水質汚染 water pollution
推進派 proponents
推薦入学制度 recommended admission system / admission based on recommendation
水中 underwater / submarine
水中カメラ underwater [submarine] camera
水中写真 underwater [submarine] photography 水中翼船
推定無罪 presumed innocence
炊飯器 rice cooker
水墨画(墨絵) India-ink painting / painting in India ink
睡眠療法 hypnotic therapy
水力発電 hydroelectric power / hydropower
スギ花粉症 allergy to ceder pollen / cedar pollen allergy
隙間産業 niche industry [business]
スキンシップ physical contact / skin [close bodily] contact
筋子(すじこ) salmon roe
すすき pampass grass
スト(ライキ) walkout / strike
ストーブ heater / (gas) stove
ストレス対策 stress management
砂場 sandbox / (英) sandpit
頭脳流出 brain drain
スパイ活動 espionage スパイ防止法 anti-espionage law
スピード違反 speeding violation [infraction] スピード写真 instant photograph
スプロール現象 urban sprawl
スポーツ仕様車 sport-utility vehicle
スポーツ大会 sports meeting [event] / athletic meeting
スリ pickpocket (人) / pickpocketing (行為)
するめ dried squid
座り込み抗議 sit-in / sit-down strike
性 sex / gender (形) sexual
性行為感染症 sexually transmitted disease [STD]
性病 venereal disease [VD]
性(的)差別 sexual discrimination [bias] / sexism
性転換者 transsexual
性転換手術 sex-change operation / sexual reassignment
性平等 sexual equality / equality of the sexes
性同一性障害 gender identity disorder [GID]
税[税金] tax / taxation
国税 national tax 地方税 local tax 住民税 resident [inhabitant]
所得税 income tax 相続税 inheritance tax
付加価値税 value-added tax [VAT]
物品税 commodity tax 不動産税 real estate tax
法人税 corporate tax
税金還付 tax refund / reimbursement 税金控除 tax deduction
税収 tax revenue 税払い戻し tax rebate
税負担率 ratio of taxation
against national income
税負担力 taxpaying capacity 税優遇 tax break / tax
incentive / tax relief
税率 tax rate 税金の無駄遣い wasting
taxpayers' money
税制 tax [taxation] system 税制改革
tax reform [revision]
聖域 sanctuary
政界 political world [circles] / politics
政界の黒幕 gray eminence (of the political world)
政界のドン kingmaker in politics
生活 life / living / livelihood
生活協同組合[生協] consumer('s) cooperative / Co-op
生活習慣病 lifestyle-related disease(s) / disease(s)
associated with adult
lifestyle habits 生活保護 livelihood
protection / welfare benefits
生活保護家族 family on welfare / family on
the dole
税関 customs / custums house
税関検査 customs inspection [examination]
税関検査官 customs inspector [official, officer]
税関申告(用紙) customs declaration (form)
税関手続き customs clearance [procedures,
制汗剤 antiperspirant
制ガン剤 anticancer drug
政局 political scene (situation)
生計費指数 cost of living index
政権 political power
政権争い power struggle [scramble]
政権交代 change of power
成功報酬 fee contingent on success
整骨院 osteopath
制裁措置 sanctions
政策秘書 policy secretary / political secretary [aide]
精算 liquidation / adjustment (鉄道運賃の)fare adjustment
生産者米価 producers' rice price
政治 politics / government
政治献金 political donation [contribution]
政治資金 political fund 政治亡命 political asylum
政治倫理綱領 code of political ethics
政治資金パーティ fundraising party
静止軌道衛星 geostationary orbital satellite
精神 mind / spirit / soul (形) mental / spiritual
精神安定剤 tranquilizer 精神衛生 mental hygiene
精神科医 psychiatrist / mental specialist
精神鑑定 psychiatric test / mental examination
精神年齢 mental age
成人病 adult disease
生鮮食品 perishable food / perishables / fresh food
製造物責任 product liability [PL] 製造物責任法 Product Liability Law
生存競争 struggle for existence
生態学 ecology 生態系 ecosystem / ecological system 生態破壊 ecocide
静電気 static electricity
晴天乱気流 clear air turbulence [CAT]
