キーホルダー key ring (case)
義援金 donation
記憶喪失症 amnesia
議会 (National) Assembly / the Diet / (米) Congress / (英) Parliament
市議会 municipal assembly 県議会 prefectural assembly
議員立法 legislation introduced by a Diet member
機会均等 equal opportunity ※ 男女雇用機会均等法 Equal Employment Opportunity Law
規格品 standard product
基幹産業 key (basic) industry
気管支 bronchi / bronchial tubes
気管支炎 bronchitis 気管支カタル bronchial catarrh
気管支喘息 bronchial asthma 気管支肺炎 bronchopneumonia
機関投資家 institutional (corporate) investor
危機管理 crisis management 危機管理センター crisis management center
利き酒 sake sampling (tasting)
企業 company / corporate / enterprise / buisiness / firm
外資系企業 foreign capital firm 中小企業 small and medium-sized enterprises
零細企業 tiny enterprise 民間企業 private enterprise
公共企業 public enterprise 企業家 enterpreneur
企業間電子取引business-to-business electoronic commerce / B-to-B e-commerce
企業献金 corporate donation 企業収益 corporate profit
企業責任 corporate responsibility 企業統治 corporate governance
企業年金 corporate pension (annuity)
菊 chrysanthemum 菊の紋章 the imperial chrysanthemum crest
危険人物 potential risk
帰国子女 returnee children
基軸通貨 key currency
記者会見 press conference [interview] / news conference
偽証 prejury / false [witness evidence, testimony]
技術 technology (形) technological / technical
技術移転 technology transfer 技術革新 technological innovation
技術集積都市 technopolis 技術提携 technical cooperation
気象 weather / meteorology
異常気象 unusual (abnormal) weather
気象衛星 meteorological (weather) satellite
気象観測 observations of weather conditions
気象観測用ロケット meteorological sounding rocket
気象警報 weather warning 気象通報 weather report
気象予報士 certified weather forecaster 気象庁(the) Meteorological Agency
気象台 meteorological observatory / weather station / (米) Weather Bureau
机上の空論 armchair theory
既成概念 ready-made ideas / one's stereotype
規制緩和[解除] deregulation / decontrol
既製服 ready-to-wear / ready-made suit (dress) 注文服 made-to-order suit
帰省ラッシュ annual year-end rush of holidaymakers
季節 season (形) seasonal
季節変動 seasonal fluctuation 季節料理 seasonal food (dishes)
季節労働者 seasonal laborer / migratory worker
キセル乗車 train fare bilking (動) cheat on the train (bus) fare
キセル客 ticket cheater / train fare cheater
起訴 indictment (起訴状) / prosecution (法律用語)
起訴猶予 suspension of indictment
基礎(の) basic 基礎控除 basic deduction / legal exemption from an income tax
基礎年金 basic pension plan
偽造 forgery / fabrication / counterfeit (偽物) 偽造貨幣 forged banknote
偽装結婚 camouflaged marriage
帰属意識 sense of belonging
帰宅拒否症 refuseniks
北半球 (the) Northern Hemisphere ※ 南半球
気団 air mass 寒気団 cold air mass 暖気団 warm air mass
喫煙権 smoker's right 嫌煙権 right of non-smokers / right to avoid passive smoking
ぎっくり腰 strained back
機動隊 riot police (警察) / riot squad ※ (米)パトロールカー squad car
既得権 vested rights (interests)
機内(の) in-flight
機内映画 in-flight movie (film) 機内食 in-flight meal
機内持ち込み手荷物 carry-on baggage (luggage)
黄粉餅(きなこもち) rice cake powdered with soybean flour
記念 commemoration / memory / remembrance (形) commemorative / memorial
記念切手 commemorative (memorial) stamp
記念写真 souvenir picture (photograph) 記念碑 monument
黄八丈 checkered (striped) yellow fabric (developed on Hachijo Island)
ギブス (plaster) cast
希望退職 voluntary (early) retirement (resignation)
基本(の) basic / fundamental /minimum
基本給 basic pay (wage) 基本的人権 fundamental human rights
(タクシーの)基本料金 minimum fare
機密保護法 state secrets law
義務教育 compulsory education
偽名 false name / fictious (assumed) name / (犯罪者の偽名) alias
逆ざや negative spread
逆進課税 regressive taxation
逆進所得税 regressive income tax
累進所得税 progressive income tax
(電話の)逆探知 tracing of a telephone call 逆探知装置 telephone source tracing device
逆転勝利 come-from-behind victory
キャッシュカード bank card / ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) card
キャッシュフロー計算書 statement of cash flow
キャッチバー "pick-up"bar
キャッチホン call-waiting telephone
キャラクターグッズ cartoon character merchandise
キャリア組 career officials / career bureaucrats
キャンピングカー camper / trailer / (英) caravan
休火山 dormant volcano
救急 emergency / first aid / rescue
救急患者(急患) emergency case 救急救命士 paramedic
救急車 ambulance / (米) meat wagon 救急隊 rescue squad (crew)
救急隊員 ambulance attendant / member of a rescue squad
救急手当 first aid (FA) / first-aid treatment 救急箱 first-aid kit
救急病院 emergency hospital 救命救急センター critical care center
球根 bulb
休職 leave of absence / layoff
求職 job hunt(ing) / job search(ing) / seeking employment (job)
