
Hydrangea in Kannonji-temple , Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
Hydrangea in Kannonji-temple , Fukuchiyama, Kyoto

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Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, celebrates the result in London on Friday. | REUTERS      

Britain shocks world with vote to quit EU

Markets slide; Cameron quits as EU future thrown in question  by   Staff Write Article history

The referendum, fought in part on criticism of EU bureaucracy and heavy-handedness, appeared to chime with the concerns of some leaders. Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka called for a “more flexible, less bureaucratic EU.” He said on Facebook: “The EU must change fast, not because Britain has left but because the European project needs much stronger support from citizens.” The outcome led some to predict trouble for Britain remaining united. There were immediate calls from separatist movements for further steps toward independence. Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein called Friday for a vote on Irish reunification. And the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party said Scotland’s 62 percent vote to remain in the EU showed its future lies apart from England and Wales, where the majority voted to leave. “The vote here makes clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the European Union,” Nicola Sturgeon said. “Scotland has spoken, and spoken decisively.” Although the result was close, commentators said the unusually high turnout of more than 72 percent, based on an electorate of 46.5 million, was a firm mandate. Some, however, did not see it that way. Activists on Friday launched an online petition calling for a second referendum on the grounds that anything under 60 percent is inconclusive. Within hours, the petition received more than 55,000 digital signatures. Analysts said the loss of one of the EU’s biggest members will at the least force major changes on a bloc that is already grappling with economic problems and a migration crisis. Political scientist Chris Bickerton of Britain’s University of Cambridge was quoted calling it a “very serious blow” and predicting the EU to drift toward a “looser, ad hoc” union. “We are very much in uncharted territory,” he said. “I don’t think anyone really thought Brexit was really likely.” Some experts see the bloc likely to drift away from union and toward a “two-speed Europe” that allows opt-outs. One could be making membership of the euro optional, which would help nations skeptical of the common currency. A serious worry for EU leaders is that Brexit triggers referendums in other countries. “Victory for freedom!” said France’s far-right National Front chief Marine Le Pen on Twitter as her party called for a French vote. Movements in Denmark and the Netherlands are similarly seeking referendums. Meanwhile, in a reflection of the confusion, Switzerland opened a hotline to answer questions about the consequences of Britain’s vote. Information from Reuters, AFP-Jiji added



        For U.K., Brexit is just the latest ugly partition

                                             by    Bloomberg  Article history          

The first in this ill-starred series of colonial pullouts proved almost unimaginably brutal. Up to a million people may have died in the sectarian massacres that followed the end of the British Raj in August 1947. Some 14 million people were uprooted from their homes and forced to flee across the new borders dividing India and Pakistan. That searing experience gave birth to one of the world’s fiercest national rivalries and its most dangerous nuclear standoff.

The red that traders saw bleeding across their screens last week hardly compares, of course. The new boundary Britain has drawn — or more properly, redrawn — between itself and Europe isn’t likely to contribute to generations of misery, let alone spark a war. One critical mistake, however, does link Britain’s world-striding imperial proconsuls to today’s insular Brexiteers. Both seem to have imagined that borders themselves are uncomplicated things — that the act of drawing a line can separate you and your rules from me and mine. Frontiers, it turns out, are not carved so simply. Generations of Indians and Pakistanis have cursed Sir Cyril Radcliffe, the Inner Temple lawyer who mapped out the borders between their nations after barely five weeks in New Delhi, never having visited the territories the line would bisect. (He wisely never returned to the subcontinent afterward, telling one interviewer, “I suspect they’d shoot me out of hand, both sides.”) Yet even if he had years to complete his task, Radcliffe could never have cut cleanly through the dense web of social and cultural ties that bound Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims together on the ground. No possible border could have distinguished one community from another and not done injury to their generations-long links to each other and to the lands they tilled. Britain’s separation from Europe will surely be messy and difficult as well. Business and social relationships will have to be severed and reconstituted. New patterns of trade, travel and immigration will need to be developed. The process will occupy years, longer if negotiations are conducted in the absence of goodwill, as is only too likely. It’s important to remember, too, that over time borders take on a life of their own. They change minds, redraw identities. In 1947, residents of the main border province split between India and Pakistan thought of themselves as Punjabis first, Hindus and Muslims second. Today, their identities as Indians and Pakistanis are so fiercely held that many express surprise to find people who look and sound just like them across the border. What the future of Britishness will look like, rooted in a country that’s less open to diversity and more closed-off than today, is anybody’s guess. What’s more, the very act of engraving a new divide opens up not just a physical but a psychological gulf. The trauma of the split breeds resentments and suspicions, paranoia, even hatred — all the familiar pain of divorce. The rift itself becomes a virtual font of dispute. Blame is heaped on the side that chose to break away; to this day, Indians accuse Pakistanis, as Gandhi did, of “vivisecting” the subcontinent. One can imagine how those seeking to shore up a united Europe will view Britons as Brexit strengthens skeptics in their own countries. The “leavers” in turn seethe that their rivals are deliberately making the worst rather than the best of the situation, seeking to sabotage its prospects. A sense of injury becomes the dominant feature of relations between the two sides. Above all, the full repercussions of any split can’t be limited to the mechanics and physical consequences of partition, and they can’t be anticipated. Within weeks of his leaving India, Radcliffe’s line had opened up a bloody contest for the Himalayan kingdom of Kashmir, then independent. The de facto border that now divides the state has been the source of three wars and a motivating force behind the spread of jihadi groups in the region. In this case, the U.K. will likely bear the highest costs of its parting from Europe. Brexit will almost certainly lead to more partitions, as Scotland and possibly even Northern Ireland choose to go their own way. One might forgive those on the subcontinent, and in Britain’s other ex-colonies, a twinge of schadenfreude. Even then, however, no one can say with confidence what other chaos Brexit may sow. Britain’s withdrawal could spur the partition of Europe itself if demagogues in France, the Netherlands and elsewhere persuade their nations to abandon the European project. That would be a final, bitter irony — one last cut from Britain’s well-worn blade.

