Study of English Words 英語の勉強 (11) - (し)-2
就業規則 Labor regulations
宗教の自由 freedom of religion / religious freedom 宗教法人 religious corporation
住居面積 living space
シュークリーム cream puff
従軍記者 war correspondent
就職 employment / job ( 動) find[get]a job
就職斡旋 job placement 就職活動 job-hunting activity
就職協定 recruting agreement between colleges and companies
就職試験 examination for employment
就職戦線 job market / job-hunting season[campaign]
就職難 job scarcity[shortage]
終身 life / lifetime
終身刑 life sentence [imprisonment]
終身雇用 lifelong [lifetime] employment 終身年金 life
終身保険 whole life insuranse
修正案 draft amendment[revision]
修正液 correction fluid / cover-up liquid
十代の売春 teenage prostitution
住宅 house / home / housing
住宅供給公社 prefectural[municipal]housing corporation
住宅金融公庫 (the) Housing Loan Corporation
住宅金融支援機構 Japan Housing Finance Agency
住宅公団 (the) Japan Housing Corporation 住宅助成金 housing
住宅着工件数 housing starts 住宅手当 housing allowance
住宅難[不足]housing shortage[trouble]
住宅ローン housing loan / mortgage payment
住宅ローン残高 balance of housing loans
集団 group / mass (形) collective
集団安全保障 collective security 集団帰属意識 group consciousness
集団自殺 mass suicide 集団就職 mass employment
集団食中毒 mass food poisoning 集団訴訟 class action
集団的自衛権 right to collective defence
集団見合い collective interview for marriage
集団療法 group therapy
集中豪雨 concentrated downpour[heavy rain]/ localized torrential downpour
集中治療室 intensive care unit [ICU]
収入印紙 revenue stamp
宗派 denomination / sect 宗派紛争 sectarian strife
秋分の日 Autumnal Equinox Day ※春分の日 Spring Equinox Day
周辺防衛 peripheral defense
周辺有事[日本]emergency in areas surrounding Japan
住民 resident / inhabitant
住民基本台帳ネットワーク nationwide[national]resident
registry network
住民税 resident tax 住民登録 resident registration
住民投票 local referendum / inhabitants’ voting [poll]
住民票コード resident identification number /
resident register code number
集約農業 intensive agriculture
周遊券 excursion ticket (割引の) / round-trip [circular tour] ticket (回遊の)
周遊観光船 sightseeing boat / tour boat / sightseeing-tour ship
収容所 house of refugee (難民・貧民の) / concentration camp (政治犯などの)
重要(な) important / essential / vital
重要文化財 important cultural property[assets]
重要無形文化財 intangible important cultural property
重要参考人 material witness
収賄 bribery
収賄事件 bribery scandal (醜聞) / bribery case (刑事事件)
収賄者 briber / bribe-taker / taker of bribes
授業参観日 open day / open house
塾 cram school (attended after regular school hours)
熟年 old folks / matured age 熟年離婚 divorce of a middle-aged couple
受験産業 entrance exam industry 受験地獄 entrance exam hell[ordeal]
取材競争 competition in coverage 取材源 news source
主食 staple food
受信人 addressee / recipient 発信人 addresser
受信料 listening fee (for NHK) / subscription fee / television reception fees
受信料不払い refusal to pay (NHK TV) reception
出血 bleeding 内出血 internal bleeding 出血サービス giveaway price
出血セール sacrifice sale / distress
出向 temporary transfer 出向社員 loaned worker / seconded staff
出国手続き departure formalities 入国手続き entry formalities
出産休暇 maternity leave 出産適齢期 child-bearing age
出世コース promotional track
出世届 birth registration[notification]出生率の急激低下 baby bust
出張旅費 travel expence
出入国管理局 Immigration Bureau 出入国管理法 Immigration Control Act
出入国手続き immigration procedures / government
出馬資格 entry qualification / qualification for entry
首都 capital (city) 首都機能移転 relocation of the capital
首都高速道路 Metropolitan Expressway
受動喫煙 passive smoking
首脳会議 executive meeting 首脳会談 summit meeting / leader's conference
日米首脳会談 Japan-U.S. leaders' conference / summit
meeting between
Japan and America 主要国 major power
需要と供給 supply and demand
主要銘柄 selected stock / leading issue
循環型社会 recycling-oriented society
巡航ミサイル cruise missile
春闘 annual spring labor offensive / annual spring wage-increase offensive
春分の日 Spring Equinox Day ※ 秋分の日 Autumnal Equinox Day
順法スト slowdown strike 順法闘争 work-to-rule struggle [strike]
省エネ energy-saving/ energy conservation
生涯教育[学習] lifelong education [learning]
障害者控除 deduction for physically-handicapped [disabled] persons
障害年金 disability [invalidity] pension
