追い風 tail wind 向かい風 head wind
王位 the throne (王座) / the crown (王冠)
応急手当 first aid / first-aid treatment
押収 confiscation / seizure
往診 house call / home visit by a
横断歩道 pedestrian crossing / cross walk / zebra crossing
横断歩道橋 pedestrian crossing bridge
往復運賃 round-trip fare / return fare
片道切符 one-way ticket
往復切符 (米) round-trip ticket / (英) return (ticket)
往復外交 schuttle diplomacy
往復はがき prepaid postcard / reply-paid postcard / double postal card
横領 misappropriation / embezzlement
大入り満員 Full House (掲示)
大型減税 large tax cut [reduction]
オーダーメイド(の) made-to-order / trailor-made (衣服)
オートバイ motorcycle
大麦 barley ※ 麦
大家 landlord (男性) / landlady
陸稲(おかぼ) rice (plants) grown in a dry field
置き引き baggage thief / walking away with another person's baggage
お灸 moxibustion
屋上庭園 rooftop garden
押し入り強盗 burglar / housebreaker
おしどり夫婦 happily married couple / loving couple
汚職 corruption /
scandal (形) corrupt
汚職官吏 corrupt
汚職政治家 corrupt politician
汚水処理施設 waste water treatment / [disposal] plant
お墨付き word from a person in
power / the go-ahead
おせち料理 traditional Japanese New Year's cuisine[dishes]
汚染 pollution / contamination (動) pollute , contaminate (名) pollutant
大気汚染 air
pollution 環境汚染 environment pollution
汚染緊急警報 pollution
emergency alert 汚染防止 pollution control
汚染防止法 anti-pollution law
pollutant / contaminant / polluting matter
オゾン ozone
オゾン層 ozone
layer / ozonosphere
オゾン層の破壊 ozone layer depletion [destruction] / depletion of the
layer オゾン層破壊物質 ozone-depleting substances
オタク geek (変人、奇人) / nerd (変わり者) / freak weenie
アニメオタク animation geek カメラオタク camera nerd
コンピューターオタク computer nerd
男やもめ widower
お尋ね者 wanted person / wanted criminal
お多福風邪 mumps
落ちこぼれ dropout / student left behind / student incapable of keeping up with
classroom studies
おたま ladle (お玉じゃくし) / dipper (ひしゃく)
お年玉 New Year's monetary gift [present]
お年玉付き年賀はがき New Year's lottery postcard
落とし物 lost belonging / lost property
大人運賃 adult fare 幼児運賃 infant fare
おとり decoy
police decoy おとり捜査 (米) sting (operation) /
undercover investigation / investigation by an undercover police agent
おとり捜査官 undercover police agent
お涙頂戴記事 tear-jerker / sob stuff
おはぎ rice dumpling covered with bean paste
オバタリアン pushy[obnoxious]middle-aged woman
お祓い purification (清め) / exorcism (悪魔祓い)
帯 sash for a kimono
お浸し boiled greens[vegetables]with a thin dressing[soy sauce]
おふくろの味 the taste of Mom's cooking
おまけ premium / giveaway(米)/ free gift(英)
お祭り気分 festive mood
お守り talisman / good luck charm
おみくじ written oracle / sacred lot / fortune-telling paper
親会社 parent company / senior company / holding company ※子会社
親子電話 party line
親殺し[尊属殺人] parricide 父親殺し partricide 母親殺し matricide
オヤジギャグ worn-out joke / corny[unfunny]joke
親バカ blind parental love / doting[indulgent]parent
親離れ independence from parental influence
女形(おんながた、おやま) female-role player / male actor who takes female parts / kabuki
female impersonator
折りたたみ椅子 folding [collapsible] chair 折りたたみ自転車 collapsible bicycle
折りたたみ席 jump seat
折り詰め food packed in a thin wooden box / box lunch
折り鶴 folded-paper crane
オリンピック(大会) the Olympic Games / the Olympics / the Olympiad
卸売 wholesale
卸売価格(値) wholesale price
卸売業者 wholesaler/ wholesale dealer
卸売物価指数 wholesale price index [WPI]
終わり値(株式) closing quotation [price] / finish / close
