マークシート式テスト computer-scored examination [test]
埋蔵文化財 buried cultural properties
マイナス経済成長 negative economic growth
マイホーム主義 family-first principle
マイホーム主義者 family-oriented [home-oriented] person
前払い advance payment / paiment in advance
前払いカード prepaid card / paid-in-advance card
鮪(マグロ) tuna
末期(の) terminal 末期医療 terminal medical care 末期ガン terminal cancer
末期患者 terminally ill patient 末期患者病棟 palliative care unit [PCU]
窓際族 sidetracked employees / window-side workers
マナーモード(携帯電話の) silent mode (in a cell phone)
まな板 cutting
board / chopping block
真夏日 day of real
summer heat
招き猫 beckoning
間引き運転 thinned-out operation
麻薬 drug / narcotic /
麻薬犬 drug-sniffing dog 麻薬中毒 drug [narcotic] addiction
麻薬取締官 drug agent / drug enforcement officer
麻薬取引 drug trade / drug trafficking 麻薬密輸 drug smuggling
丸暗記 rote memorization
マルチ商法 pyramid selling [scheme] / multilevel marketing system
○×式テスト true-false test
眉つばもの fishy / [fish] story / unlikely story / unbelievable [incredible] story
満員電車 packed [jam-packed] train
満期 maturity
満場一致 unanimity / unanimous agreement
万引き shoplifting
万歩計 pedometer
マンモス mammoth
マンモス企業 mega-corporation / giant enterprise
マンモス銀行 megabank マンモス大学 megaversity
マンモス都市 megalopolis / megapolis
満塁ホームラン gland slam / bases-loaded homer
身内びいき nepotism
見切り品売買 clearance sale
三行(みくだり)半 notice of divorce (from the husband's side)
female atendant / shrine maiden
未公開株 unlisted share(s)
神輿(みこし) portable shrine
未婚の母 unwed mother / bachelor mother
未就学児 preschooler
未熟児 premature baby
水揚げ hauls / catches
水切り台 (米) drain board / (英) draining board
みずぼうそう chickenpox / varicella
水増し利益 inflated profits
水虫 athlete's foot
見せかけ裁判 show trial
fermented soybean paste
密教 esoteric
密集家屋 cluster house / built-up houses
密輸 smuggling / contraband
密漁 poaching
水俣病 Minamata mercury poisoning [disease]
見習い期間 probation period
身代金目的誘拐 kidnapping for ransom 身代金 ransom
身分証明書 identification [identity] card / ID card
耳かき ear pick
民営化 privatization / denationalization
国営化 nationalization
民間療法 folk remedy / folk medicine
民事再生法 (the) Civil Rehabilitation Law 民事訴訟 civil suit ※刑事訴訟
民族(の) ethnic / racial
民族間紛争 racial dispute [conflict]
民族共生 ethnic harmony 民族浄化 ethnic cleansing
民族抹殺 genocide
民法 civil code [law] ※ 刑法 criminal law
向かい風 head wind ※ 追い風 tail wind
迎え酒 the hair of the dog (that bit me)
大麦 barley 小麦 wheat ライ麦 rye 麦茶 barley tea
麦畑 barley [wheat] field 麦飯 boiled rice and barley
無機(の) inorganic / (有機の) organic 無機化合物 inorganic compound
無機肥料 inorganic fertilizer
無期懲役 life imprisonment / life sentence
無形文化財 intangible cultural asset [property]
無公害車 emission-free vehicle / pollution-free car
無呼吸症候群 apnea syndrome
無差別テロ indiscriminate terrorism
虫の知らせ premonition
無人(の) unmanned 有人の manned
無人宇宙船 unmanned spacecraft
無人宇宙飛行 unmanned space flight
無人踏切 unguarded [unattended] railway crossing
無神論者 atheist
無政府状態 anarchy
無担保ローン unsecured loan
むちうち症 whiplash injury [syndrome]
無賃乗車 fare cheating / fare bilking
無添加食品 additive-free food
無党派層 unaffiliated voters
無謀運転 reckless driving
無免許運転 driving without a license
村おこし village revitalization (project) 村八分 ostracism
無利子ローン interest-free [no-interest] loan
無料(の) free / complimentary 有料(の) chargeable / pay
