
私のお気に入り!ピカソの青の時代の作品 展があべのハルカス美術館で行われている

                                  パリのギメ東洋美術館が所蔵する喜多川歌麿の浮世絵「深く忍恋」。Leemage提供(撮影日不明、資料写真)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News

                      歌麿の浮世絵、史上最高値で落札 8800万円

                                                                                                                                                                AFP=時事 6月23日(木)9時7分配信


【AFP=時事】フランスのパリ(Paris)で22日に行われた競売で、江戸時代の浮世絵師、喜多川歌麿(Kitagawa Utamaro)の版画が74万5000ユーロ(約8800万円)で落札されたことが分かった。主催者によると、落札額は日本の木版画としても歌麿の作品としても史上最高という。落札されたのは、歌麿の連作画集「歌撰恋之部」に含まれる「深く忍恋」。ポルティエ(Portier)家が4世代にわたって所有してきた150万ユーロ(約1億7800万円)相当のコレクションの目玉で、落札予想価格は約10万ユーロ(約1190万円)だった。競売は仏ボサン・ルフェーブル(Beaussant-Lefevre)が同業のクリスティーズ(Christie's)と共催した。このほか、1794~95年の短い期間にしか活動しなかったとされる浮世絵師、東洲斎写楽(Toshusai Sharaku)の谷村虎蔵(Tanimura Torazo)の役者絵は10万1000ユーロ(約1200万円)、歌川国政(Utagawa Kunimasa)の岩井半四郎(Iwai Hanshiro)の役者絵は7万8680ユーロ(約930万円)でそれぞれ落札された。この日の競売には茶わんや香合(お香を入れる器)など日本の焼き物を中心に90品目が出品され、激しい競りの末に全て落札された。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News






                    Salvador Dali: a life less ordinary

                                                                       by Special To The Japan Times    










Japan tourism hits new record; government to let hotels expand floor space                                                                               Kyodo Online:

The number of foreign visitors has risen faster than last year, with more than 10 million arriving in the first six months, the Japan Tourism Agency said Tuesday.

It took about seven months to reach the 10 million threshold in 2015, when a record 19.74 million foreign nationals visited Japan. If the rate is sustained, annual arrivals will top 20 million this year.

Separately, the government said Tuesday it will allow hotel operators to add up to 50 percent extra floor space to cope with the surge. Monthly arrivals hit 1.89 million in May, a record high for the month and up 15.3 percent from last year. This followed a record 2.08 million visitors in April, during the nation’s famed cherry blossom season. Other factors encouraging tourism are an increase in the range of airline routes and the relaxation of visa requirements for Southeast Asians. Officials say expanded tax breaks for tourists are a further attraction. JTA officials said the arrivals topped 10 million this year on June 5. The six-month tally has marked 10 million for four years in a row, but this year the total has been achieved faster than ever before, they said. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has placed sightseeing as one of the pillars of the nation’s economic growth strategy, setting a target to boost the number of annual overseas tourists to 40 million in 2020, the year Tokyo hosts the Olympics. Experts expect foreign tourists to increase further this summer but say a slowdown of the Chinese economy and the stronger yen may dampen the trend. The number of South Koreans visiting Kyushu fell after quakes rattled the island in April. South Korean nationals usually comprise the bulk of foreign tourists in Kyushu because of their country’s close proximity to it. Meanwhile, there has been intense discussion of whether the tourism targets are feasible given that some hotels on the main tour routes are running at near full capacity. On Monday, the government decided to let operators of accommodation facilities multiply their room floor space by half as much again. This could see hotels being refurbished or rebuilt with greater capacity or having floors added. The Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry informed municipality offices of the decision the same day.


  Jun 15, 2016         

                             Masuzoe throws in the towel

Even as the scandal made headlines week after week, the LDP seemed reluctant to push Masuzoe to quit because it had yet to find a candidate with a good chance of winning the special election to replace him, and was wary of holding the next election in the summer of 2020 — around the time Tokyo will be hosting the Olympics Games. The LDP’s turnabout reportedly came as it dawned on party leaders that Masuzoe’s problem was negatively affecting the party’s chances in the July 10 Upper House election, the campaign for which kicks off on Wednesday. If that’s case, it appears to be the political convenience of the parties in power that scripted the end to the protracted battle over Masuzoe’s financial irregularities.