Nisid Hajari writes editorials on Asia. He is the author of “Midnight’s Furies: The Deadly Legacy of India’s Partition,” winner of the 2016 Colby Award.


     Life Style



                               Study of English Words 英語の勉強 (10) - (し)-1


自衛隊           (the) Self-Defence Forces [SDF]

                      陸上自衛隊 the Ground Self-Defence Forces [GSDF] 

                      海上自衛隊 the Maritime Self-Defence Forces [MSDF]

                      航空自衛隊   the Air Self- Defence Forces [ASDF]

塩辛               salted fish guts

市価             market price [value] / (the) going price

                     市価の変動   market movements  [fluctuations] 

時価               current price / market value

歯科医            dentist / dental surgeon

紫外線            ultraviolet rays

市外通話         out-of-town call (英) trunk call

資格検定試験   qualification test / proficiency test [examination]

自覚症状         subjective symptom

死火山            extinct volcano   ※活火山 active [live] volcano 休火山 dormant volcano  

自家用車       owner-driven car / privately-owned car  

次官             vice-minister 外務次官 Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs

                     事務次官   Administrative Vice-Minister

時間外労働[勤務]  overtime work 

磁器               porcelain / china (ware) / ceramics  

磁気カード      magnetic card

敷金               deposit

時給               hourly wage [pay] / wages per hour

自給率            self-sufficiency rate

資金             fund / cash

                     政治資金 political funds 選挙資金 electoral funds

                     自己資金 private funds 資金運用 fund management

                     資金横領   fund embezzlement

死刑               death penalty [sentence] / capital punishment

試験管ベビー   test-tube baby

時効               statute of limitations

試行期間         probation / apprenticeship

自己資本       equity capital / net worth

                     自己資本利益率   capital-asset ratio / Rate of Return On Equity [RROE]

自己チュー      self-centeredness

仕事の虫         workholic

自己破産         personal bankruptcy

時差             time difference / difference in time

                     時差出勤 staggered working hours / staggered commuting hours (to avoid

                     traffic jams in the morning) 時差ボケ   jet lag / jet fatigue

視察             inspection / observation 視察団 group of inspectors

                     視察旅行   inspection [study] tour

資産             assets / property / capital

                     資産公開 public disclosure of one's personal assets 

                     資産売却益[所得]capital gain 資産倍増計画   assets doubling plan

自社株買い      buyback of stocks

市場             market / marketplace

                     独占市場 monopoly market 外国為替市場 foreign exchange market

                     買手市場 buyer's market 売り手市場 seller's market

                     市場開放 market opening [liberalization] 市場価格 market price

                     市場原理[原則]market principles

                     市場参入 market access / access to the market

                     市場占拠率 market share 市場調査   market research

死傷者          casualities / the dead [killed] and wounded 死傷者数   casualty toll

私書箱            Post Office Box [P.O.Box]

支持率            approval rating / public support

地震予知         earthquake prediction

史跡               historic site [spot] / place of historic interest 

自然食品         natural food / organic food

死体遺棄         abandonment of a body [corpse]

下請け          subcontract 下請け業者 subcontractor 下請工場   subcontractor factory [plant]

自宅軟禁         house arrest

下心               ulterior motive / seclet intention

仕出し料理      catered food

下取り(品)   trade-in 下取り価格   trade-in price

時短             shorter working hours / shortening of working hours  

示談               out-of -court settlement

質屋             pawnbroker (人) pawnshop (店) 質流れ品 unredeemed items

市長選挙       mayoral election / election of a mayor 市庁   city government

視聴率            audience rating / viewing rate

失業             unemployment / joblessness 失業手当 unemployment allowance [benefit]