無料医療 free medical care 無料乗車(ただ乗り) free ride
無料の飲み物 complimentary bevarage
無料電話番号 toll-free telephone number
名義変更 change of name [title] / transfer of ownership
名所 famous place/ place of interest
名所旧跡 scenic spots of historic
interest / places of natural beauty and historical interest
名目賃金 nominal wages [income] 実質賃金 real wages
名門大学 pestigious university [college]
名誉 honor
名誉回復 vindication / rehabilitation of one's honor
名誉毀損 libel / defamation (of character)
名誉毀損訴訟 libel suit / defamation suit
名誉教授 emeritus professor / professor emeritus
名誉市民 honorary citizen
迷惑電話 nuisance call / crank [annoying] call 迷惑メール junk e-mail /
目玉商品 eye-catcher / eye-catching item [article] / loss leader
sunny-side-up ※ 卵焼き
メモ用紙 memo pad / notepad / scratch pad
メル友 e-pal / cyber pal / cyber friend
メロドラマ soap opera
免疫 immunity (形) immune
後天性免疫不全症候群(エイズ) acquired immune deficiency
免職 dismissal
免税 tax exemption / duty exemption
免税品 duty-free goods / non-taxable goods
免税店 duty-free shop / tax-free shop
免責条項 escape clause / negligence clause
heat wave
盲腸炎 appendicitis
盲導犬 guide dog (for the vision impaired) / (米) seeing Eye (dog)
燃えないゴミ nonflammable garbage
モーニングコール wake-up call モーニングサービス breakfast special
モーレツ社員 eager-beaver employee / workaholic
黙秘権 right to keep silence
文字多重放送 video multiplex telecasting
持株会社 holding company
元請業者 prime contractor
元カレ old boyfriend
元栓 main cock [tap]
摸倣犯 copycat criminal [offender]
もやし bean sprouts
モルモット guinea pig
問題発言 controversial statement
文部科学省 (the) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
八百長 put-up job / fix / match-fixing
役員会 boad of directors
薬害 drug-induced disease
薬害エイズ drug-induced AIDS
薬害肝炎 drug-induced hepatitis
薬害訴訟 law suit on the drug-induced sufferings
薬事法 (the)
Medicine Act / (the) Pharmaceutical [Pharmacy] Law
薬価基準 standard prices of drugs
薬物依存症 drug dependence
薬局 pharmacy / drugstore / (英) chemist
約束手形 promissory note
unlucky age / year of bad luck
ridding one of bad luck / driving away evil spirits
やけど burn / scald
やじ馬 Nosy
Parker / curiosity-seeker
屋台商人 street vender
野党 opposition party 与党 ruling party
野党連合 coalition of non-government parties
ヤミ給与 secret salary [pay]
ヤミ金融 illegal loaning / illegal money lending
ヤラセ staging / faking / rigging / staged event
ヤラセ場面 staged [faked] scene
優越感 superiority complex ※ 劣等感 inferiority
遊園地 amusement park / recreation park
誘拐 kidnapping / abduction 身代金誘拐
kidnapping for a ransom
有害物質 toxic substances
有価証券 securities 有価証券一覧表 portfolio
有機(の) organic / 無機の inorganic
有機化合物 organic compound 有機性廃棄物 hazardous waste
有機農業 organic
agriculture [farming] 有機肥料 organic fertilizer
有機野菜 organiic vegetables / organically-grown vegetables
有給休暇 paid vacation [holiday] / vacation [holiday] with pay / day off with
pay / paid day off
優遇税制措置 tax privilege [break] 優遇措置 preferential treatment
有権者 (eligible) voter
有効求人倍率 ratio of job offers to job seekers
有罪判決 conviction
融資保証 loan guarantee / liability guarantee
有償ボランテイア paid volunteer
有事立法 emergency defense legislation
有人(の) manned 無人の unmanned 有人宇宙船 manned spacecraft
有人宇宙飛行 manned space flight
遊説(ゆうぜい) election campaign / (米) whistle-stopping
優性遺伝子 dominant gene 劣性遺伝子 recessive gene
優生保護法 (the) Eugenic Protection Act
