英語の勉強 (14)ー(ち)(つ)(て)(と)
治安部隊 security force
地域 area / district / locality / region / zone 地域住民 local resident
地域紛争 regional conflict
地位協定 Status of Force Agreement
地下 underground / basement
地下核実験 underground nuclear test [testing]
地下特売店 bargain basement
地価 land prices
地価高騰 spiraling[soaring]land prices / sharp rise in land prices
地価税 land-holding tax
地下鉄 (米) subway / (英) underground
力の外交 power diplomacy
力水(相撲) refreshing water
痴漢 molestar / masher / groper
地球 (the) earth / (the) globe / (the) planet earth
地球温暖化 global warming
地球軌道 earath orbit / orbit around the earth 地球最後の日
畜産農家 dairy farmer
逐次通訳 consecutive interpretation
竹輪(ちくわ) bamboo-shaped, broiled fish paste[cake]
知事選挙 gubernatorial election
地上戦 ground war 地上砲火 ground fire
地上デジタル放送 terrestrial digital broadcasting
致死量 lethal dose[LD]致死量の睡眠薬 lethal dose of sleeping pill
父親殺し patricide ※ 母親殺し matricide
知的障害 intellectual [mental]disability
知的所有権 intellectual property rights
地熱発電 geothermal (electric) power generation ※ 火力発電
知能 intelligence
知能指数 intelligence quotient [IQ]
知能犯罪 white-collar crime / intellectual crime[offence]
知能犯(罪者)white-collar [intelligent] criminal / criminal with a
head on
one's shoulders 知能ロボット intelligent robot
地方 local area [region] / district / province
地方交付税 local allocation tax 地方公務員 local government worker
地方債 local government bond 地方財政 local government finance
地方裁判所 district court 地方自治 local autonomy [government]
地方自治体 municipality / local self-government body
地方税 (米) local taxes / (英) rates 地方選挙 local election
地方転勤 out-of-town job transfer
[assignment]地方分権 decentralization
粽(ちまき) rice-dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves
茶巾 linen tea cloth for wrapping wet utensils
着信音 sound of an incoming call (on the mobile phone)
着地(飛行機の)touchdown 着陸 landing 強制着陸 forced landing
緊急着陸 emergency landing 軟着陸 soft landing
着服 embezzlement
着メロ ringing tone[melody]
茶筅(ちゃせん) bamboo tea whisk [stirrer]
茶そば tea-buckwheat noodles
茶髪 brown-dyed hair
中央分離帯 (米) median strip / (英) central reservation
中間 midle / mid-term / interim
中間管理職 middle management / middle manager (人)
中間試験 mid-term examination 中間報告
interim report
中高一貫教育 unified lower and upper secondary school system / system integrating
junior and senior high schools
中高年齢者 middle-aged and senior person
中国残留孤児 Japanese orphan left behind in China / war-displaced Japanese in China
中古品特価販売店 thrift shop / junk shop
仲裁 arbitration / mediation / intervention
注射(液) injection / shot 注射器 syringe / injector / shot 注射針 injection needle
駐車 parking
不法駐車 illegal parking 駐車違反 parking violation
駐車違反のステッカー parking ticket[tag]
駐車禁止区域 no-parking zone / towaway zone
駐車場 (米)parking lot (英) car park 駐車メーター parking
中小企業 small and medium-sized enterprises
中性脂肪 neutral fat[lipid]/ triglyseride
中途採用 irregular employment[hiring]
中年太り middle-aged spread
注文服 made-to-order suit[dress] 既製服 ready-to-wear suit[dress]
中立(の) neutral (名) neutrality / neutralism 中立外交 neutral diplomacy
中立国 neutral state [country] 中立政策
policy of neutrality
中流意識 middle-class consciousness [feeling]
懲役 imprisonment (with hard[foced]labor )
超音速旅客機 supersonic transport[SST]
超音波 ultrasound / ultrasonic wave 超音波顕微鏡 ultrasonic microscope