場外馬券売り場 off-track [off-course] setting office
場外ホームラン out-of-the-park homer
奨学金 scholarship / fellowship
消火剤 digestive
焼却炉 incinerator / cremator
将軍 general / tycoon / generalissimo
証券 securities (有価証券) / stock / bond / bill (of exchange)
証券会社 securities company / brokerage
証券市場 stock market 証券取引所 stock exchange
証券化 securitization 上場株
listed stock [share]
証拠いん滅 destruction of evidence
少子化 declining [decreasing, falling] birthrate/ continued drop in birthrate
少子化社会 society with a low bithrate
少子高齢化 declining birthrate
combined with the aging population
常習犯 recidivist / hardened offender [criminal]
召集令状 draft card
昇進 promotion 降格 demotion
浄水器 water purifier [cleaner]
少数民族 ethnic minority / minority race
使用済み核燃料 spent nuclear fuel
小選挙区(制) single-seat [single-representative] constituency (system)
肖像権 right of portrait / right to one's portrait
醸造酒 fermented beverage / brewed alcoholic beverage
招致国 host country
省庁 ministries and agencies
衝動 impulse / urge
衝動買い impulse buying / buying on impulse
衝動買いする人 impulse buyer
衝動殺人 murder on impulse / murder
on the spur of the moment
上棟式 roof-raising ceremony
小児科 pediatrics 小児まひ infantile paralysis / polio
証人尋問 summons / cross-examination of a witness
常任理事国 permanent member of the U.N. Security Council
少年 juvenile
少年院 reform school / reformatory / juvenile
training school
少年鑑別所 juvenile classification home / detention
少年審判 juvenile justice / juvenile proceedings
少年犯罪 juvenile crimes
少年非行 juvenile delinquency 少年非行者
juvenile delinquent
消費 consumption / expenditure / spending
消費税 consumption tax 消費者 consumer
消費運動 consumer movement [campaign] / consumerism
消費者金融 consumer credit [financing]
消費者物価指数 consumer price index [CP]
消費者向け電子取引 buisiness-to-consumer
electronic commerce / B-to-C
商品券 gift certificate / merchandise coupon [bond]
正札 price tag 正札値段 sticker price
商法 commercial code [law]
消防 fire fighting 消防隊 fire brigade 消防団 fire-fighting team
情報 information / intelligence
情報化社会 information-intensive [information-oriented]
情報過多 information overload / overabundance of
情報機関 intelligence service 情報公開 disclosure of
情報公開法 information disclosure law / (米) Freedom of
Information Act
情報処理 information processing 情報網 intelligence
情報漏洩 leak of information
賞味期間 best-before date [period] / eat-by date
正面衝突 head-on collision / head-on car crash (動) collide [crash] on-head
常用漢字 Chinese characters for daily use / Chinese characters in common use
蒸留水 distillied water
常緑樹 evergreen 落葉樹 diciduous tree
常連 regular customer / regular visitor
食育 dietary education
職業 occupation / job/ career / profession
職業安定所 employment security office / job placement
職業病 occupation disease / job-related disease
職業別電話帳 classified telephone directory
/ Yellow Pages
嘱託 temporary employee / non-regular [part-time] employee / employee
on a short-term contract
食中毒 food poisoning
職人気質 artisan spirit 職人芸 skill of an artisan 職能組合 craft union
食品 food / foodstuff
缶詰食品 canned foods インスタント食品 instant foodstuffs
食品衛生 food hygene 食品賞味期限 expiration date for food
食品添加物 food additive 食品表示 food label 食品防腐剤 food
食品リサイクル法 food recycling law
食品安全委員会 Food Safety Commission
植物 plant / vegetable
植物検疫 plant quarantine
植物状態 vegetarian state / state of
vegetation 植物繊維 vegetable fiber
植物人間 comatose patient
/vegetable 植物園 botanical garden
職務 duty / job / function 職務権限 job functions [competence] / purview of
authority 職務怠慢 negligence of duty
食物 food / foodstuff
食物アレルギー food allergy 食物繊維 dietary fiber
食物連鎖 food chain 食用油 edible oil / cooking [food]
食糧不足 food shortage
叙勲者 recipient of an order
助産婦 midwife
初診料 first [initial] visit fee
女性差別 gender discrimination
所得 income / earnings
所得格差 income differential / gap [disparity] in
income levels
所得控除 deduction from incom 所得税 income tax
所得税申告 income tax return 所得倍増政策 income-doubling
初任給 starting salary [pay] / initial wage [pay]
処方箋 prescription
署名運動 signature-collecting campaign 署名記事 signed article / byline