Masuzoe, a popular scholar of international politics-turned Upper House member who served as health minister for two years starting during Shinzo Abe’s first stint as prime minister, once rated in media surveys as a leading prime minister hopeful. He quit the LDP after it fell from power in 2009 to form a small party of his own. When Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose resigned in disgrace in 2014 over a money scandal, the LDP endorsed Masuzoe as a candidate who could win against ex-Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa — who was running on an anti-nuclear agenda and was backed by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi — despite gripes in the LDP ranks that Masuzoe had deserted the party in a time of trouble. He ended up receiving 2.11 million votes, more than twice that of his closest opponent in a race that drew seven candidates. As a political commentator and politician, Masuzoe was often sharply critical of the recurring money problems involving lawmakers. Yet financial issues led to his own downfall. In recent weeks, Masuzoe was roundly criticized for lavish spending during his official trips, use of official cars for weekend trips to his vacation home, and alleged misappropriation of millions in political funds for private purposes, such as family trips, wining and dining, and purchasing comic books and artworks. His attempt to deflect criticism by commissioning lawyers to probe the misappropriation of political funds — who determined last week that at least ¥4.4 million had been inappropriately diverted for private purposes but that none of the expenses could be found illegal because the law effectively sets no criteria on how political funds can legitimately be used — backfired by fueling more calls for his resignation. Masuzoe’s repeated apologies and his offer to give up his salary as governor was to no avail as the entire metropolitan assembly turned against him. His last-ditch plea this week for members of the assembly to hold off the no-confidence vote until after the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in August — saying that political confusion in the host city for the 2020 Games just as this year’s Olympics are being held would damage Japan’s national interests and put Tokyo’s honor in doubt — made little sense. He should have instead realized sooner that the interests of the capital’s residents were being damaged by the political paralysis in his administration due to his scandal. Masuzoe’s resignation before the no-confidence vote was held may leave the LDP breathing a sigh of relief that it managed to contain the damage from his scandal. But those who repeatedly urged the governor to account for his behavior should not consider his departure the end of story. His alleged misappropriation of political funds exposed a gaping loophole in the Political Funds Control Law — that nobody is punished for diverting political funds for private purposes because the law does not specify which “political expenses” are legal and which are not. If political parties took the problem so seriously that they felt compelled to call for the governor’s resignation, they should see it as their responsibility to make sure that such misappropriations will not be repeated. The fact that two governors of the nation’s capital in succession have had to resign over money problems must be taken seriously. The interests of the major parties — particularly those in power — tend to hold sway in Tokyo’s high-profile gubernatorial elections, whose results can have repercussions in national politics. The names of several possible candidates in both the ruling and opposition camps have already been mentioned in media reports for the race to replace Masuzoe, which will likely be held either in late July or early August. Tokyo voters should see through the partisan interests in the upcoming race, the fourth since 2011, and choose the candidate whom they believe will make the best governor.


In fresh shot at elderly, Aso asks: ‘How much longer do you intend to keep living?’

Kyodo  Article history          

The outspoken Aso, who is also deputy prime minister, made the comment at a Liberal Democratic Party rally in Otaru, Hokkaido, on Friday, where he said: “I recently saw someone as old as 90 on television, saying how the person was worried about the future. I wondered, ‘How much longer do you intend to keep living?’ “

His comments, part of a speech urging wealthy elderly citizens to spend more to spur the economy, drew immediate fire from Democratic Party President Katsuya Okada.

“This is an insult to the nation’s elderly,” Okada told reporters in Yufu, Oita Prefecture, on Saturday. “It’s extremely disheartening that someone who cannot understand the public’s concerns about nursing care is serving as finance minister.”

During the Otaru rally, Aso pointed to the more than ¥1.7 quadrillion of personal assets held nationwide, saying the money needs to be spent.

“The biggest problem at the present is how everyone is staying put,” he said. “If you don’t spend the money you have, that money will mean nothing. What’s the point of accumulating more wealth? Just looking at the money you have?”