超音波内視鏡 ultrasonic endoscope
超過 overtime /excess 超過勤務 overtime work
超過手荷物料金 excess baggage charge
懲戒 disciplinary punishment
懲戒処分 discipnary action[measure]/
punishment / reprimand
懲戒免職 discipnary dismissal / dismissal with
[in disgrace]/ dishonorable discharge
長期予報 long-range forecast 短期予報 short-range forecast
中間予報 medium-range forecast
長寿 longevity / long life 長寿食 macrobiotic diet / macrobiotics
鳥獣保護区 wildlife sanctuary
聴診器 stethoscope
超能力 extrasensory perception[ESP]
超低金利 rock-bottom interest rates / lowest interest rates
徴兵 (米) draft / (英) conscription
徴兵制度 draft[conscription]system
諜報部員 undercover [secret] agent
貯金 savings
定額貯金 fixed-amount savings
定期貯金 time savings
普通貯金 ordinary savings 積立貯金 installment
直接税 direct tax ※ 間接税 indirect tax
直腸ガン cancer of the rectum
著作権侵害 infringement [violation] of copyright
ちょんまげ topknot
チラシ throwaway handout / (米) flier / handbill
ちらし(寿司) vinegared rice topped with egg and seafood
塵(ちり)取り dustpan
賃金 wage / pay
年功序列賃金 seniority based wage
割増賃金 augmented wage
実質賃金 real wage
名目賃金 nominal wage 賃金格差 wage
賃金凍結 wage freeze 賃金紛争 wage
賃上げ wage hike / increase in
賃上げ交渉 negotiations for a wage
賃貸アパート rented apartment / (英) letting
鎮痛剤 painkilling drug / painkiller
椎間板ヘルニア herniated[slipped]disk
追(再)試験 make-up examination[exam]
追徴課税 imposition of penalty[back] tax 追徴金 additional tax/ penalty
通貨 currency[現地]local currency
通貨安定 monetary stability
通貨統合 monetary
通過旅客 transit passenger 乗換客 transfer passenger
通関 customs clearance
通勤 commutation (動)
通勤時間 commuting time
通勤手当 commuting allowance
通勤定期 (米) commutation ticket / (英) season ticket
commuter train
通常国会 ordinary Diet session / ordinary session of the Diet
通信教育 education by correspondence
通信教育講座 correspondence course
law authorizing wiretaps investigation into organized crime
通信販売 mail order / mail-order business [sale]
通訳 interpretation
逐次通訳 consecutive
同時通訳 simultaneous
通訳案内(ガイド)業 guide
interpreter business
Guide Interpreter Business Law
使い捨てカメラ disposable [throwaway] camera
使い捨て商品 disposable
goods / throwaway
disposable (items) / throwaway (goods)
突き指 dislocated finger
津波 tsunami / tidal
wave 津波警報 tsunami [tidal wave] warning
tsunami [tidal wave] forecast
妻虐待 wife battering
つまみ食い pick-and -choose
爪切り nail clippers
詰め込み教育 cram education
出会い系サイト on-line dating site(s) / dating-service Web site
手当(支給額の) allowance
家族手当 family
allowance 勤続手当 seniority allowance
housing allowance 通勤手当 commutation allowance
spouse allowance
(病気の)手当 treatment 医療手当 medical treatment
帝王切開 Caesarean section [operation]
定価表 price list
定期(の) regular / periodic / periodical / routine
定期刊行物 periodical (publication)
[routine] inspection(機械) /periodic check up
(身体)定期採用 hiring employees at fixed
定期昇給 periodic
[regular] pay raise / standard [mandatory] pay
定期預金 time [fixed] deposit
定期券 commuter ticket (pass) / (英) season ticket / commutation
低気圧 low [atmospheric] pressure
※ 高気圧 high pressure /
atmospheric depression
低金利政策 low-interest policy
低血圧 low blood pressure ※高血圧 high
blood pressure
低公害車 eco-friendly car / low-pollution car
抵抗勢力 resistance force / old guard
偵察 reconnaissance
定時制高校 night [full-time] high school
停職 suspension (from duty) (動) suspend from office
停戦 cease-fire / truce