求人 job offer / recruiting /recruitment 求人広告 classified ad / wanted ad
求人広告欄 "help wanted" column 求人情報誌 help-wanted magazine /
employment and recruting periodical / job-opening information magazine
求人難 shortage of job apprecants
旧姓 former name / original family name / maiden name (女性の)
急性(の) acute (慢性 chronic)
急性中耳炎 acute otitis media 急性肺炎 acute pneumonia
急性盲腸炎 acute appendicitis
旧跡 historic site [spot] / ruins (遺跡)
休戦協定 ceasefire agreement
牛歩戦術 "cow-walk"["ox-step walk"]tactics / delaying tactics
給与(給料) pay / wage / salary
時給 hourly wage (pay) 週休 weekly wage (pay)
月給 monthly wage (pay, salary) 給与所得 earned income
給与水準 pay (wage) level 給与体系 pay (wage) structure
灸療法 moxibustion / moxacautery ※もぐさ moxa
凶悪な heinous / atrocious 凶悪犯罪 heinous crime /felony 凶悪犯人 heinous criminal
教育 education
教育委員会 education board / board of education
教育改革 educational reform / reform of the educational system
教育基本法 Fundamental Law of Education / Basic Education Law
教育投資 investment in education
教育ママ eduction-minded (education-oriented ) mother / mother obsessed
with education
教科書検定 textbook authorization / screening (examination ) of school
検定制度 textbook screening system / screening (examination) of
textbooks (by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
業界紙(誌) trade (industry) journal / trade (buisiness) magazine
行革国会 Diet session for administrative reform
恐喝 blackmail / extortion
凶器 lethal weapon / deadly weapon
狂牛病 mad-cow diseases / bovine spongiform encephalopathy[BSE]
協議離婚 divorce by mutual agreement (consent)
狂言自殺 sham (mock) suicide
狂犬病 rabies / hydrophobia (病理学)
強行採決 forcible passage
共済年金 mutual-aid pension
行政 administration / government 行政改革 administrative reform
行政権 administrative (executive) power
行政指導 administrative guidance
行政処分 administrative punishment 行政制裁金 administrtive penalty
行政府 executive branch of government
矯正歯科 orthodontic clinic / orthodontics
強制収容所 concentration camp / relocation camp
強制送還 extradition / expulsion
業績評価 performance appraisal 業績不振 poor performance
共存共栄 coexistence for mutual benefit
供託金の没収 forfeiture of the registration fee (選挙の)
協調介入 coordinated intervention
共同(の) joint / common (名) community
共同コミュニケ joint communique 共同声明 joint statement (declaration)
共同募金 (米)community chest /(英) charity fund raising
共同加入電話 party line (telephone) 共同経営者 buisness partner
脅迫電話 threatening call (telephone)
共犯[共謀] accomplice / conspirator
拒否権 veto / (the) power of veto
業務提携 buisiness tie-up 業務上過失致傷 professional negligence resulting in injuries
業務上過失致死 professional negligence resulting in death / manslaughter through
professional negligence
漁獲(量) fish catch / haul (of fish)
漁獲割当量 quota for fish catch
漁業水域 fishing zone / fishery waters
漁業専管水域 exclusive fishery zone
極東軍事裁判 (the) International Military Tribunal for the Far East (東京裁判)
極東有事研究 Far East emergency study
拒食症 anorexia / nervosa 大食症 bulimia
魚雷探知機 torpedo detector 機雷掃海(処理) mine sweeping (disposal)
義理 moral obligation
義理チョコ chocolate given out of moral obligation
義理人情 duty and obligation / social obligation and human
切り妻屋根 gable(d) roof
禁煙運動 anti-smoking campaign / smokeout
禁煙車 nonsmoking car / nonsmoker
喫煙車 smoking car
緊急逮捕 emergency arrest without a warrant
緊急着陸 emergency landing
金権政治 money politics / money-oriented politics / plutocracy
均衡 balance / equilibrium (形) balanced
均衡財政 balanced finance
均衡予算 balanced budget
銀行 bank
銀行券発行高 (bank) note circulation 銀行の取り付け騒ぎ run on a bank
銀行融資(貸し出し) bank loan 銀行破り safecracker / safebreaker
緊縮財政 austere fiscal policy (measure) / belt-tightening policy (measure)
緊縮予算 austerity budget
勤続手当 length-of-service allowance 勤続年数 length (years) of service (in a company)
勤務時間 working (office) hours
禁断症状 withdrawal symptom(s)
禁輸 embargo / trade embargo 禁輸品 contraband / embargoed goods
金融 finance / banking
金融緩和(政策) monetary ease (relaxation) (policy)
金融監督庁 (the) Financial Supervisor Agency
金融公庫 public loan corporation 金融先物取引 financial future transaction
金融資本 financial capital 金融自由化 financial deregulation (liberalization)
金融操作 money market management 金融派生商品 derivatives
金融引締め(政策) tight money (policy) / credit squeeze
金融不安 financial instability 金融庁 (the ) Financial Services Agency
金利 interest (rate) / rate of interest
金利格差 interest rate differential
金利自由化 financial liberalization 金利負担 interest burden