政党 political party
正当防衛 legitimate [lawful] self-defense
青年海外協力隊 Japan Overseas Cooperative Volunteers [JOCV]
整備新幹線 new bullet-train lines
政府 government
政府高官 high-ranking government official
政府筋 government circles [sources] 政府法案 government
政府開発援助 official development assistance
生物化学兵器 bioweapon 生物学的多様性 biodiversity 生物兵器 biological weapons
税負担率 ratio of taxation against rational income
成分 ingredient / component /
政務次官 Parliament Vice- Minister
税務署 tax office
生命 life 生命維持装置 life-support system / life-sustaining equipment
生命科学 life science / bioscience
生命倫理 life ethics / bioethics
声紋 voiceprint
声優 voice actor [actress] / dubbing artist / actor [actress] who dubs a
税率 tax rate
清涼飲料 refreshing drink / cooling beverage / soft drink
政令 cabinet order / government ordinance
政令指定都市 government-designated
[ordinance-designated] city
セールスポイント selling point
世界遺産 World Heritage
赤外線 infrared rays
赤道 equator
石油 petroleum / oil / (英) petrol
石油化学コンビナート petrochemical complex
石油化学製品 petrochemical
products 石油ガス petroleum gas
石油危機 oil crisis 石油産出国 oil-producing country
石油輸出機構 (the) Organization of Petroleum Exporting
[OPEC] 石油ストーブ kerocene
stove [heater]
セクハラ sexual harassment
世間体 public image
世襲議員 hereditary politician
ゼッケン racing number
接触伝染 contact infection
絶対安静 complete rest 絶対評価 absolute evaluation
設備投資 investment in plant and equipment
絶滅寸前の種 endangered species
瀬戸際外交 brinkmanship (diplomacy)
ゼネコン general contractors / general construction companies
ゼロ金利政策 zero-interest-rate policy
セロテープ (米) Scotch tape (英) Sellotape
繊維質食物 fibrous foods
選挙 election / voting (形) electoral
選挙違反 election violation
選挙運動 election campaign
選挙改正 redrawing of electoral zones
選挙管理委員会 election management [control]
選挙権 suffrage 選挙公約 election pledge
選挙資金 electoral funds
選挙地盤 election stronghold / electoral power
選挙事務所 election campaign headquarters
選挙速報 newsflash on election returns
選挙人名簿 register [registry] of voters
選挙民[人] voter / (the) electorate /
(the) constituent ※公職選挙法
選挙区 electoral district / constituency
小選挙区 single-seat constituency
小選挙区比例代表並立制 electoral system based on a
combination of
single-seat constituency and
proportional representation
中選挙区 multi-single constituency
全国区(参議院選挙) national [nation-wide]
専業主婦 stay-at-home housewife / housewife without a job
専業農家 full-time farmer / professional farmer 兼業農家 part-time farmer
戦後(の) postwar ※ 戦前 prewar
戦後復興支援 postwar reconstruction support [assistance]
戦後補償 postwar
先行投資 prior investment / priority investment
全国指名手配 all-point(s) bulletin [APB] / all-point notice
潜在(の) potential / latent
潜在購買力 potential purchasing power
潜在成長率 potential rate of growth
潜在能力 potential [latent] ability
煎じ薬 infusion / decoction
戦死者 (the) war dead / person killed in the war
先住民 indigenous people / natives オーストラリアの先住民 aborigines
選手権 championship(s)
専守防衛 exclusively defensive posture
染色体 chromosome
先進8カ国 (the) G-8 / Group of Eight / eight major industrialized countries [nations]
扇子 folding fan
先制攻撃 preemptive attack [strike]
占星術 astrology
前線 front
温暖前線 warm front 寒冷前線 cold front
停滞前線 stationary front
戦争 war / warfare / battle
戦争賠償 war reparations
戦争犯罪裁判 war crime trial /
trial of war criminals
戦争放棄 renunciation of war
喘息 asthma 喘息性気管支炎 asthmatic bronchitis
選択科目 elective [optional] sublect 必修科目 reqired [compulsory] subject
先端技術 hi-tech / high technology / advanced technology