誘導尋問 leading [loaded] question
郵便 mail / (英) post
郵便貯金 postal savings [deposits]
郵便番号 (米) zip code / (英) postcode
郵便為替 postal money order / postal draft / postal giro
遊歩道 promenade / mall
猶予期間 grace period ※ 執行猶予 say of
execution / suspended sentence
遊覧船 sightseeing boat / pleasure
有利子負担 interest-bearing debts
優良株 gilt-edged stock / blue chip
有料(の) chargeable / pay ※ 無料の free / complimentary (無料の)
有料駐車場 pay parking lot 有料テレビ pay television [TV]
有料電話 pay
telephone 有料道路 toll road
有料道路料金所 tollgate / tollbooth / toll station
有料老人ホーム pay nursing home / fee-charging for elderly
輸血 blood
transfusion [infusion]
輸出 export / import 輸入 inport / exportation
輸出自主規制 export
self-restraint / voluntary export restraint
輸出手形保険 export bill insurance
輸出補助金 export subsidy
輸入 import 輸出 export / importation
輸入課徴金 import surcharge
輸入規制[制限]import restriction
輸入割当(制)import quota (system)
ゆとり教育 education free of [from] pressure / cram-free education /
education with latitude
幼児 infant / child
幼児運賃 infant fare 大人料金 adult fare
幼児虐待 child abuse 幼児死亡率 infant mortality
養子縁組 adoption arrangement
養殖真珠 cultured pearl(s) 養殖魚 hatchery [aquacultured]
要注意人物 security risk
lumbargo / backache / lower back pain
容認社会 permissive [tolerant] society
養老保険 endowment insurance
余興 sideshow /
預金 deposit / bank account
預金金利 deposit interest rates
預金残高 balance of deposits 預金通帳 bankbook / passbook
抑止力 deterrent (force)
核抑止力 nuclear deterrent
予算 budget
国家予算 national
budget 暫定予算 provisional budget
補正予算 supplementary budget
予算案 budget bill / draft budget
余震 aftershock
寄席(よせ) variety theater /
storyteller's hall / (米) vaudevillian / (英) music
酔っ払い運転 drunken driving
与党 ruling party 野党
opposition party / (米) administration party
予備校 preparatory [prep] school
鎧(よろい) armor
四輪駆動車 four-wheel-drive car [vehicle] [4WD]
comic storytelling / comic monologue ※ 寄席
酪農 daily farming
酪農製品 daily product
落葉樹 decidious tree ※
常緑樹 evergreen
拉致 abduction / kidnapping
拉致者 abductor 拉致被害者 abductee
ラッシュアワー rush hour(s)
乱気流 air turbulence
利益団体 interest group 利益率 profit ratio [rate]
陸上競技 track and field competition
陸上自衛隊 (the) Ground Self-Defense Force[GSDF] ※ 自衛隊 [SDF]
リコール隠し recall cover-up
離婚訴訟 divorce suit
リサイクルショップ secondhand shop [store] / thrift shop
リサイクル品収集所 recycling collection point
利子所得 interest income
離職者 a person who has left his job
離職率 job turnover / (employment) turnover rate
リストラ restructuring
利付き債 interest-bearing bond
立憲君主国 constitutional monarchy
立候補 candidacy 立候補者 candidate
立体テレビ three-dimensional television [3-D TV] / stereoscopic television
立体駐車場 multistory parking lot / multilevel car park
立地条件 geographical condition
立法権 legislative power [branch]
離乳食 weaning food / baby food
リベート kickback
利回り yield 最終利回り yield to maturity
略式(の) summary 略式起訴 summary indictment
略式手続 summary proceedings 略式命令 summary order
流産 miscarriage
留置場 detention room / lockup
流通 distribution / circulation
流通機構 distribution
system [network, channel]
流通経路 distribution channel 流通市場 circulation market
distribution network
流動食 liquid food
領海 territorial waters [sea]
領空 territorial airspace
領空侵犯 encroachment of air space
領土 territory (形) territorial
領土拡大 territorial expansion