cease-fire agreement
定足数 quorum 会議の定足数 quorum for a meeting
停滞前線 stationary front
停電 blackout / power failure [breakdown]
抵当 mortgage
定年 retirement age / age
定年制 age limit system
/ mandatory retirement pension plan
定年退職 mandatory
retirement allowance / severance pay
定年退職者 retiree
/ retired person 定年離婚 divorce after retirement
低燃費車 fuel economy car
テーマパーク theme park
出稼ぎ労働者 migrant worker / seasonal worker
手形 bill / draft
不渡り手形 dishonored bill
手形貸付 loan on a bill
bill clearing house
適材適所 the right person for the right job
適性検査 apitude test
出来高 turnover (株式) / output / production 出来高賃金 piece wage
piecework payment
出来ちゃった結婚 shotgun wedding / marriage that results from an unexpected
手切れ金 consolation money
手付金[礼金] key money / deposit / earnest money
出口調査 exit poll
デジタル格差 digital divide デジタル署名 digital signature
手取り(給料) take-home pay / after-tax pay / net income
手荷物預かり所 baggage room / cloakroom / cloaks
デパ地下 basement floor of a department
store / food floor in the department
store basement
テポドン Taepodong ballistic missile
デマ groundless [false] rumor
meal delivery service / home-delivery service
手前ミソ blowing one's own horn
テレクラ telephone dating club
テレビ television [TV]
テレビ会議 teleconference
/ TV [video] conference
テレビ局 television
[TV] station テレビゲーム video game
テレビショッピング telemarketting
テレビタレント TV personality
テレビセット television /
television [TV] set
テレビ文字多重放送 teletext
液晶テレビ LCD
(liquid crystal) television
薄型テレビ flat-screen television
壁掛けテレビ wall-mounted television
添加物 additive 食品添加物 food additive
電化製品 electric [electrical] appliance
電気自動車 electric car [vehicle]
電気掃除機 vacuum (cleaner)
電子 electron (形)
電子決算 electoronic settlement
電子商取引 electoronic business transaction / electrronic commerce /
※ 企業間電子取引、消費者向け電子取引
電子ペット electronic pet
電子マネー electronic money [cash] / e-money / smart money
電子郵便[メール]electronic mail [EM] / e-mail
電子辞書 computerized
dictionary 電子書籍 cyberbook
電子レンジ microwave oven
電磁波 electromagnetic waves
転出(入)届 report of a change of address / moving-out
転送先住所 forwarding address
転職 job transfer [switch] / job-hopping /
転任 relocation / change of post /
伝染病 infectious [contagious] disease
天敵 natural enemy [predator]
点滴 intravenous [I.V.] drip
店頭株式市場 over-the-counter stock market 店頭市場 over-the counter market
店頭売買 over-the-counter transaction
伝統芸術 traditional performing
天然記念物 natural monument [treasure]
電脳空間 cyberspace
電波妨害 (electronic) jamming
天変地異 extraordinary natural phenomenon
電話 telephone/
電話回線 telephone line 電話加入者 telephone subscriber
電話交換局 central telephone exchange
電話相談 telephone consultation service
answering machine / telephone message recorder
電話リクエスト・ショー call-in [phone-in] show
統一地方選挙 unified local election / nationwide local election
当確者 shoo-in
陶器 pottery / earthenware
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange [TSE]
登校拒否 truancy / refusal to attend classes [school] / schoolphobia
登校拒否児童 truant / pupil who refuses to attend school
当座預金 checking account / (英) current account
倒産 bankruptcy (英) go bankrupt
投資 investment
海外投資 overseas investment 株式投資 investment in stock
投資顧問 investment advisor
投資顧問会社 investment consultant firm
投資収益 investment
income 投資信託 investment trust
投資利回り return on investment
