
                               Summer Vacation



Nikko-Kisuge, Lily : Rokko Mt., Kobe
Nikko-Kisuge, Lily : Rokko Mt., Kobe
    Gold Fish ; Dojima River Forum, Osaka
    Gold Fish ; Dojima River Forum, Osaka

Osaka; Furin, Wind Bell in Summer
Osaka; Furin, Wind Bell in Summer
Shirahama, Wakayama Pref.
Shirahama, Wakayama Pref.

Tigers; Toritani's Record has Stopped
Tigers; Toritani's Record has Stopped
Hiroshima: Orizuru-Kaikan ; Folded-Paper Crane Tower Hall
Hiroshima: Orizuru-Kaikan ; Folded-Paper Crane Tower Hall
サラッとごちそうさん!「茶がゆ」 朝日 2016 8.3
サラッとごちそうさん!「茶がゆ」 朝日 2016 8.3
Shodoshima Island is famous place for Shomen-noodle
Shodoshima Island is famous place for Shomen-noodle
Japanese Average Life Expectancy ; Men, 80.79 Women, 87.05
Japanese Average Life Expectancy ; Men, 80.79 Women, 87.05

       Tokyo Gubernatorial Election ; Miss Koike , New Tokyo Gubernar


Former Diet lawmaker Yuriko Koike cheers after the results of the Tokyo gubernatorial election are announced on Sunday evening. | SATOKO KAWASAKI / Former environment minister Yuriko Koike wins landslide election as Tokyo’s first female governor

LDP veteran makes history despite defying own p    by Staff Writer Aug.1 2016

Former environment minister Yuriko Koike of the Liberal Democratic Party was elected Tokyo governor Sunday, winning a landslide victory to become the first capital’s female leader. Despite defiantly running without the LDP’s consent, Koike, 64, defeated her two top rivals and will now oversee a city of more than 13 million residents. “I would like to implement new policies that no one has ever seen,” Koike told supporters as she learned victory was imminent. Her main rivals were former internal affairs minister Hiroya Masuda, the preferred choice of the LDP-Komeito ruling coalition, and veteran journalist Shuntaro Torigoe, who was backed by the main opposition bloc led by the Democratic Party and the Japanese Communist Party. Final tallies showed Koike won 2,912,628 votes, far surpassing Masuda’s 1,793,453 votes and Torigoe’s 1,346,103 votes. Voter turnout, meanwhile, hit 59.73 percent, up 13.59 percentage points from the 46.14 percent turnout registered in Tokyo’s last gubernatorial election in February 2014. As the capital’s first female governor, Koike vowed to pursue policies that will promote better conditions for women. “I believe that pushing policies for women will be good for Tokyo and bring happiness to the capital,” she said. “I received so much support from women this election. The support made me think deeply that I have a responsibility to work on the issues of waiting lines for day care centers, elderly care and work-life balance,” Koike told reporters. Meanwhile, Masuda bowed and apologized to his supporters for the loss after Koike’s victory was reported. “I am sorry that it turned out to be like this, even though I received strong support,” he said, according to Kyodo. Torigoe told reporters that he failed “because of a lack of ability,” despite support from the four major opposition parties. Still, he emphasized that the opposition parties should nevertheless join forces in the next Lower House election.