恩給生活者 pensioner ※ 年金受給者
温室効果 greenhouse effect
恩赦 amnesty / pardon
音声 voice / sound 音声差動装置 voice-operated device
voice mail
温泉療法 balneotherapy
温帯 temperate zone
温帯植物 the flora[fauna]of the temperate zone
温帯低気圧 extratropical cyclone 温暖前線 warm front
寒冷前線 cold front 温熱療法 thermotherapy 凍結療法 cryotherapy
温浴療法 whirlpool treatment
ガード railroad overpass / (英) elevated railway bridge
ガードマン security guard / guard
カード読み取り機 card reader [CR]
カーナビ car navigation system / global posiation system [GPS] satellite
navigation system
外圧 external [outside] pressure /
pressure from outside
外貨 foreign currency [money](外国の金) / foreign exchange
(外国為替)外貨準備高 foreign currency reserves
deposit in foreign currency / foreign currency deposit
海外(の) overseas
海外勤務 overseas assignment
海外経済協力基金 (the) Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
海外先物取引 overseas commodity future trading
海外修学旅行 overseas
school excursion / school excursion abroad
海外駐在員 overseas representative / expartriate
overseas dispatch / overseas deployment of troops
買い替え需要 replacement demand
改革案 reform plan / reform bill (議会の法案)
改革断行内閣 reformist government
外郭団体 auxially [organization](補助機関)/ outer organization (外部の団体)
/ extra-governmental organization(政府組織外の団体)
開業医 general practitioner [GP] / medical practioner / practicing doctor
会計 account / accounting
会計係 accountant / cashier / tresurer 会計監査 audit / auditing
会計監査院 (the) Board of Audit 会計年度 fiscal [financial] year
会計報告 financial report / treasurer's report
戒厳令 martial law
解雇 dismissal / discharge / layoff 解雇通知 dismissal notice
介護 care / nurcing
介護犬 service dog 介護費用 nurcing expenses
介護休業制度 family-care [nursing-care] leave system
介護福祉士 health care worker
介護報酬 goverment-set price for nursing-care service
介護保険 nursing care insurance / long-term insurance
外交 diplomacy / foreign affairs / (形) diplomatic
外交機密費 secret diplomatic funds 外交特権 diplomatic privilege
diplomatic immunity 外交官 diplomat / diplomatist (英)
外国為替 foreign exchange
外国為替市場 foreign
[overseas] exchange market
外国為替差益 foreign
exchange gain
外国為替差損 foreign exchange loss
外国為替相場の変動 fluctuations in foreign exchange rates
外国人 alien / foreigner
外国人嫌い xenophobia
/ xenophobe(人)
外国人びいき xenophilia / xenophile(人)外国人登録 alien registration
外国人登録法 (the) Alien Registration Law
外国人参政権 municipal suffrage of foreign residents
改札口 (米) ticket gate / (英) token barrier / (platform ) wicket / ticket
barrier / wicket
外資系企業 foreign-affiliated company[firm]/ company[firm]with foreign
capital affiliation
買占め scare buying / cornering / hoarding
会社 company [Co.] / firm / corporation(米)
親会社 parent company 子会社 subsidiary company
orientation meeting for prospective employees
会社更生法 (the) Corporate Rehabilitation Law
海上自衛隊 (the) Maritime Self-Defense Force [MSDF]
※ 自衛隊 (the) Self-Defence Forces [SDF]
海上保安庁 (the) Maritime Safety Agency [MSA]
外食産業 food-service industry / fast-food industry / catering industry
回数券 coupon ticket
会席料理 set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests
懐石料理 formal simple dinner served before a ceremonial tea
回送車 out-of-service train
海賊版 pirate(d) edition [version] 海賊ソフト産業 software piracy
懐中電灯 flashlight / (英) torch
海底(の) submarine / undersea 海底火山 submarine[undersea]volcano