冬至 winter solstice
※夏至 summer solstice
同時[同日]選挙 double election / simultaneous election (of the House of
Representative and Councilors)
同時通訳 simultaneous interpretation
同質社会 homogeneous society
搭乗券 boading pass [card]
同情票 sympathy votes
同棲相手 live-in partner
透析 dialysis / hemodialysis
alumni association / class reunion
同族会社 family company[enterprise]/ family (-owned) corporation
胴体着陸 belly landing / crash landing
盗聴 eavesdropping / wiretapping (電話) / bugging (隠しマイク)
盗聴装置 eavesdropping [wiretapping]device
党内派閥 intraparty faction
盗難 burglary / theft / robbery
盗難警報器 burglary alarm
盗難保険 burglary insurance 盗難予防の金庫 burglar-proof safe
投票 voting / ballot /poll
記名投票 open
vote [ballot]無記名投票 seclet vote [ballot]
無効投票 spoiled [invalid]vote 決算投票 decisive[final]vote
信任投票 vote of confidence 不信任投票 vote of nonconfidence
投票所 polling station / polling booth (記入所)
投票箱 ballot
box 投票用紙 ballot (paper)
投票率 voter turnout / voting rate
盗難 kleptomania /
thieving habit
糖尿病 diabetes
動脈硬化 arteriosclerosis / hardening of the arteries
同盟国 ally / allied power
銅メダル bronze medal
灯油 kerosene / (英) paraffin
children's song / (英) nursery rhyme / (米) Mother Goose melody
登竜門 gateway to
道路交通法 Road Traffic Law
ドーピング doping
通り魔 phantom
時の人 man in
the news / focal figure / person in the spotlight
特使 special envoy[emissary]特赦 special
amnesty [pardon]
特殊部隊 special force / commando unit
独身貴族 swinging
独占 monopoly (形) monopolistic / exclusive
独占価格 monopoly[monopolistic]price
独占禁止法 (the) Antimonopoly [Antitrust]Law
独占契約 exclusive contract 独占市場 monopoly market
独立行政法人 Independent Administrative Institution [Agency]
督促状 reminder[demand]for payment
ドクターストップ doctor's orders
特派員 special correspondent
匿名(の) anonymous (名) anonymity
匿名手紙 anonymous letter / unsigned letter
匿名電話 anonymous call
都市再開発 urban redevelopment
どしゃ降り downpower / cloudburst
図書カード book coupon [voucher] / book token
土地 land / estate / real estate
土地成金 land baron / parvenu from speculation on land [from
sale of land] 土地ブローカー real estate agent
土地保有税 land holding tax / tax on land holdings
途中下車 stopover
特価 bargain price / reduced price
特価品 bargain goods
特許庁 (the) Patent Agency [Office]
特恵関税 preferential duty [tariff]
特効薬 specific cure / miracle drug
突然変異 mutation
飛び入り unofficial participant / unexpected participant
飛び入学 early college admission [entrance]
飛び級 grade-skipping
飛び降り自殺 death-leap (動) leap [jump] to one's death
共稼ぎ[共働き] two-income family / double-income couple / two-paycheck family
共稼ぎ夫婦 working couple /
dual-career couple
ドヤ街 flophouse quarter [area] / slums /
skid row
土用(夏の) dog days
鳥貝 cockle
取締役 director
常務取締役 executive director
専務取締役 managing [senior executive]director
取締役会 board of directors
取締役会長 board chairman / chairman of the board derectors
取引銀行 correspondent bank
取引停止 circuit breaker
ドル dollar
ドル相場 dollar exchange rates / the exchange rates for the dollar
ドル高 appreciation of the dollar
ドル建て quotation in dollars / (on a) dollar basis
ドル箱 gold mine / cash cow / money maker
ドル安 depreciation of the dollar
fatty tuna
トンネル会社 dummy company
どんぶり勘定 hit-or-miss accounting practices
/ rough estimate / (米) ballpark
トンボ返り quick trip
問屋 wholesaler(人)/
wholesale dealer (人) / wholesale store (店) /
buisiness (職業)