                     失業保険   unemployment insurance

シックハウス症候群   sick-house syndrome

実刑判決         jail [prison] sentence / imprisonment

実効税率         effective tax rates

執行役員         corporate officer

執行猶予       stay of execution / suspended sentence ※猶予期間

失語症            aphasia

実質賃金       real wages 名目賃金   nominal wages

実物大の肖像   life-size(d) statue

実名報道         reports using suspects' real names

実用書            how-to book / book for practical purposes

実労時間         actual hours worked 

指定席          reserved seat (自由席   non-reserved seat) 

指定銘柄         specified stocks / specially-designated stocks

仕手株            speculative stocks

私的諮問機関   private advisory body / personal advisory panel

私的年金         private pension plan

支店             branch office 支店長   branch manager

自転車操業      precarious day-to-day management

自動(的)    automatic

                     自動改札機 automatic ticket checker

                     自動券売機 automatic ticket vending machine

                     自動支払機 cash dispenser [CD]  

                     現金自動支払機 (米) automated-teller machine [ATM] (英) cash dispenser [CD] 

                     自動焦点(カメラ)autofocus camera / automat focusing camera

                     自動洗濯機 automatic washing machine

                     自動着陸装置 automatic landing system [ALS]

                     自動振替制度 automatic transfer system

                     自動方向探知機 automatic direction finder [ADF] 自動両替機 coin changer

                     自動列車運転装置 automatic train operation [ATO]

                     自動列車制御装置   automatic train control [ATC]

使途不明金      unspecified expenditures

市内電話         local call ※市外電話 out-of-town call / (英) trunk call

品切れ            out of stock (動) be sold out

老舗             store of long standing / long-established business [company] 

辞任演説         farewell address

試売品            goods on trial sale

支配力            power of domination

自白               confession

自爆テロ       suicide-bombing terrorism 自爆テロ犯   suicide bomber

地場産業         local industry

支払い          payment 支払い医療費 medical expenses paid

                     支払保険料   insurance premiums paid

四半期            quarter (of a year)

地盤沈下         ground subsidence

耳鼻咽喉科      otolaryngology / E.N.T. (ear, nose, throat) specialist 

指標               index / indication / indicator

辞表               letter of resignation

持病               old ailment / chronic disease

自費留学生    privately-financed overseas [international] student

                     ※国費留学生 government-financed overseas [international] student

私服刑事[警官]  plainclothesman

自閉症          autism 自閉症の子供   autistic child

司法             judicial branch of government / judicature (形) judiciary / legal

                     司法解剖 judicial [legal] autopsy 司法権 judicial power / jurisdiction 

                     司法試験 national bar examination 司法手続き judicial proceedings

                     司法取引   (米) plea bargaining [bargain]

死亡             death 死亡記事(欄)obituary notice [column] 死亡証明書 death certificate

                     死亡選択遺書 living will 死亡率   death rate / mortality [fatality] rate

脂肪過多          adiposis / excessive fat

志望校             school of choice

資本              capital 資本金 capital 資本自由化 capital liberalization [decontrol]

                      資本注入 capital injection 資本提携   capital tie-up

島国根性          island-nation mentality / insularity  

始末書           written apology 

ジミ婚           quiet, simple wedding  

市民運動        civic movement / grass-roots campaign

自民党総裁選  LDP's presidential election 自由民主党 LDP= the Liberal Democratic Party 

事務次官          Administrative Vice-Minister

指名              nomination 指名者 nominator 被指名者 nominee

                      指名受諾演説 acceptance speech 指名推薦演説 nominating speech

指名通話        person-to-person call

指名手配          wanted man (人) (動) put a person on the wanted list / search [hunt] for a

                      person as a wanted criminal 

霜降り牛肉     marbled beef [cuts]

指紋              fingerprint 指紋押捺 fingerprinting

                      指紋登録制度   fingerprint registration system

諮問委員会        advisory council / consultative committee 諮問機関 advisory body [organ]

シャープペンシル   (米) mechanical pencil / (英) propelling pencil

社員バッジ      company badge

                       社員持ち株制度 stock option / employee stock ownership plan [ESOP] 

社運               future of the company

社外重役           dummy director / outside director

社会的不公正     social injustice / social inequality

社会福祉         social welfare 社会福祉士 social worker / care worker

社会保険         social insurance 社会保険庁 (the) Social Insurance Agency

社会保障         social security 社会保障給付   social security benefits

蛇口                 (米) faucet / (英) tap

借地権            leasehold 借地法   Leased Land Law

射撃訓練所        target practice range

車検証             automobile [vehicle] inspection certificate

社債                corporate bond / (英) debenture

社説              editorial (英) leading article

社宅              company-subsidized house / company-owned house [dormitory] 

社団法人          corporation / incorporated body / corporate judicial person

借款                loan

車道                roadway / road / (米) pavement 

社内教育        company training 社内失業 in-house unemployment 社内便   in-house mail

社風              corporate culture [image] / cooporate identity [CI]

社用族             expense account tribe / expense-account businessman [executive]

趣意書             letter of intent

自由化           liberalization


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