“Cooperation of the four opposition parties is needed from now on, too,” Torigoe stressed. The three top contenders promised to alleviate the chronic shortage of day care and nursing facilities, and beef up disaster preparedness in the quake-prone capital. They also said they would study how to rein in the ballooning costs of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics if elected. Among her competitors, Torigoe, 76, was the only one to explicitly stand opposed to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, president of the LDP. The former journalist also pledged to work toward halting or decommissioning all nuclear reactors within 250 km of Tokyo. Masuda promised to bolster steps against cyberattacks and terrorism ahead of the Tokyo Games in 2020. As part of her platform, Koike said she would strive to return Tokyo to its position as Asia’s leading international financial capital by making full use of the city’s “special economic zone” strategy. The former Diet member, who has served in both chambers since 1992 and held Cabinet portfolios ranging from the environment to Okinawa affairs and, briefly, defense, angered the LDP’s Tokyo chapter in June by defying custom and announcing her candidacy before receiving the party’s blessing, prompting the ruling bloc to endorse her lesser-known foe, former Iwate Gov. Masuda. The opposition meanwhile decided to support Torigoe just days before the filing deadline, after several names had emerged. Koike tactically stressed that she was “fighting alone” without any backing. She even referred to herself as the 15th century French war heroin Joan of Arc, vowing to march on even if it meant being burned to death. The approach apparently worked in her favor. Koike entered politics after working as a TV Tokyo news anchor. Thanks to her TV exposure, she won the first Upper House seat in 1992 for the now-defunct Japan New Party (Nihon Shinto). She switched to the Lower House the following year, and retained her seat for eight consecutive terms. Fluent in Arabic, Koike also worked as a translator before appearing on TV. As an LDP lawmaker, she served as environment minister from 2003 to 2006 under Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and initiated the Cool Biz campaign, encouraging office workers to dress casually during the summer to reduce electricity use. She was also state minister in charge of Okinawa and Northern Territories affairs. To stress her environment-friendly image, Koike donned a green headband and asked her supporters to wear something green as well. Sunday’s race was the fourth since 2011, after the three previous governors stepped down before their four-year terms ended. Shintaro Ishihara quit in October 2012 to run for the Diet, while Naoki Inose resigned in December 2013 with just a year in office under his belt after facing intense criticism for accepting ¥50 million from scandal-tainted hospital chain Tokushukai. In June, Yoichi Masuzoe stepped down over widespread questions about his spending of political funds, including his alleged purchase of expensive artworks with taxpayer cash.A record 21 candidates vied to become the new face of the metropolis, including former freelance journalist Takashi Uesugi, entrepreneur Mac Akasaka and former Kasai Mayor Chozo Nakagawa.


Yuriko Koike, fresh off her landslide victory in the Tokyo gubernatorial election, holds a news conference Monday at her campaign office in Toshima Ward. | KYODO  / |

Savvy campaign helped Koike’s election as Tokyo’s first female governor        

             by                                                       Article history         

“The result was much better than I thought,” a relaxed Koike told reporters at her office in Toshima Ward on Monday morning. “I’ve fought this battle with no organizational backup and I’m moved to see just how each single vote could evolve into a big movement,” she said. Koike, 64, became the first female governor of Tokyo on Sunday by winning a race that saw an impressive voter turnout of 59.73 percent — one of the highest in recent decades and about 14 points up from the previous gubernatorial election in 2014. The former defense minister received 2.91 million votes in total, well outdistancing her two main rivals, the Liberal Democratic Party-endorsed Hiroya Masuda, who won 1.79 million votes, and the opposition-backed Shuntaro Torigoe, who got 1.34 million votes. Despite her commanding victory, however, questions remain over how Koike will manage her thorny relationship with the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, which she suggested was a hotbed of corruption after declaring her candidacy in early July. Koike’s purported commitment to promoting diversity in society may be somewhat undercut by her past ties with ultraconservative organizations such as Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference). Experts by and large attribute Koike’s strong showing to a campaign strategy that successfully won over voters’ sympathy by portraying her as the underdog in a battle against Masuda and Torigoe, both of whom secured the backing of the top two political parties. “Voters were drawn into the ‘Koike theater,’ ” said Shigeru Tamura, a professor of municipal studies at Niigata University.

Koike initially expressed her intention to run without consulting the Tokyo chapter of the LDP, an act of defiance that eventually cost her the ruling party’s endorsement. After that, she consistently portrayed herself as an iconoclastic challenger to male-dominated establishment politics, aligning herself with women and children and vowing to “revolutionize” Tokyo. Distancing herself from existing parties and the status quo gained the attention of the public, especially swing voters, Tamura said. The image strategy Koike’s campaign used to such great effect was exemplified by the tactic of encouraging supporters to attend speeches dressed in her signature shade of green. As the campaign drew to a close, more and more people showed up bearing something green, with some even touting broccoli sprouts and cucumbers. The technique served to make the increase in public support for Koike visual, said LDP lawmaker Masatu Wakasa, who has strenuously supported her every step of the way at the risk of antagonizing his party. Both Tamura and Wakasa, who was speaking to reporters after Sunday’s election, said gaffes and missteps committed by the Masuda and Torigoe campaigns also impacted the outcome. While making a speech supporting Masuda, outspoken former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara launched into a personal attack against Koike, calling her “thickly made-up,” which was followed immediately by a burst of laughter from Masuda himself. The LDP’s Tokyo chapter also reportedly warned its members in writing that if they and their families did not support Masuda over Koike, they would face possible expulsion. Such heavy-handedness was probably regarded by many voters as “an act against today’s morals,” Wakasa said. Torigoe meanwhile struggled amid allegations that he sexually harassed a female college student 13 years ago. Although Koike appears to have emerged from the race unscathed, all eyes are now on whether she will stick to her initial hostility toward the assembly, which she said in early July she would “dissolve” upon becoming governor.