海底電線 submarine[undersea]cable
海底油田 submarine[offshore]oil field
改訂版 revised edition
買い手労働市場 oversupply on the labor market / tight job market
※ 売り手労働市場 scarcity of labor supply / tight labor market
介入 intervention
市場介入 market intervention
円売り介入 yen-selling intervention
武力介入 armed intervention
開発途上国 developing country
戒名 posthumous Buddhist name
買物依存症 shopaholic
外務省 (the) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
海洋観測船 oceanographic observation vessel
海洋投棄 dumping of waste at the sea
懐炉(かいろ) body warmer / pocket heater
貝割れ大根 white Japanese radish sprouts
会話能力 communicative competence
替え歌 parody
替え玉 ringer / substitute
顔写真 mug shot 顔文字 emoticon /smiley
顔パス入場者 gate-crasher
価格 price / cost
公定価格 official price 生産者価格 producer's price
消費者価格 consumaer's price
価格協定 price cartel [fixing] / agreement on prices
価格競争 price war 価格差別 price discrimination
indexation / index-linking
価格破壊 price slashing / collapse in prices
雅楽 Japanese ceremonial court music and dance
化学製品[薬品] chemicals 化学調味料 chemical seasoning [additive]
化学療法 chemotherapy
柿 persimmon
鍵っ子 latchkey child
核 nucleus(形)nuclear
核拡散 nuclear proliferation / proliferation of nuclear weapons
核拡散防止条例 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
核家族 nuclear family / two-generation family
核軍縮 nuclear disarmament
核実験禁止協定 nuclear
test ban agreement
nuclear fuel 核兵器 nuclear weapon [arms] / nukes
nuclear power 核持ち込み introduction of nuclear arms
核融合 nuclear fusion
架空名義預金 deposit in a fictitious name
閣外協力 non-cabinet alliance
格差 difference / gap / divide / discrepancy
隠し味 secret ingredient / hidden seasoning
隠し芸 seacret talent / parlor
隠しマイク hidden microphone / bug (米・盗聴用)
学習指導要領 curriculum guidelines / school course guidelines
学習塾 private cramming school
革新政権 reformist[progressive]government
革新連合政権 reformist coalition government
覚せい剤 stimulant(drug)
格づけ rating / credit rating
確定申告 final income tax return
学閥 academic clique / school clique
学力 academic ability
学力試験[検査]achievement test / scholastic ability test
学歴 academic records / academic[educational]background
false statement about one's academic background
education-conscious society
学歴偏重社会 academic background-oriented society / society which
excessive emphasis on academic record
革命軍事政権 junta
格安航空券 discount air ticket
隔離病棟 isolation ward
隠れん坊 hide-and-seek (game)
掛け売り credit purchase [buying]
駆け落ち elopement (動) elope (with) / run away (with)
掛け金 premium (保険の) / installment (月賦などの)
掛け捨て保険 term insurance / insurance with no refund payment
掛け軸 hanging scloll
影の内閣 (英) Shadow Cabinet
火口 crater
火口丘 volcano cone 火口湖 crater lake 火砕流 pyroclastic flow
火山 volcano
活火山 active[live]volcano 休火山 dormant volcano
死火山 extinct volcano 海底火山 submarine [undersea] volcano
火山性微動 volcanic tremor 火山噴火 volcanic eruption
volcanic ejecta
下降気流 descending current / down draft
加工食品 processed food
火災報知機 fire drill
風見鶏 weather vane / weathercock
旗魚(カジキ) swordfish
貸方勘定 credit account
貸切バス chartered bus
貸し渋り credit crunch / reluctance to grant loans / reluctanace to lend
loan delinquency / default
過失傷害罪 accidental [unintentional] affliction of injury 過失致死罪 accidental
[unintentional] killing / involuntary manslaughgter (法律用語)
家事の分担 domestic division of labor