遷都[首都移転] capital relocation / relocation of the capital out of Tokyo
栓抜き bottle (cap) opener / corkscrew
洗脳 brainwashing
潜伏期間 incubation period / latent period
せんべい rice cracker
餞別 going-away pesent / farewell [parting] gift
戦没者 (the) war dead
戦没者遺族 bereaved families of the
war dead
戦没者慰霊祭 memorial service
for the war dead
全面スト general strike
全面戦争 all-out [total] war
専門(の) special / technical / specialized
専門誌 specialized magazine
専門店 specialty store 専門用語
technical term / jargon
専用線(電話の) leased wire
前立腺ガン prostate cancer
川柳 17-syllable satirical
占領地(域) occupied territory [area]
騒音 noise / sound
騒音計 sound level meter
騒音防止条例 anti-noise laws
騒音公害 noise pollution
掃海艇 minesweeper
総会屋 corporate racketeer / manipulators of a stockholders meeting
早期(の) early
早期診断 early diagnosis [checkup,
早期退職 early [earlier] retirement
早期退職優遇制度 early-retirement
incentive progrm
臓器 internal organ(s)
臓器提供者 donor
臓器移植 organ transplant / internal organ
創業者利益 founder's profit
雑巾 rag / dust-cloth / (英)
floor cloth
総合課税 composite taxation / taxation on aggregate income
走行距離計 odometer
総合商社 general trading firm
総合職 position on career track
総合所得税 consolidated income tax
捜査 investigation / search
捜査員 investigator
捜査救援活動 search and rescue operation
捜査当局 investigation [investigating]
authority / law enforcement
authority 捜査網 police dragnet
捜査令状 search warrant
/ warrant of search
相殺勘定 offset account
早産 premature birth
総辞職 resignation enmasse
贈収賄[贈賄] bribery / graft 贈収賄汚職 bribery scandal
相乗効果 multiplier effect
増税 tax increase / increased tax
造船 shipbuilding
造船会社 shipbuilding company [firm]
造船所 shipyard /
building dock yard
総選挙 general election
相続 inheritance
相続権 inheritance rights 相続税 inheritance tax
相続人 inheritor / heir
(男性) / heiress (女性)
相対評価 relative evaluation 絶対評価 absolute evaluation
相場 current market price / stock quotation
総務省 (the) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
贈与税 gift tax / donation tax / capital transfer tax
騒乱罪 crime of riot
疎外感 sense of alienation
組閣 formation of a cabinet
即位 success to the throne
enthronement ceremony / coronation ceremony
族議員 special-interest legislator
即時直通電話 hot line / pickup phone
即時通関 instant customs clearance
速達 special delivery /
(英) express delivery
速達料 special delivery
charge [fee] (英) express delivery charge [fee] /
the postage for the
special delivery / (米) Express Mail (正式には
Express Mail Next Day
Service 翌日に配達される郵便)
速度計 speedometer / speed indicator
即売 spot sale (動) sell (goods) on the spot
速報(新聞・テレビなどの) (news) flash / bulletin
誤報[後報](新聞・テレビなどの) follow-up (story)
速報数字(選挙の) early returns / preliminary figures
組織犯罪 organized crime
租借地 leased territory
租税収入 tax revenue
粗大ごみ bulky garbege [refuse] / oversize(d) trash
即興スピーチ impromptu [offhand] speech
測候所 meteorological station [observatory]
即効薬 miracle drug / quick remedy [fix]
卒中 apoplexy 脳卒中 cerebral apoplexy
袖の下 money under the table / under-the-table payment / bribe
外税方式 tax-exclusive system 内税方式 tax-inclusive system
損益 loss and gain / profit and
損益勘定 profit-and-loss
account 損益計算書 income statement
break-even point
損害 loss / damage
損害金額 amount of loss
損害賠償 compensation for damage
損害保険[損保] non-life
insurance / accident insurance
尊厳死 death with dignity / (動) die with dignity
損失補てん loss compensation / compensation for client's stock investment losses
尊属殺人 parricide ※[母親殺し] [父親殺し]