Realizing that such a scenario is impossible under current law, however, Koike watered down her rhetoric against the assembly Monday, saying she will instead “seek its cooperation.” “I think we can both agree that we need to prioritize the interests of Tokyo residents,” she said. “If we don’t cooperate, our policies will stagnate, which would eventually be detrimental to Tokyo residents. ”Yasushi Aoyama, a professor of metropolitan politics at Meiji University and a former vice Tokyo governor, said he believes Koike is well aware of how she should behave. “To implement her policies, she will need to cooperate with the Tokyo assembly,” Aoyama said, adding that sour relations with the assembly would inevitably disrupt efforts to pass ordinances and budgets.

“What she said during the campaign is one thing. How she will actually conduct herself will be another thing,” he said. Another possible Achilles’ heel is her past link to ultraconservative organizations, such as Nippon Kaigi, a connection that casts doubt on the seriousness of her pledges to shake up the traditional male-dominated mindset. Tamotsu Sugano, author of the best-selling book “Nippon Kaigi no Kenkyu” (“Study of Japan Conference”), said during an appearance at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan last month that the group is synonymous with misogynistic views that seek to suppress the rights of women and children. On Monday, Koike, who throughout the campaign vowed to empower women in the workplace and ease Tokyo’s notorious day care center shortage, sought to play down her ties with the group, insisting she no longer has a close relationship with it. “I’ve distanced myself from the group over the last few years,” only sending proxies to its gatherings, she said, underlining her assertions in a Sunday interview with the media that she has dissociated herself from the organization because it has grown more “edgy” over the years. “But I still do agree with the group’s stance that cherishes Japan’s national interest, history and tradition,” she said. Tamura of Niigata University said Koike’s hawkish ideology should not override what she promised during the campaign, lest she be seen as reneging on her pledges. "That’s the all more reason, then, that the Tokyo assembly should function properly in order to monitor its new governor,” he said.


Around 80 geisha wearing yukata (summer kimono), visit Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto on Thursday as part of an annual ritual to pray for improvement in their performance and good health in the summertime. | KYODO   Travel survey bumps Kyoto from world’s top tourist spot                                                   by    Staff Writer Article history        

While the reasons for the fall were not explained, city officials suggested that the huge crowds of foreign and Japanese tourists visiting its popular temples, shrines and gardens as well as its major downtown shopping districts, might be the cause.

The result of the recent tourism boom has been often long lines in shops and restaurants, as well as traffic gridlock that has created apprehension among municipal emergency workers concerned about fire trucks and ambulances trying to get through Kyoto’s narrow streets.

There have also been growing allegations of price-gouging, with some English-language travel websites posting reader comments warning that Kyoto jacks up prices during peak periods such as April’s cherry blossom-viewing season or the late autumn months.

Kyoto’s popularity in recent years has created a surge in demand for hotel rooms. A survey of 27 major hotels by the Kyoto Convention Bureau last year showed their occupancy rate over the January to December period was around 89 percent. During seven months, it went over 90 percent, and in November, the occupancy rate reached 94 percent.

A 2014 city survey of foreign tourists showed that, while they rated the city’s service industry highly and enjoyed its traditional culture, many had concerns and found the tourism infrastructure for overseas visitors lacking in some areas.

Visitors were dismayed by the crowds and by language communication problems, especially on Kyoto buses as well as the absence of foreign language material and explanations at temples and art museums.

They also complained that tourist attractions and stores closed early and that entrance fees to temples and shrines were high. The city has since increased its effort to provide more foreign language information.