Aso is no stranger to offending key electoral groups, young and old, and is known for having a thick skin. In 2013, at a government meeting on social security reform, he said the elderly “should hurry up and die” as they are costing taxpayers huge sums for medical care.


Tigers beat Buffaloes to finish interleague with win

                                               Kyodo  Article history

Lefty Suguru Iwazaki threw seven scoreless innings and Fumihito Haraguchi broke up a scoreless pitchers’ duel with an eighth-inning home run as the Hanshin Tigers wrapped up this year’s interleague action with a 2-0 win over the Orix Buffaloes on Monday.

In a makeup of their Kansai Derby game that was rained out last Thursday, Iwazaki faced his sternest challenge in the seventh, when Orix loaded the bases with two outs. Iwazaki finished his evening by striking out pinch hitter Hiroyuki Nakajima to turn back the Buffaloes. Iwazaki allowed five hits and walked two, while striking out six. He was followed to the mound by Kyuji Fujikawa (3-4), who pitched a perfect eighth and earned the win in relief. Rafael Dolis worked a 1-2-3 ninth to record his third save.

Haraguchi, a career minor leaguer, continued to make the most of his first season with the big club. The Central League’s player of the month for May, Haraguchi took veteran reliever Tatsuya Sato (0-4) deep, pulling a 2-2 breaking ball down the left-field line for his sixth home run. “I wasn’t sure it was going in,” said Haraguchi, who struck out twice and sacrificed. “Maybe it was the wind, maybe it was the crowd’s support that got it over. “My focus was just to put a good swing on the ball.” “We’ve got the rest of a long, hard fight ahead of us, so it’s great to wrap up interleague with a win.” Orix starter Yuki Nishi matched zeroes with Iwazaki for six innings, pitching out of trouble three times. Nishi allowed five hits and an intentional walk, while striking out five. In the 12th year of interleague competition, the Pacific League earned the most wins for the 11th time, finishing with a 60-47 record. There was one tie. The CL-leading Hiroshima Carp were the only team to finish interleague over .500. League play will resume on Friday.


藤浪161球 米「クレイジー」

2016/7/10(日) 14:04掲載



藤浪、自己最多161球で自己最多8失点「悔しい、腹立つ、情けない                        阪「阪神2-8広島」(8日、甲子園球場) デイリー






Tigers : K.Fukudome's Cicle Hit !
Tigers : K.Fukudome's Cicle Hit !

                 英語の勉強(8)ー (こ)


公安             public safety (security)

       公安委員会 public safety commission 公安警察 security police

皇位継承       imperial succession / line of succession to the imperial throne

                     皇位継承順位 order of succession to the imperial throne

                     皇太子 crown prince / Crown Prince

後遺症            aftereffect / sequela (医学用語)

降雨(量)    precipitation / rainfall

公営住宅       public (municipal) housing

航海衛星         navigation satellite

公開講座       extension cource / open class 公開制度   public disclosure system

公害             pollution

                     騒音公害 noise pollution 環境公害 environmental pollution

                     公害訴訟   pollution-damage lawsuit 公害対策 pollution measure

                     公害病 pollution-caused disease 公害防止   pollution prevention

光化学スモッグ photochemical smog

降格               demotion (昇格 promotion)

高額             high (top) income / a large sum of money

                     高額所得者 high (top) income earner 高額納税者 high (top) income taxpayer

高架鉄道         (米) elevated railroad / (英) overhead railway 

抗ガン剤       anti-cancer drug 抗加齢医療 anti-aging therapy

抗菌商品(グッズ) anti-bacterial goods 

交換輸血        exchange transfusion

高気圧            high (atmospheric) pressure 低気圧 low (atmospheric) pressure 

高級官僚         high-ranking government official

公共             public (民間   private)

                     公共企業体 public corporation 公共事業 public works / public enterprise

                     公共事業費 public works expenditure 公共施設 public facilities

                     公共職業安定所 public employment security office

                     公共団体 public body (organization) 公共投資 public investment

                     公共放送 public (noncommercial) broadcasting

                     公共料金   public utilities rates (charges)     