過剰 excess (形)exessive
過剰在庫 excexssive inventory 過剰設備 overcapacity
過剰防衛 overreaction in self-defense / excessive self-defense
過剰包装 overrapping
/ over-packaging / exessive packaging
過食症 bulimia / impulsive overeating
可処分所得 disposable income
柏餅 rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf
数の子 herring roe
ガス湯沸かし器 gas hot-water heater
課税 taxation (形) taxable 課税範囲 scope of tax assessment
taxable goods [articles] 課税物件 object of taxation
化石 fossil
仮想現実 virtual reality
過疎地域[地帯] depopulated [underpopulated] area
ガソリンスタンド filling station / service station / gas station / (英) petrol station
片想い unrequited love / one-sided love
片親家族 single-parent family
肩書き title / position
家宅捜査 house search / house-searching 捜査令状 search warrant
肩こり stiff shoulders (片方だけの場合 a stiff shoulder)
片道運賃 one-way fare 片道切符[乗車券]one-way ticket
round-trip fare (ticket)
(英) single (ticket) 往復 return (ticket)
価値観 a sence of value
勝ち組と負け組 winners and loser (動)be on the winning[losing] side
課長 section chief / the chief of the section [department]
課長代理 deputy
section chief 課長補佐 assistant section chief
課徴金 penalty[surcharge]imposed on corporations for price cartels and
rigged bids
鰹(かつお) binito 鰹節 dried bonito
学級崩壊 collapse of the classroom / disorder[chaos]in the classroom
学校5日制 five-day week school system
School Education Law
合掌造りの家 wooden house with a steep rafter roof / wooden house with a huge
steep-sloping roof
滑走路 runway / airstrip
カッターナイフ retractable knife
活断層 active fault
合併 merger / amalgamation 合併買収 merger and acquisition [M & A]
合併症 complication(s)
家庭 family / home (形) domestic / household
家庭医 family doctor
家庭菜園 family[home]garden / kitchen garden
家庭裁判所 family court / (米) domestic relations court
家庭争議 family
dispute / domestic trouble
家庭内殺人 homicide / killing one’s family members in one’s own
committed by minors
家庭内しつけ family discipline
家庭内別居 stranger
living in the same house (動)living separate
under the same roof
domestic violence [DV] / violence in the home /
violence within the family / violence toward one's family
家庭内離婚 in-home separation
家庭用品 household
家電器具 household[home]electric appliances
家電リサイクル法 law requiring the recycling of home electric
角番(相撲の) do or die / (be) in a do-or-die situation
門松 New Year's decorative pine trees [branches]
蚊取り線香 mosquito-repellent incense coil
可燃ごみ burnable garbage [不燃]non-burnable garbage
可燃性ゴミ combustible
かば焼き(鰻の) barbecued[broiled]eel
画鋲 thumbtack / tack (英) drawing pin
株 stock 株式 stock / share(英)
株買い占め stock cornering 株価 stock prices
stock average 株価暴落 stock plunge [crash]
株式会社(米)incorporate company /(英)limited company
株式公開買い付け takeover
bid [TOB] / tender offer
株式市況 stock quotations[prices]株式市場 stock market
株取引所 stock exchange 株式取引 stock trading
株式持合い interlocking shareholdings
stockholder / (英) shareholder
株主総会 stockholders' meeting /general meeting of stockholders (英)
shareholders 株屋 stockbroker
/ sharebroker
家風 family tradition
カフスボタン cuff links
カプセルホテル capsule hotel / (米) sleeping module
花粉症 hay fever / allergy to pollen
貨幣 money / currency (形) monetary
貨幣価値 value of money[currency]
貨幣単位 monetary[currency]unit
壁掛けテレビ wall-mounted television (set)
過保護 overprotection / overindulgence
かまぼこ boiled [steamed] fish-paste / fish sausage