                                      英語の勉強 (14)ー(ち)(つ)(て)(と)


治安部隊        security force

地域              area / district / locality / region / zone 地域住民 local resident

                      地域紛争 regional conflict

地位協定          Status of Force Agreement

地下              underground / basement

                      地下核実験 underground nuclear test [testing]

                      地下特売店   bargain basement

地価              land prices

                      地価高騰 spiraling[soaring]land prices / sharp rise in land prices

                      地価税 land-holding tax

地下鉄     (米) subway / (英) underground

力の外交        power diplomacy

力水(相撲)  refreshing water

痴漢                molestar / masher / groper

地球              (the) earth / (the) globe / (the) planet earth

                      地球温暖化 global warming

                      地球軌道 earath orbit / orbit around the earth 地球最後の日   Doomsday

畜産農家          dairy farmer

逐次通訳          consecutive interpretation

竹輪(ちくわ)   bamboo-shaped, broiled fish paste[cake] 

知事選挙        gubernatorial election 

地上戦           ground war 地上砲火   ground fire

地上デジタル放送 terrestrial digital broadcasting

致死量            lethal dose[LD]致死量の睡眠薬 lethal dose of sleeping pill

父親殺し           patricide   ※ 母親殺し matricide

知的障害           intellectual [mental]disability

知的所有権    intellectual property rights  

地熱発電           geothermal (electric) power generation ※ 火力発電 

知能               intelligence

                       知能指数 intelligence quotient [IQ]

                       知能犯罪 white-collar crime / intellectual crime[offence]

                       知能犯(罪者)white-collar [intelligent] criminal / criminal with a head on

                       one's shoulders 知能ロボット intelligent robot

                       知能発達遅れの児童   mentally-retarded[mentally-backward]child

地方               local area [region] / district / province

                       地方交付税 local allocation tax 地方公務員 local government worker

                       地方債 local government bond 地方財政 local government finance

                       地方裁判所 district court  地方自治 local autonomy [government]

                       地方自治体 municipality / local self-government body

                       地方税 (米) local taxes / (英) rates 地方選挙 local election

                       地方転勤 out-of-town job transfer [assignment]地方分権 decentralization 

粽(ちまき)      rice-dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves

茶巾                  linen tea cloth for wrapping wet utensils

着信音             sound of an incoming call (on the mobile phone)


着地(飛行機の)touchdown 着陸 landing 強制着陸   forced landing

                        緊急着陸 emergency landing 軟着陸 soft landing

着服                embezzlement

着メロ             ringing tone[melody]

茶筅(ちゃせん) bamboo tea whisk [stirrer]

茶そば              tea-buckwheat noodles

茶髪                   brown-dyed hair

中央分離帯          (米)  median strip / (英) central reservation

中間                 midle / mid-term / interim

                         中間管理職 middle management / middle manager (人)

                         中間試験 mid-term examination 中間報告   interim report

中高一貫教育       unified lower and upper secondary school system / system integrating

                         junior and senior high schools

中高年齢者          middle-aged and senior person  

中国残留孤児     Japanese orphan left behind in China / war-displaced Japanese in China

中古品特価販売店 thrift shop / junk shop

仲裁                   arbitration / mediation / intervention

注射(液)        injection / shot 注射器 syringe / injector / shot 注射針   injection needle

駐車                 parking

                         不法駐車 illegal parking 駐車違反 parking violation

                         駐車違反のステッカー parking ticket[tag]

                         駐車禁止区域 no-parking zone / towaway zone

                         駐車場 (米)parking lot (英) car park 駐車メーター parking meter

中小企業             small and medium-sized enterprises

中性脂肪             neutral fat[lipid]/ triglyseride

中途採用           irregular employment[hiring]

中年太り           middle-aged spread 

注文服                made-to-order suit[dress]  既製服 ready-to-wear suit[dress]

中立(の)        neutral (名) neutrality / neutralism 中立外交 neutral diplomacy

                         中立国 neutral state [country] 中立政策   policy of neutrality 

中流意識            middle-class consciousness [feeling]

懲役                  imprisonment (with hard[foced]labor )

超音速旅客機      supersonic transport[SST]

超音波               ultrasound / ultrasonic wave 超音波顕微鏡 ultrasonic microscope

                          超音波内視鏡   ultrasonic endoscope

超過                  overtime /excess 超過勤務 overtime work

                          超過手荷物料金   excess baggage charge

懲戒                    disciplinary punishment

                          懲戒処分 discipnary action[measure]/ punishment / reprimand

                          懲戒免職 discipnary dismissal / dismissal with reprimand

                         [in disgrace]/ dishonorable discharge

長期予報            long-range forecast 短期予報 short-range forecast

                          中間予報 medium-range forecast 

長寿                  longevity / long life 長寿食   macrobiotic diet / macrobiotics

鳥獣保護区           wildlife sanctuary

聴診器                 stethoscope

超能力                 extrasensory perception[ESP]