高金利            high interest rate

航空宇宙産業 aerospace industry

航空自衛隊      (the) Air Self-Defense Force [ASDF] ※ 自衛隊

高血圧          high blood pressure / hypertension

                     低血圧   low blood pressure / hypotension

恍惚の人         a man [woman] in his[her]second childhood / person suffering from

                     senile dementia

合コン            group[joint]party / match making party in groups

交際費    expense account / entertainment expenses

交差点          intersection 

合祀             enshrinement

                     A級戦犯(靖国)の合祀 enshrinement of the Class A war criminals at Yasukuni

                     Shrine / the Class A war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine 

公示価格         posted price

公私混同(する)   (mix) company buisiness with personal affairs / (mix up) public and

                      private matters

皇室             (the) Imperial Family / (the) Imperial Household

                     皇室典範   (the) Imperial House Law

公社債            public corporation bond

公衆の          public

                     公衆トイレ public lavatory (英) toilet / comfort station

                     公衆道徳 public morality 公衆電話   public telephone / pay phone 

控除             deduction

                     控除額 amount deducted 配偶者控除 deduction for the spouse

                     扶養控除 deduction for the dependents

                     医療費控除   deduction for medical expenses  

工場             factory / plant /mill

                     工場直営 factory-direct retail store 工場閉鎖 lockout / shutdown

                     工場排水 industrial effluent / industrial waste water

公証人役場    notary public's office

高所恐怖症      acrophobia

公職選挙法      (the) Public Office(s) Elections Law  ※ 選挙

合成             synthesis / composition (形) synthetic / composite

                     合成ゴム synthetic rubber 合成写真 composite photograph

                     合成洗剤 synthetic detergent 合成燃料   synthetic fuel

公正取引委員会   (the) Fair Trade Commission [FTC] 

厚生年金       emplyees' pension / welfare pension[annuity]

                     厚生年金受給者 welfare pensioner

                     厚生年金保険 employees' pension insurance

厚生福祉   welfare

                    児童福祉 child welfare 母子家庭厚生福祉 welfare of mother-child families

                    老人福祉   old[aged]peoples' welfare 

厚生労働省    (the) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 

抗生物質         antibiotic (substance)

交戦国            belligerent countries [powers]

控訴(上告) appeal ( to a higher court )

構造             structure / construction (形) structural

                     構造改革 structural reform

                     構造転換 structural transformation / restructuring

                     構造不況   structural recession

高速             high speed / rapidity (形) rapid / fast

                     高速増殖炉 fast breeder reactor

                     高速鉄道 rapid-transit railway / high-speed [high-velocity] railway

                     高速道路   expressway / freeway / (英) motorway

拘束時間       on-duty hours / actural working hour   

酵素洗剤         enzyme detergent

高卒認定       Sinior High School Equivalency Certificate / Certificate for Students

                     Achieving the proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates 

皇太后            (the) empress dawager (天皇・皇帝に対して) / (the) queen (王に対して)

公団             government corporation / public corporation

拘置所            detention center[house] / prison / jail

公聴会            public hearing / open hearing  

交通             transportation / traffic

                     交通遺児 traffic orphan / children of traffic victims

                     交通渋滞   traffic congestion / traffic jam 交通信号 traffic signal[light]

                     交通標識   traffic sign / road sign

                     高度交通システム intelligent transport system [ITS]

公定価格         official price 公定歩合 official discount rate / official bank rate

公的資金       public funds 公的年金制度   public pension plan

更迭               dismissal / reshuffle

香典               monetary offering given to a departed spirit

口頭試問       oral examination [interview, test] 筆記テスト written examination

                     口頭弁論   oral pleading [proceedings]

高度経済成長 high economic growth 高度経済成長率   high economic growth rate 

校内暴力          school violence / student violence at school

公認会計士    (米) certified public accountant[C.P.A.]/ (英) chartered accountant


公認候補(者) nominated candidate 候補者   candidate 

光熱費           utility charges / heating and electricity charges

更年期              menopause (婦人の) / change of life 

                       更年期障害 menopausal discomfort [disorder] / menopausal syndrome

                       [troubles] / climacteric suffering (男女両方の)

