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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Russian Far East port city of Vladivostok on Sept. 2. | KYODO /

Japan considers option of seeking return of Russian-held islands in two stages

                                                             JIJI  Article history                 The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is examining the option of concluding a peace treaty with Russia upon Moscow’s agreement to return two of the four disputed islands northeast off Hokkaido, government sources said Sunday. Abe hopes to resolve the long-standing sovereignty issue involving the Russian-controlled islands, also called the Northern Territories, in a flexible manner without sticking to the conventional stance of realizing the return of all of them at once, the sources said. The prime minister is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Peru on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit in November and hold a bilateral summit in Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, in December.

According to the sources, Tokyo is considering concluding a peace treaty with Moscow to formally end World War II hostilities between the two countries by striking a deal stipulating the return of the Habomai group of islets and Shikotan Island. As for the larger Etorofu and Kunashiri islands, the Abe government will propose tentative joint administration and offer Japan’s cooperation for the economic promotion and development. Talks on their return to Japan will be held later. The government also aims to facilitate Japanese nationals’ visa-free visits to the islands. Japan has sought the return of the four islands, occupied by Soviet troops in the closing days of World War II, together, based on demands from former residents of the islands and part of the conservative bloc. But talks over the islands have made little headway, with Russia insisting that they became its territory as a result of the war. To break the deadlock, Abe has found it necessary to take “a novel approach,” the sources said.The sources also said prospects for an agreement on the territorial issue have risen, pointing out that hit by resources price falls and Western economic sanctions over the Ukraine issue, Russia now calls on Japan to step up economic cooperation. Furthermore, Abe and Putin have fostered relations of mutual trust and a “political vacuum” created by presidential election campaigns in the United States gives Japan a chance to achieve a deal with Russia, they noted. But critics warn of a possible backlash from the Japanese public against the vague handling of Etorofu and Kunashiri, which make up 93 percent of the total area of the four islands. In addition, optimism cannot be warranted that Russia will discuss the two islands’ return after concluding a peace treaty.

“You can’t expect at all Russia to hand over militarized Etorofu, in particular,” said an aide to Keywords      



               Koike exposes the dark side of the ‘Iron Triangle’

                                                                        by Special To The Japan Times      

      Koike, IOC chief agree to cooperate on cutting cost of Olympics

                                                                                  by Staff Writer         

Toyosu market delay may prompt government payouts to those affected by the postponement of the move


The seven-member panel, to be headed by lawyer Isomi Suzuki, will include a certified public accountant and a consultant for smaller businesses. It will draw up a compensation program after hearing from market industry groups so it can determine the size of losses.

“We will closely listen to related business operators and promptly draw up and implement the compensation program,” Koike said at a regular news conference.

The relocation of the Tsukiji market from Chuo Ward to Toyosu, in neighboring Koto Ward, had been initially slated to take place on Monday next week.

But Koike, who was elected Tokyo governor in late July, announced in August the transfer was to be delayed for various reasons, including concerns over soil contamination and relocation costs that surpassed initial estimates.

She was particularly incensed at the failure to lay clean soil under some key facilities of the new market as was promised as part of anti-pollution measures that were to be taken before the facility was built. The site once housed a Tokyo Gas Co. plant.

At the news conference, she suggested that maintenance costs stemming from the postponement

of the relocation may be reduced to some ¥5 million per day from the ¥7 million estimated earlier.



        ‘The First Modern Japanese’: Donald Keene pays tribute to poet Takuboku Ishikawa

                                                                      by Special To The Japan Times              


After quakes, Kumamoto tourism industry takes another hit with eruption of Mount Aso

                                                                                                                                                  Kyodo Article history       




            阿蘇山噴火で首都圏危機? 専門家「首都直下地震や富士山噴火の恐れゼロではない」

いったい何の予兆なのか。8日未明、阿蘇山で起きた爆発的噴火は噴煙が高さ1万1000メートルにまで達し、関西にまで降灰が予想される事態となった。阿蘇山が同様の規模の噴火を起こすのは実に36年ぶり。専門家は「熊本地震によって、日本最大級の活断層が刺激された可能性がある。首都直下地震や富士山の噴火につながる恐れも否定できない」と警鐘を鳴らしている。 真夜中に突如響いた大爆音に人々は顔をこわばらせた。8日午前1時46分ごろ、熊本県の阿蘇山の中岳第1火口で爆発的噴火が発生。1キロを超える広い範囲に噴石が飛散した可能性がある。 中岳第1火口で爆発的噴火が起きたのは、1980年1月26日以来、36年ぶり。政府は8日未明、首相官邸の危機管理センターに情報連絡室を設置。気象庁は、九州から関西までの120以上の市町村に火山灰が降るとの予報を出した。
 夕刊フジで「警戒せよ! 生死を分ける地震の基礎知識」(木曜)を連載する武蔵野学院大の島村英紀・特任教授(地震学)は「気象庁は阿蘇山の噴火警戒レベルを昨年11月、3から2へ引き下げており、今回も噴火を予知できなかった」と指摘した上で、こう話す。







Late-game heroics propel Fighters to brink of Japan Series title

                      Haruki Nishikawa slugs game-winning grand slam in ninth inning

                                                            by Staff Writer         



  Unsung hero Bass having sensational postseason for Fighters

                                                                                       by Staff Writer      


Starters Nomura, Masui slated to square off in Game 6

Otani, Kuroda could face off in potential Game 7





                                                                                                         スポーツ報知 11/1(火) 6:08配信



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