超低金利            rock-bottom interest rates / lowest interest rates 

徴兵                  (米) draft / (英) conscription

                          徴兵制度 draft[conscription]system 

                          徴兵免除   draft[conscription]exemption

諜報部員             undercover [secret] agent

貯金                   savings

                           定額貯金 fixed-amount savings 定期貯金 time savings

                           普通貯金 ordinary savings 積立貯金 installment savings

                           郵便貯金   postal[post-office]savings

直接税                 direct tax  ※ 間接税 indirect tax

直腸ガン              cancer of the rectum

著作権侵害             infringement [violation] of copyright

ちょんまげ           topknot

チラシ                   throwaway handout / (米) flier / handbill

ちらし(寿司)     vinegared rice topped with egg and seafood

塵(ちり)取り       dustpan

賃金                    wage / pay 

                            年功序列賃金 seniority based wage

                            割増賃金 augmented wage 実質賃金 real wage

                            名目賃金 nominal wage 賃金格差 wage defferential[gap]

                            賃金凍結 wage freeze 賃金紛争 wage dispute

                            賃上げ wage hike / increase in wages  

                            賃上げ交渉 negotiations for a wage increase  

賃貸アパート           rented apartment / (英) letting

鎮痛剤                  painkilling drug / painkiller


椎間板ヘルニア        herniated[slipped]disk

追(再)試験         make-up examination[exam]

追徴課税               imposition of penalty[back] tax 追徴金   additional tax/ penalty

通貨                     currency[現地]local currency

                             通貨安定 monetary stability

                             通貨統合   monetary union

通過旅客                transit passenger 乗換客 transfer passenger   

通関                      customs clearance

通勤                      commutation (動) commute

                              通勤時間 commuting time 通勤手当 commuting allowance

                              通勤定期 (米) commutation ticket / (英) season ticket  

                              通勤電車   commuter train

通常国会                  ordinary Diet session / ordinary session of the Diet

通信教育                education by correspondence

                              通信教育講座 correspondence course

                              通信傍受法  law authorizing wiretaps investigation into organized crime 

          通信販売 mail order / mail-order business [sale]      

通訳                      interpretation

                              逐次通訳 consecutive interpretation

                              同時通訳 simultaneous interpretation

                              通訳案内(ガイド)業 guide interpreter business

                              通訳案内業法   Guide Interpreter Business Law 

使い捨てカメラ       disposable [throwaway] camera

                              使い捨て商品 disposable goods / throwaway

                              使い捨て   disposable (items) / throwaway (goods)  

突き指                     dislocated finger

津波                      tsunami / tidal wave 津波警報 tsunami [tidal wave] warning

                              津波予報   tsunami [tidal wave] forecast

妻虐待                     wife battering

つまみ食い               pick-and -choose

爪切り                     nail clippers

詰め込み教育            cram education


出会い系サイト         on-line dating site(s) / dating-service Web site 

手当(支給額の)    allowance

                              家族手当 family allowance 勤続手当 seniority allowance  

                              住宅手当   housing allowance 通勤手当 commutation allowance

                              配偶者手当   spouse allowance

          (病気の)手当   treatment 医療手当 medical treatment

帝王切開                Caesarean section [operation]

定価表                     price list

定期(の)             regular / periodic / periodical / routine

                              定期刊行物 periodical (publication)

                              定期検査[点検]periodical [routine] inspection(機械) /periodic check up

                            (身体)定期採用 hiring employees at fixed times

                              定期昇給 periodic [regular] pay raise / standard [mandatory] pay 

                              raise 定期預金   time [fixed] deposit

定期券                     commuter ticket (pass) / (英) season ticket / commutation ticket 

低気圧                   low [atmospheric] pressure

                             ※ 高気圧 high pressure / atmospheric depression  

低金利政策               low-interest policy

低血圧                   low blood pressure ※高血圧   high blood pressure  

低公害車                  eco-friendly car / low-pollution car [vehicle] 

抵抗勢力                  resistance force / old guard

偵察                        reconnaissance

定時制高校               night [full-time] high school

停職                        suspension (from duty) (動) suspend from office

停戦                      cease-fire / truce

                              停戦協定   cease-fire  agreement 

定足数                     quorum 会議の定足数 quorum for a meeting

停滞前線                stationary front

停電                        blackout / power failure [breakdown]

