェー海戦で沈む2カ月前の同年4月、神奈川・横須賀の海軍航空技術廠(しょう)へ転属。試作機のテストパイロットなどを務め、国内で45(昭和20)年8月15日の終戦を迎えた。 3カ月後、母が信仰していた天理教の「修養科」に入り、教えを説く道へ進む。家計は戦時中よりも格段に苦しくなり、庭で育てた野菜で食いつないだ。 戦争を生き延びた航空隊員は、経験を生かして自衛隊や航空会社に入った人も多かった。北嶋さんにもいくつか誘いがあったが、全て断り、宗教に専念したという。強い絆で結ばれた海軍兵学校の出身者とも距離を置いた。 49年、現在の加古川市にあった明親分教会の教会長に就任。朝夕のつとめや信者宅の訪問を丁寧に続け、夫を亡くした農家で畑作業を手伝うなど一人一人に寄り添った。 義妹はるのさん(95)=加古川市=は、周囲から真珠湾攻撃について尋ねられた北嶋さんの返事を記憶している。「たくさんの部下を亡くし、たくさんの人を殺した。そんな体験を話すようなことは、一切したくない」。家族も、戦争の話題に触れなくなった。 どんな気持ちで宗教者になり、日々を暮らしたのか、三男の常生(つねお)さん(65)は聞いたことがない。父の姿が「戦没者への慰霊の気持ちを心に秘め、意志を貫き通している」ように映った一方、「戦争で人の死に直面しなければ、別の生き方を選んでいたはず」とも思った。


 73年、肝硬変により60歳で亡くなった北嶋さん。晩年、出版社から真珠湾攻撃の取材依頼があったことを常生さんは覚えている。 父がどう対応したのかは分からない。ただ、出版された書籍が遺品に含まれていた。日米の生存者から聞き取った生々しい感情や描写を軸に、攻撃の経緯をまとめている。

 著者の後書きで、「とくに助けになった」とする21人の中に父の名前があった。だが、400ページ近い本文で登場するのは、指揮官一覧の表中と、「加賀の雷撃隊を率いた」という客観的な短い記述だけだった。 常生さんは、何度も読み返した。「(日本側は)雷撃機五機を失った」という箇所に鉛筆の傍線が引かれていた。75年前の父の心境に触れた文章は、やはり見当たらなかった。(小川 晶)

【真珠湾攻撃】 1941年12月8日(日本時間)、日本軍の機動部隊が、米ハワイ・オアフ島の真珠湾の基地や米太平洋艦隊を攻撃機や爆撃機、特殊潜航艇などで急襲した。約2400人の米国人が死亡。日本側は空母「加賀」の雷撃隊15人を含む60人余りが戦死した。日本は米英に宣戦布告し、太平洋戦争が始まった。

 12.8 2016 神戸新聞                   真珠湾攻撃の総指揮官 戦争の実相、伝道で訴え



 真珠湾攻撃当時、海軍中佐だった淵田さんは、搭乗機から「トラトラトラ(ワレ奇襲ニ成功セリ)」の暗号文を打電。攻撃を成功させた総指揮官として日本国内で「英雄」となり、連合艦隊航空参謀などを務めて1945(昭和20)年の終戦を迎えた。 6年後、49歳の時に洗礼を受ける。淵田さんの直筆原稿をまとめた「真珠湾攻撃総隊長の回想」(講談社)によると、1人の米国人宣教師との出会いがきっかけだったとされる。 戦時中、米軍による日本本土の初空襲に加わり、中国大陸で日本軍の捕虜になった故ジェイコブ・ディシェイザーさん。収容所で真珠湾攻撃や戦友の処刑に対する怒りがこみあげる中、聖書を読んで信仰に目覚め、終戦後は大阪で布教に携わっていた。その姿が、連合国側への憎悪を抱えていた淵田さんを引き付けたという。 淵田さんの憎しみの背景には、日本の戦争責任を問う極東国際軍事裁判などとともに、原爆が投下された直後の広島へ被害調査に入った経験があった。眼窩(がんか)がつぶれ、皮膚が焼けただれた遺体、異臭。兄から水をもらって息絶えた幼い少女。惨状を目の当たりにした憤りは、戦後建立された原爆死没者慰霊碑の「安らかに眠って下さい」という文言にも向けられているほどだ。「兇悪(きょうあく)無残な兵器で、バラバラにちぎられて死んで行った、これらの人たちに、一体安らかに眠って呉(く)れなんて、そんな簡単な慰めで片付けられるのか」 淵田さんは、国内で伝道活動に取り組むとともに、欧米も繰り返し訪れて「地上から憎悪を取り去らなければ戦争は絶えない」と訴えた。 国内では海軍時代の同僚らから「武士にあるまじき」などと批判され、米国でも「(真珠湾攻撃の)古傷をつつくな」といった非難を浴びたが、ひるまなかったという。76年に73歳で亡くなるまで、講演、著作の出版、取材対応などを積極的にこなし、自身の知名度を生かして戦争の実相を伝え続けた。(小川 晶)