領土主権 territorial sovereignty 領土の保全 territorial integrity
領土問題 territorial issue
領事 consul
領事館 consulate
総領事 consul general
名誉領事 honorary consul
量的緩和策 quantitative relaxation
量販店 volume retailer [seller] /
retailer dealing in large quantities
療法 therapy
化学療法 chemotherapy
睡眠療法 hypnotic
集団療法 group
therapy 心理療法 psychotherapy
電気療法 electrotherapy 物理療法 physical therapy
放射線療法 radiation
therapy 療法士 therapist
利用率 load factor (旅客機) / occupancy rate (ホテル)
緑化計画 afforestation project
臨界 criticality (形) critical
臨界温度 critical temperature 臨界実験装置 critical assembly
臨界点 critical level [point]
臨海工業地帯 coastal industrial zone [area]
稟議書 requisitions for
managerial decision
臨死体験 near-death experience 臨床医学 clinical medicine
輪番制 rotating system
累進課税 graduated taxation / progressive taxation
累積(の) cumulative 累積赤字 cumulative deficit 累積債務 cumulative debt
留守番電話 answering machine / telephone message recorder
礼金 key
冷戦 (the)
Cold War
冷房病 sickness from
レーザー laser
レーザー顕微鏡 scanning laser microscope
レーザー手術 laser surgery レーザー内視鏡 laser endoscope
歴史上の人物 historical figures 歴史的記念物 historical monument
レジャー leisure レジャーカー recreational vehicle [RV]
レジャー支出 leisure-related expenditures
leisure goods [items]
劣化ウラン弾 depleted-uranium shell
劣性遺伝子 recessive gene 優性遺伝子 dominant gene
劣等感 inferiority complex
優越感 superiority complex
連結決算 consolidated accounts /
consolidated financial settlement
lotus root
連座制 guilt by
連鎖反応 chain reaction / domino effect
winning streak / straight wins / consecutive victories
losing streak / consecutive defeats
連帯責任 joint responsibility 連帯保証人
cosignatory / cosigner / joint
レントゲン X-ray (test)
レントゲン写真 X-ray film [photograph]
レントゲン診断 X-ray diagnosis
連立 coalition
連立政府 coalition government 連立内閣 coalition cabinet
連立与党 ruling coalition (parties)
労災保険 industrial injury
労使 labor and management
労使関係 labor-management
労使協約 labor-management contract
労使交渉 labor management negosiations
labor-management dispute
老人 senior citizen / (個人) an aged [old,elderly] person / (総称)
the aged [old,elderly]
老人医学 geriatrics 老人介護 caring for the aged
老人差別 discrimination against the aged 老人パワー gray power
老人ホーム home for the aged 老齢年金 old-age pension
寝たきり老人 bedridden old [aged] person
労働 labor / work / employment
労働契約 employment
労働組合[労使] labor union 労働条件 working conditions
労働生産性 labor productivity
労働者 worker / workman / laborer / employee
季節労働者 seasonal worker 熟練労働者 skilled worker
出稼ぎ労働者 migrant
worker 日雇労働者 day laborer
労働者災害補償保険 workmen's accident compensation insurance
労働者賠償保険 workmen's compensation insurance
unsuccessful examinee
ローマ法王[教皇] (the) Pope / (the) Pontiff
ローマ法王庁 (the) Holy See / (the) Vatican
路上駐車 on-the street parking /
cars parked in the streets
路線バス regular route bus / bus on a
regular route
露天商人 street vender
ロボット robot ヒト型ロボット humanoid robot
介護ロボット robot for nurcing care
産業用ロボット industrial
二足歩行型ロボット robot walking on two legs
両面テープ double-stick tape / double-faced tape
bribe / bribery
和解金 reconciliation
rubber band
山葵(ワサビ) Japanese horseradish
割り当て制度 quota system
disposable [throwaway] chopsticks
割引 discount
割引運賃 discount fare 割引債券 discount debenture [bond]
割増し賃金 extra wages
湾岸戦争 (the) Gulf War / (the) War in the Gulf
ワンギリ "wan-giri"
callback scam