自衛隊 (the) Self-Defence Forces [SDF]
陸上自衛隊 the Ground Self-Defence Forces [GSDF]
海上自衛隊 the Maritime Self-Defence Forces [MSDF]
航空自衛隊 the Air Self- Defence Forces [ASDF]
塩辛 salted fish guts
市価 market price [value] / (the) going price
市価の変動 market movements [fluctuations]
時価 current price / market value
歯科医 dentist / dental surgeon
紫外線 ultraviolet rays
市外通話 out-of-town call (英) trunk call
資格検定試験 qualification test / proficiency test [examination]
自覚症状 subjective symptom
死火山 extinct volcano ※活火山 active [live] volcano 休火山 dormant volcano
自家用車 owner-driven car / privately-owned car
次官 vice-minister 外務次官 Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs
事務次官 Administrative Vice-Minister
時間外労働[勤務] overtime work
磁器 porcelain / china (ware) / ceramics
磁気カード magnetic card
敷金 deposit
時給 hourly wage [pay] / wages per hour
自給率 self-sufficiency rate
資金 fund / cash
政治資金 political funds 選挙資金 electoral funds
自己資金 private funds 資金運用 fund management
資金横領 fund embezzlement
死刑 death penalty [sentence] / capital punishment
試験管ベビー test-tube baby
時効 statute of limitations
試行期間 probation / apprenticeship
自己資本 equity capital / net worth
自己資本利益率 capital-asset ratio / Rate of Return On Equity [RROE]
自己チュー self-centeredness
仕事の虫 workholic
自己破産 personal bankruptcy
時差 time difference / difference in time
時差出勤 staggered working hours / staggered commuting hours (to avoid
traffic jams in the morning) 時差ボケ jet lag / jet fatigue
視察 inspection / observation 視察団 group of inspectors
視察旅行 inspection [study] tour
資産 assets / property / capital
資産公開 public disclosure of one's personal assets
資産売却益[所得]capital gain 資産倍増計画 assets doubling plan
自社株買い buyback of stocks
市場 market / marketplace
独占市場 monopoly market 外国為替市場 foreign exchange market
買手市場 buyer's market 売り手市場 seller's market
市場開放 market opening [liberalization] 市場価格 market price
市場原理[原則]market principles
市場参入 market access / access to the market
市場占拠率 market share 市場調査 market research
死傷者 casualities / the dead [killed] and wounded 死傷者数 casualty toll
私書箱 Post Office Box [P.O.Box]
支持率 approval rating / public support
地震予知 earthquake prediction
史跡 historic site [spot] / place of historic interest
自然食品 natural food / organic food
死体遺棄 abandonment of a body [corpse]
下請け subcontract 下請け業者 subcontractor 下請工場 subcontractor factory [plant]
自宅軟禁 house arrest
下心 ulterior motive / seclet intention
仕出し料理 catered food
下取り(品) trade-in 下取り価格 trade-in price
時短 shorter working hours / shortening of working hours
示談 out-of -court settlement
質屋 pawnbroker (人) pawnshop (店) 質流れ品 unredeemed items
市長選挙 mayoral election / election of a mayor 市庁 city government
視聴率 audience rating / viewing rate
失業 unemployment / joblessness 失業手当 unemployment allowance [benefit]
失業保険 unemployment insurance
シックハウス症候群 sick-house syndrome
実刑判決 jail [prison] sentence / imprisonment
実効税率 effective tax rates
執行役員 corporate officer
執行猶予 stay of execution / suspended sentence ※猶予期間
失語症 aphasia
実質賃金 real wages 名目賃金 nominal wages
実物大の肖像 life-size(d) statue
実名報道 reports using suspects' real names
実用書 how-to book / book for practical purposes
実労時間 actual hours worked
指定席 reserved seat (自由席 non-reserved seat)
指定銘柄 specified stocks / specially-designated stocks
仕手株 speculative stocks
私的諮問機関 private advisory body / personal advisory panel
私的年金 private pension plan
支店 branch office 支店長 branch manager
自転車操業 precarious day-to-day management
自動(的) automatic