除夜の鐘 bell speeding [ringing] the old year
書類選考 applicant screening
しらす baby sardine
自律神経失調症 automatic imbalance [ataxia]
シルバーシート priority seat / seat reserved for senior citizens / seats reserved for the aged
and disabled on trains and buses
白タク unlicensed taxi
白バイ警官 motorcycle policeman / speedcop
人員 personnel /
人員削除 personnel downsizing / job cuts
人員整理 personnel retrenchment / workforce reduction / employment
adjustment 人員配置 staff assignment
人海戦術 human-wave tactics [sweep]
震央 epicenter (of an eathquake) / seismic center
進学塾 cram school 進学率 rate of students receiving higher education
進化論 revolution theory
新規株式公開 initial public offering [IPO]
心筋梗塞 heart attack / myocardial [cardiac] infarction
真空パック vacuum package / vacuum packaging [packing]
神経衰弱 nervous breakdown (depresion)
人権侵害 violation of human rights / human rights abuse
震源地 hypocenter [of an earthquake] / seismic center
人件費 personnel cost [expenses] / payroll cost
人口 population
人口過疎地 thinly [sparsely] populated areas
人口過密地 densely populated areas
人口調査 census / population [demographic] survey
人口密度 population densit 人口流出 population
人工(の) artificial / man-made / mechanical ※自然の natural
人工遺伝子 artificial gene 人工衛星 artificial
[man-made] satellite
人工栄養 artificial nourishment 人工甘味料 artificial
人工呼吸 artificial respiration
人工授精 artificial insemination (動物) / artificial
fertilization (動植物)
人工植毛 hair implant 人工心臓 artificial [mechanical]
人工頭脳 artificial [mechanical] brain
人工孵化 artificial incubation [breeding]
人工惑星 artificial planet
新興工業国 newly industrializing countries (NICs)
新興宗教 new religious cult / newly-risen religion
信号無視 running a red light
申告納税 tax payment by self-assessment
申告漏れ undeclared income /
unreported earnings
人材 well-qualified [talented] person
人材銀行 bank of human resources / talent
人材スカウト head hunting (行為) / head hunter (人物)
人材派遣会社 temporary employment agency /
manpower supply company
診察 diagnosis / (medical) examination 診察券 hospital card / consultation card
人事 personnel affairs
人事異動 personnel reshuffle [relocation] /
personnel transfers
人事院 (the) National Personnnel Authority [NPA]
人事管理 personnel management 人事交流 personnel
人事評価 personnel evaluation
人種 race / ethnicity (民族) / (形) racial / ethnic
人種差別 racial discrimination [segregation] / racism
人種浄化 ethnic cleansing 人種偏見 racial
prejudice [bias]
人種のるつぼ melting pot (of races)
新春歌会始 New Year's Imperial Poetry Party
身障者 physically disabled person / the physically disabled (総称)
紳士録 who's who / blue book
心身症 psychosomatic disorder
新人類 new breed[generation] of humans
神前結婚式 Shinto-style wedding / wedding according to Shinto rites
親善試合 friendly match[game]/ frindship game
心臓 heart (形) cardiac
心臓移植 heart transplant 心臓病 heart
[cardiac] disease
心臓ペースメーカー cardiac pasemaker
心臓麻痺 heart attack[failure]心不全
cardiac arrest / heart failure
腎臓 kidney 腎臓移植 kidney transplant 腎臓透析 kidney dialysis
腎臓病 kidney disease
新体操 rhythmic gymnastics
診断 diagonosis 診断書 medical certificate
人的資本 human capital
震度 seismic intensity / intensity of an
人道的援助 humanitarian aid
シンナー吸引 glue-sniffing
侵入 invasion / intrusion
信任投票 vote of confidence
塵(じん)肺 pneumoconiosis
信販会社 credit sales firm
新婦 bride 新郎 bridegroom
新風俗営業法 New Entertainment Business Control Law
新聞 newspaper / press 新聞検閲 press censorship 新聞配達少年 newspaper
delivery boy 新聞販売店 newspaper delivery agent
新聞用語 journalese
蕁(じん)麻疹 hives / nettle rash
人脈 web of personnel connections
深夜(の) late-night (副) late at night / at midnight
深夜番組 late-night program
/ midnight show
深夜労働 mid-night
work[labor]深夜割り増し late-night premium
信用 credit / credibility / trust / confidence
信用貸し loan on credit / credit loan
信用金庫 credit association
信用筋 authoritative [reliable] sources
信用取引 sale on credit /
credit transaction
人力車 rickshaw / man-pulling cart
侵略 aggression / incursion / invasion 侵略戦争 war of aggression
診察 medical examination[care, treatment]
心理療法 psychotherapy
森林伐採 deforestation
心霊治療 psychic healing
進路指導 counseling [guidance] on choice of college[high school]