抵当                        mortgage

定年                      retirement age / age limit

                              定年制 age limit system / mandatory retirement  pension plan

                              定年退職 mandatory retirement

                              定年退職金   retirement allowance / severance pay

                              定年退職者 retiree / retired person 定年離婚   divorce after retirement

低燃費車                  fuel economy car

テーマパーク            theme park

出稼ぎ労働者            migrant worker / seasonal worker

手形                      bill / draft

                             不渡り手形 dishonored bill 手形貸付 loan on a bill

                             手形交換所   bill clearing house

適材適所                  the right person for the right job

適性検査                  apitude test

出来高                   turnover (株式) / output / production 出来高賃金 piece wage

                              出来高払い   piecework payment

出来ちゃった結婚       shotgun wedding / marriage that results from an unexpected


手切れ金                 consolation money

手付金[礼金]          key money / deposit / earnest money

出口調査                   exit poll

デジタル格差           digital divide デジタル署名   digital signature

手取り(給料)          take-home pay / after-tax pay / net income 

手荷物預かり所    baggage room / cloakroom / cloaks

デパ地下                   basement floor of a department store / food floor in the department

                               store basement

テポドン                   Taepodong ballistic missile

デマ                         groundless [false] rumor

出前                         meal delivery service / home-delivery service

手前ミソ                   blowing one's own horn

テレクラ                 telephone dating club  

テレビ                    television [TV]

                              テレビ会議 teleconference / TV [video] conference

                              テレビ局 television [TV] station テレビゲーム video game

                              テレビショッピング telemarketting テレビタレント TV personality

                              テレビセット television / television [TV] set

                              テレビ文字多重放送 teletext broadcasting  

                               液晶テレビ LCD (liquid crystal) television

                               薄型テレビ   flat-screen television

                               壁掛けテレビ   wall-mounted television

添加物                    additive 食品添加物   food additive

電化製品                   electric [electrical] appliance

電気自動車               electric car [vehicle]

電気掃除機                 vacuum (cleaner)

電子                        electron (形) electoronic

                                電子決算 electoronic settlement

                                電子商取引 electoronic business transaction / electrronic commerce /

                                e-commerce  ※ 企業間電子取引、消費者向け電子取引 

                                電子ペット electronic pet

                                電子マネー electronic money [cash] / e-money / smart money  

                                電子郵便[メール]electronic mail [EM] / e-mail 

                                電子辞書 computerized dictionary  電子書籍   cyberbook

                                電子レンジ   microwave oven

電磁波                       electromagnetic waves

転出(入)届            report of a change of address / moving-out notification                      転送先住所                 forwarding address

転職                          job transfer [switch] / job-hopping / job-changing

転任                          relocation / change of post / transfer 

伝染病                       infectious [contagious] disease

天敵                          natural enemy [predator]

点滴                          intravenous [I.V.] drip

店頭株式市場            over-the-counter stock market 店頭市場   over-the counter market

                               店頭売買 over-the-counter transaction 

伝統芸術                    traditional performing arts 

天然記念物                 natural monument [treasure]

電脳空間                    cyberspace

電波妨害                    (electronic) jamming

天変地異                    extraordinary natural phenomenon

電話                        telephone/ phone

                                電話回線 telephone line 電話加入者 telephone subscriber

                                電話交換局 central telephone exchange

                                電話相談 telephone consultation service 

                                留守番電話   answering machine / telephone message recorder

                                電話リクエスト・ショー   call-in [phone-in] show


統一地方選挙     unified local election / nationwide local election

当確者                       shoo-in

陶器                          pottery / earthenware

                                陶磁器   ceramics

東京証券取引所           Tokyo Stock Exchange [TSE] 

登校拒否                  truancy / refusal to attend classes [school] / schoolphobia

                                登校拒否児童   truant / pupil who refuses to attend school  

当座預金                     checking account / (英) current account

倒産                           bankruptcy (英) go bankrupt

投資                         investment

                                 海外投資 overseas investment 株式投資 investment in stock

                                 投資顧問 investment advisor

                                 投資顧問会社 investment consultant firm

                                 投資収益 investment income 投資信託 investment trust

                                 投資利回り   return on investment

冬至                           winter solstice   ※夏至   summer solstice

同時[同日]選挙       double election / simultaneous election (of the House of

                                 Representative and Councilors)