後背地            hinterland  ※ (海に突き出た) 岬   foreland

購買力              purchasing[buying]power 

交番                 police box

高品位テレビ     high-definition TV[HDTV]

校風               school characteristics[tradition]

公文書            official documents / archives  

合弁会社         joint venture / joint company 日米合弁会社 Japan-U.S. joint venture

                      合弁事業 joint undertaking / joint project

後方支援           logistic support

高密度培養        high-density culture

公務員            civil servant / public official 国際公務員 international civil servant

                       国家公務員   national public official / government employee

公務執行妨害     interference with policemen[government official]in the execution of

                       their duties

小売り            retail

                       卸売り wholesale 小売価格 retail price

                       小売店   retail outlet (米) retail store (英) retail shop

高利貸し         usurer / loan shark / high-interest money lender 

拘留                 detention / custody

高齢化社会        aging society / graying society

高齢者            senior citizen / the elderly / elder[aged]person

                       高齢者介護 nursing care for the elderly[elderly people] 

                       高齢出産 late chidbirth 

ゴーヤ              balsam pear

ゴ-ルデンアワー prime time / peak viewing time

                       ゴールデンアワー番組   prime-time program (show)

子会社              subsidiary (company) / affiliated company

顧客満足度        customer satisfactions [CS]

国外退去         deportation / extradition 国外退去者 deportee

                       国外退去命令 deportation order

国債                 government bond / national bond

                       赤字国債 deficit-covering government bonds / deficit financing bonds /

                       bonds to finance the deficit 国債格下げ downgrading of government bonds

国税               national tax 国税庁   (the) National Tax Agency  

国際観光振興機構 Japan National Tourist Organization [JNTO]

国際収支         international balance of payments

国際宅急便      international courier (small package) service

国際日付変更線 (the) International Date Line [IDL]

国際分業            international division of labor

国際花と緑の博覧会 the International Garden and Greenery Exposition / the International 

                       Exposition of flowers and Greenery                  

国政選挙         national election 国勢調査 (national) census

                       国籍 nationality / citizenship 国籍条項 national clause

                       国選弁護士   court-appointed attorney / court-assigned lawyer

告訴(告発)   accusation / complaint / charge 告訴人  accuser 被告人 the accused 

告知に基づく(患者の)同意 informed consennt 

国定公園           quasi-national park  ※国立公園

国土交通省   the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

国内総生産        gross domestic product [GDP]

国費               national expenditure / national expenses[fund]

                       国費留学生 government-financed overseas[international]student

国賓                 state guest / national guest  

国防                 national defense

国民の            national (名) the nation

         国民医療費 national medical care expenditure

                       国民栄誉賞 National Medal of Honor / People's Honor Award

                       国民健康保険 national health insurance

                       国民総生産 gross national product [GNP]

                       国民投票 (national) referendum / plebiscite

                        国民背番号制   system giving every citizen an ID number

        国民年金 the national pension / the national annuity 

国立の             national

                        国立公園 national park 国立大学   national university

        ※ 国定公園 quasi-national park

国連(国際連合)(the) United Nations / the U.N. 

                       国連安全保障理事会 (the) U.N. Security Council [UNSC]

                       国連決議 (the) U.N. resolutions

                       国連憲章 (the) U.N. Charter / the Chapter of the United Nations  

                       国連事務総長 (the) U.N. Secretary-General 

                       国連総会 (the) U.N. General Assembly [UNGA] 

                       国連平和維持活動 U.N. Peacekeeping Operations [PKO] 

                       国連平和維持軍 U.N. Peacekeeping Forces [PKF]

                       国連本部   (the) U.N. Headquarters

古紙再利用         recycling of used paper

五十肩、四十肩   frozen shoulder

個人(の)       personal / private /individual / independent

                       個人貸付 personal loan 個人可処分所得 personal disposable income

                       個人債務 personal debt 個人消費 personal consumption [spending]