Okinawa Osprey crash not due to mechanical error: top U.S. officials

                                                                                    by Staff Writer        

Osprey crash-landing angers Okinawans, sparks nationwide debate



         安倍首相 四島で共同経済活動へ 平和条約締結へ重要な一歩


岸田外相 平和条約へ重要な一歩



       Abe-Putin summit ends with economic deals but no isle steps

                                                                                                                                                                                                     by Staff Writer           


       Snapshot of Japan-Russia economic cooperation agreements



The empty seat of Choi Soon-sil, who is accused of colluding with South Korean President Park Geun-hye to control government affairs and extort companies, is seen during a hearing at the National Assembly in Seoul on Wednesday. | REUTERS /

Park confidante at center of South Korean scandal defies order to appear before lawmakers

                                                                              AFP-JIJI, Bloomberg Dec.7,2016

A South Korean parliamentary probe into a corruption scandal engulfing President Park Geun-hye sought Wednesday to compel the woman in the eye of the storm to answer questions after she rejected a summons. Choi Soon-sil, a close friend of Park, has been charged with meddling in state affairs and using her presidential connections to force dozens of conglomerates to donate tens of millions of dollars to two foundations she controlled.

Choi was among a handful of key witnesses who rejected a summons to appear Wednesday before the parliamentary committee investigating the scandal.The reasons she offered — health issues and the need to prepare for her upcoming trial — were rejected by the committee chairman, Kim Sung-tae. “This hearing is being criticized as a Choi Soon-sil trial without Choi Soon-sil,” Kim said. “We will undertake all measures to make them appear,” Kim said, referring to Choi, some of her family members and close associates, as well as some former officials from the presidential Blue House. Half of the witness seats at the hearing were empty. On Kim’s direction, a group of around 20 men in dark suits and matching ties came forward and were handed envelopes with the names of the absent witnesses. He instructed them to bring the witnesses to the National Assembly by the beginning of the afternoon session, and added that any who refused would be held in contempt and punished. Noncompliance can carry a maximum five-year prison term. But by the time the afternoon session began, Choi’s seat remained empty with only her niece turning up to face questioning. Wednesday’s morning session largely focused on former Blue House chief of staff Kim Ki-choon, with lawmakers seeking clarification on the influence Choi wielded over Park. Some of Choi’s close associates, including a prominent fashion designer, were also questioned. The designer, Koh Young-tae, whose relationship with Choi has been the subject of lurid media gossip, testified to the power Choi appeared to wield over senior administration officials. He particularly noted her treatment of Kim Chong, a former vice sports minister who is now under arrest on charges of awarding lucrative contracts to Choi and trying to help her meddle in preparations for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. “Choi constantly gave orders to Kim … as if he was her personal assistant,” Koh told the televised hearing. He also suggested Choi had controlled the president’s wardrobe choices, saying he provided Choi with about 100 items of clothing and up to 40 bags that he saw Park wearing in public for years. On Tuesday, the committee had grilled the heads of the country’s eight largest conglomerates over donations they made to two dubious foundations controlled by Choi. The session was televised live and millions watched in astonishment as some of the country’s wealthiest and most powerful men were publicly hauled over the coals and accused of shoddy business practices. The scandal has sparked mass rallies across South Korea, with protesters calling Park a “puppet” of the Choi family and demanding she resign immediately. South Korea’s opposition pressed forward with plans for impeachment proceedings against Park Geun-hye on Friday, as an ally of the president said she was “ready” to face the vote. Park was prepared to accept the results, Chung Jin-suk, floor leader of the ruling Saenuri Party, said in televised comments Tuesday after meeting with the president. If parliament votes in favor of impeaching her, Chung said she would wait for the constitutional court to rule on the measure. The opposition planned to introduce a motion to impeach Thursday. A majority of the parliament has endorsed the motion, which requires a 24 hour waiting period before the impeachment vote can take place. Passage could pacify the anti-Park protests that have been swelling by the week in Seoul. Should the president survive the vote, the demonstrators may return, growing increasingly frustrated as the country limps along through political uncertainty. Opposition lawmakers said Monday they might have enough votes in the 300-seat parliament to pass the measure. If 200 or more lawmakers vote in favor, Park would be suspended from power while a constitutional court takes as many as 180 days to review the move. If the court agrees, a presidential election would be held in 60 days, with the prime minister staying on as interim leader.


               Kanji meaning gold or money picked as best symbolizing 2016


                                        My House ;  Merry Christmas !



               陽は落ちて... 陽は叉昇り... 



 カモメに餌やりを楽しむ人がいる この人、夏は鳩に、冬は鴎に 餌やり、ハーバーウォークで...













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