同時通訳                     simultaneous interpretation

同質社会                      homogeneous society

搭乗券         boading pass [card]

同情票                         sympathy votes

同棲相手                      live-in partner

透析                            dialysis / hemodialysis

同窓会                         alumni association / class reunion

同族会社                      family company[enterprise]/ family (-owned) corporation

胴体着陸                      belly landing / crash landing

盗聴                          eavesdropping / wiretapping (電話) / bugging (隠しマイク)

                                  盗聴装置   eavesdropping [wiretapping]device

党内派閥                      intraparty faction 

盗難                          burglary / theft / robbery

                                  盗難警報器 burglary alarm

                                  盗難保険 burglary insurance 盗難予防の金庫   burglar-proof safe

投票                          voting / ballot /poll

                                  記名投票 open vote [ballot]無記名投票 seclet vote [ballot]

                                  無効投票 spoiled [invalid]vote 決算投票  decisive[final]vote 

                                  信任投票 vote of confidence 不信任投票 vote of nonconfidence

                                  投票所 polling station / polling booth (記入所)

                                  投票箱 ballot box 投票用紙 ballot (paper)

                                  投票率   voter turnout / voting rate

盗難                             kleptomania / thieving habit

糖尿病         diabetes

動脈硬化                       arteriosclerosis / hardening of the arteries

同盟国                          ally / allied power

銅メダル        bronze medal

灯油                             kerosene / (英) paraffin (oil)

童謡                           children's song / (英) nursery rhyme / (米) Mother Goose melody

登竜門                        gateway to success

道路交通法                    Road Traffic Law

ドーピング                    doping

通り魔                          phantom killer[robber]

時の人                          man in the news / focal figure / person in the spotlight

特使                           special envoy[emissary]特赦 special amnesty [pardon]

                                   特殊部隊   special force / commando unit 

独身貴族                       swinging [aristocratic]bachelor

独占                           monopoly (形) monopolistic / exclusive

                                   独占価格 monopoly[monopolistic]price

                                   独占禁止法 (the) Antimonopoly [Antitrust]Law

                                   独占契約 exclusive contract 独占市場   monopoly market

独立行政法人      Independent Administrative Institution [Agency]

督促状                          reminder[demand]for payment

ドクターストップ           doctor's orders

特派員                          special correspondent

匿名(の)                  anonymous (名) anonymity

                                   匿名手紙 anonymous letter / unsigned letter

                                   匿名電話   anonymous call

都市再開発                    urban redevelopment

どしゃ降り                    downpower / cloudburst

図書カード       book coupon [voucher] / book token

土地                           land / estate / real estate

                                   土地成金 land baron / parvenu  from speculation on land [from

                                    sale of land] 土地ブローカー real estate agent

                                   土地保有税   land holding tax / tax on land holdings

途中下車                     stopover

特価                           bargain price / reduced price 特価品   bargain goods 

特許庁                          (the) Patent Agency [Office]

特恵関税                       preferential duty [tariff]

特効薬                          specific cure / miracle drug

突然変異                       mutation

飛び入り                     unofficial participant / unexpected participant

                                   飛び入学 early college admission [entrance] 

                                   飛び級 grade-skipping

飛び降り自殺                 death-leap (動) leap [jump] to one's death  

共稼ぎ[共働き]          two-income family / double-income couple / two-paycheck family

共稼ぎ夫婦                     working couple / dual-career couple

ドヤ街                           flophouse quarter [area] / slums / skid row 

土用(夏の)                  dog days 

鳥貝                              cockle

取締役                         director

                                    常務取締役 executive director

                                    専務取締役 managing [senior executive]director

                                    取締役会 board of directors

                                    取締役会長   board chairman / chairman of the board derectors

取引銀行                       correspondent bank

取引停止                         circuit breaker

ドル                             dollar

                                     ドル相場   dollar exchange rates / the exchange rates for the dollar

                                     ドル高 appreciation of the dollar

                                     ドル建て   quotation in dollars / (on a) dollar basis 

                                     ドル箱 gold mine / cash cow / money maker

                                     ドル安   depreciation of the dollar

トロ                               fatty tuna

トンネル会社                   dummy company

どんぶり勘定                   hit-or-miss accounting practices / rough estimate / (米) ballpark


トンボ返り                    quick trip 

問屋                               wholesaler(人)/ wholesale dealer (人) / wholesale store (店)  /

                                     wholesaling buisiness (職業) 



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