紙オムツ disposable diaper / (英) disposable nappy
神棚 Sinto household altar / Shinto home shrine
過密ダイヤ tight timetable [train schedule]
過密都市 overpopulated city / overcrowd city
紙一重 only a fineline / only a slight difference
ガムテープ packing tape
カメラマン photographer
家紋 family crest / family emblem
蚊帳 mosquito net
カラ出張 fictitious [phony] buisiness trip
辛子蓮根 lotus root stuffed with mustard
からすみ salted and dried mullet roes
仮(の) temporary / provisional / tentative / trial / conditional
tentative agreement 仮採用 trial employment
provisional seizure
仮執行 provisional [conditional]excution
provisional disposition 仮出所 conditioal release
仮免許 temporary[provisional]license
軽石 pumice (stone)
カルテ medical report / clinical chart
加齢臭 age-induced body smell[odor]/ body smell[odor]that comes
with aging
過労死 death from overwork / death from excessive work
カロリーの摂取 calorie intake
為替 exchange /(postal)money order
為替手形 bill of exchange
為替レート[相場] exchange rate / the rate of exchange
がん cancer
がんの告知 cancer notification がん細胞 cancer cell
がん性の腫瘍 cancerou tumor がんの転移 metastasis of cancer
簡易裁判所 summary court
簡易保険[簡保] postal life insurance
肝炎 hepatitis [B型肝炎]hepatitis B
官官接待 bureaucrats entertaining each other
寒気団 cold air mass
環境 (the) environment (形) environmental
環境アセスメント environmental
環境汚染 environmental pollution 環境観光 eco-tourism
環境危機 environmental
環境基準 environmental
quality standards
環境破壊 environmental destruction / ecocide
環境保護 environmental protection[conservation]
環境ホルモン environmental hormone / hormone-disrupting
substances 環境省 the Ministry of the Enviroment
環境にやさしい eco-friendly
缶切り can opener / tin opener (英)
監禁 confinement / imprisonment
ガングロ deeply tanned skin
観光 sightseeing (tour) / tourism
観光産業 tourism / tourist industry
観光資源 tourist resources 観光施設 tourist facilities
観光地 sightseeing spot / tourist resort
官公庁 government and municipal offices
冠婚葬祭 ceremonial functions [直訳]formal occasions for the ceremonies of
coming-of-age、 marriage funeral and ancestor worship
監査 inspection (監査) / audit (会計監査) 監査法人 audit corporation
監査役[人]inspector / auditor
換算表 conversion table
幹事長 secretary-general / chief secretary
関税 customs / tariff
関税障壁 tariff
barrier (wall) 関税率 tariff rate
観戦スポーツ spectator sports
完全 perfect / complete / full
完全雇用 full employment 完全試合 perfect game[match]
完全生中継 start-to-finish
live broadcast
完全燃焼 complete combustion 完全犯罪 perfect crime
肝臓 liver 肝臓移植 liver transplant 肝臓病 liver disease [ailment]
乾燥機 (electric) dryer[drier] 乾燥剤 desiccant
観測気球 observation balloon
寒帯 frigid zone 寒帯動物 polar animal 寒帯植物 polar plant
官邸 official residence
首相官邸 the
Prime Minister's official residence
官房長官 The Chief Cabinet Secretary
官民一体 the government united with the private sector
官僚 bereaucrat 官僚政治 bureaucracy
鑑定留置 detention for mental examination / confinement for psychiatric tests
乾電池 dry battery / dry cell
カンニング cheating in a test / cribbing(動) cheat / crib
観音 deity[goddess]of mercy
観音開き folding[double]door
かんぴょう dried gourd shavings
カンフル注射 camphor injection
漢方薬 Chinese[herbal]medicine / herb medicine
歓楽街 gay quarters / red-light district / entertainment area / amusement
観覧車 Ferris wheel
管理職 management position / managerial post
関連会社 associated[affiliated] company