自動改札機 automatic ticket checker
自動券売機 automatic ticket vending machine
自動支払機 cash dispenser [CD]
現金自動支払機 (米) automated-teller machine [ATM] (英) cash dispenser [CD]
自動焦点(カメラ)autofocus camera / automat focusing camera
自動洗濯機 automatic washing machine
自動着陸装置 automatic landing system [ALS]
自動振替制度 automatic transfer system
自動方向探知機 automatic direction finder [ADF] 自動両替機 coin changer
自動列車運転装置 automatic train operation [ATO]
自動列車制御装置 automatic train control [ATC]
使途不明金 unspecified expenditures
市内電話 local call ※市外電話 out-of-town call / (英) trunk call
品切れ out of stock (動) be sold out
老舗 store of long standing / long-established business [company]
辞任演説 farewell address
試売品 goods on trial sale
支配力 power of domination
自白 confession
自爆テロ suicide-bombing terrorism 自爆テロ犯 suicide bomber
地場産業 local industry
支払い payment 支払い医療費 medical expenses paid
支払保険料 insurance premiums paid
四半期 quarter (of a year)
地盤沈下 ground subsidence
耳鼻咽喉科 otolaryngology / E.N.T. (ear, nose, throat) specialist
指標 index / indication / indicator
辞表 letter of resignation
持病 old ailment / chronic disease
自費留学生 privately-financed overseas [international] student
※国費留学生 government-financed overseas [international] student
私服刑事[警官] plainclothesman
自閉症 autism 自閉症の子供 autistic child
司法 judicial branch of government / judicature (形) judiciary / legal
司法解剖 judicial [legal] autopsy 司法権 judicial power / jurisdiction
司法試験 national bar examination 司法手続き judicial proceedings
司法取引 (米) plea bargaining [bargain]
死亡 death 死亡記事(欄)obituary notice [column] 死亡証明書 death certificate
死亡選択遺書 living will 死亡率 death rate / mortality [fatality]
脂肪過多 adiposis / excessive fat
志望校 school of choice
資本 capital 資本金 capital 資本自由化 capital liberalization [decontrol]
資本注入 capital injection 資本提携 capital tie-up
島国根性 island-nation mentality / insularity
始末書 written apology
ジミ婚 quiet, simple wedding
市民運動 civic movement / grass-roots campaign
自民党総裁選 LDP's presidential election 自由民主党 LDP= the Liberal Democratic Party
事務次官 Administrative Vice-Minister
指名 nomination 指名者 nominator 被指名者 nominee
指名受諾演説 acceptance speech 指名推薦演説 nominating speech
指名通話 person-to-person call
指名手配 wanted man (人) (動) put a person on the wanted list / search [hunt] for a
person as a wanted criminal
霜降り牛肉 marbled beef [cuts]
指紋 fingerprint 指紋押捺 fingerprinting
指紋登録制度 fingerprint registration system
諮問委員会 advisory council / consultative committee 諮問機関 advisory body [organ]
シャープペンシル (米) mechanical pencil / (英) propelling pencil
社員バッジ company badge
社員持ち株制度 stock option / employee stock ownership plan
社運 future of the company
社外重役 dummy director / outside director
社会的不公正 social injustice / social inequality
社会福祉 social welfare 社会福祉士 social worker / care worker
社会保険 social insurance 社会保険庁 (the) Social Insurance Agency
社会保障 social security 社会保障給付 social security benefits
蛇口 (米) faucet / (英) tap
借地権 leasehold 借地法 Leased Land Law
射撃訓練所 target practice range
車検証 automobile [vehicle] inspection certificate
社債 corporate bond / (英) debenture
社説 editorial (英) leading article
社宅 company-subsidized house / company-owned house [dormitory]
社団法人 corporation / incorporated body / corporate judicial person
借款 loan
車道 roadway / road / (米) pavement
社内教育 company training 社内失業 in-house unemployment 社内便 in-house mail
社風 corporate culture [image] / cooporate identity [CI]
社用族 expense account tribe / expense-account businessman [executive]
趣意書 letter of intent
自由化 liberalization