                       個人情報保護法 personal information protection bill / privacy protection bill /

                       privacy-protection legislation / bill to protect personal data 

                       個人タクシー owner-driven taxi / privately-owned taxi / individually-owned

                       cab  個人投資家 individual investor 個人旅行   independent tour

誤診               misdiagnosis / wrong diagnosis

誤審                 misjudgment / miscarriage of justice (裁判)

コスプレショー  costume party / costume fetish gathering

戸籍               family register [registry]

                       戸籍抄本 extra [partial] copy of one’s family register

                       戸籍謄本 full copy of one's family register 

護送船団方式     convoy system

コソ泥              cat burglar / sneak [petty] thief

国家(の)         national / state / governmental (名) nation / state 

                      国家公安委員会 National Public Safety Commission

                      国家公務員 national government employee [worker] / public servant

                      国家試験 national [state] examination 国家予算 national budget

国会              (the National) Diet / (米) Congress /(英) Parliament

                      通常国会 ordinary session of the Diet 特別国会 special session of the Diet

                      臨時国会 extraordinary session of the Diet 国会解散 Diet dissolution

                      国会議事堂   (the) Diet Building / (米) (the) Capital / (英) (the) House of


骨髄移植        bone marrow transplant 骨髄バンク Japan Marrow Donor Program

                      [JMDP] [骨髄移植推進財団] 

骨粗鬆症          osteoporosis

固定の           fixed / regular / basic

                      固定概念 fixed idea [concept] / stereotype

                      固定為替相場 fixed exchange rate 変動為替相場 floating exchange rate 

                      固定基本給 basic [regular] pay 固定資産 fixed assets / fixed property

                      固定資産税   fixed [municipal] property tax

言葉の綾        figure of speech   

子供の日          Children's Day

粉石鹸             laundry soap / (laundry) detergent / soap powder

粉ミルク          powered [powder] milk / dry [dried] milk / baby formula

コネ              connection / contacts / pull

小鮨(こはだ) gizzard shad / spotted shad

小春日和          Indian Summer / (英) St. Martin's summer / warm [balmy] autumn 


こぶ茶           hot water seasoned with tangle 

ごま塩             parched sesame seeds with sault 

ゴマすり        apple-polishing / flattery / palm-greasing

ゴマをする人    apple-polisher / brown-noser

ごまめ             small dried sardines

ごみ              garbege / refuse / waste / (米) trash (英) rubbish

                      ゴミ収集 garbege collection ゴミ収集車 (米) garbege truck / (英) dustcart

                      ゴミ収集人 (米)garbage man [collector] / (英) dustman / sanitation

                      engineer ごみ焼却施設 garbege incineration facilities

                      ゴミ焼却炉 incinerator ゴミ処理 garbege disposal

                      ゴミ捨て場 garbege [trash] dump

                      ゴミ箱 garbege [trash] can / (英)dust [rubbish] bin

                      ゴミ発電) waste-generated electricity ゴミ問題   waste disposal problem

        ※ 粗大ごみ   bulky garbege [refuse] / oversize(d) trash

小麦                wheat  ※ 麦   barley (大麦) / wheat (小麦) / rye (ライ麦)

五目飯             boiled rice mixed with fish and vegetables

顧問弁護士       corporate lawyer [attorney] (会社の)

雇用              employment

                      終身雇用 lifetime employment 雇用確保 job [employment] security

                      雇用契約 contact of employment

                      雇用情勢 employment situation / labor market

                      雇用対策 measures to create employment

                      雇用対策法 (the) Employment Measure Law

                      雇用調整 job reductions / labor [employment] adjustments

                      雇用保険 employment insurance 雇用保証 job security

                      雇用不安   job [employment] insecurity

ゴルフ場        golf course [links] ゴルフ練習場   golf driving range

殺し文句        clincher / decisive remark 殺し屋集団   death squad

懇親会             get-together / social gathering

婚前交渉          premarital sex

コンセント       electrical outlet(部屋の) / wall socket(壁の)

コンビナート  industrial complex

コンビニ    convenience store  

コンピューターウイルス computer virus コンピューターおたく computer geek [nerd] 

コンピューター嫌い cyberphobia 



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