
Ito Jakuchu: Quite the rare bird

  by  To The Japan Times Article history       

The best time to see Ito Jakuchu’s work was back in 2000 or 2006, when there were two major exhibitions that aimed to re-evaluate the underappreciated 18th-century Kyoto painter. Now that re-evaluation has picked up plenty of steam we are currently experiencing a powerful “Jakuchu Boom,” which means that the “300th Anniversary of his Birth: Jakuchu” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art is a busy and crowded exhibition — not ideal conditions for appreciating the colorful yet delicate beauty of his work. Jakuchu is particularly loved for his vivid depictions of animals, especially birds, of which there are several excellent examples, but a similar artistic love is bestowed by the artist on all aspects of nature, revealing a Buddhistic embrace of life in its various forms. Perhaps the most impressive of the bird-themed works is “Cactus and Domestic Fowls” (1790), a piece painted on six golden door panels from Saifuku-ji Temple in Niigata Prefecture. The contrast between the gold and the colors emphasizes the strutting forms of the birds, while the cactus makes a lazy appearance on the side as if to comment on the prickly nature of the proud fowls. This work also reveals Jakuchu’s constant subtle humor that riffs off the eccentricities of the animal world as well as the constraints and possibilities of artistic media. You can find it in many other works, such as his kappazuri (also known as katagamizuri-e, prints printed in black and then color stencilled) “Cockatoo” (1771). Jakuchu seems to have chosen the upside-down pose of the little bird to refer to the various inversions of the printing process. A completely different technique also reveals artistic humor — “Phoenix” (undated), an hanging scroll ink painting that was completed relatively quickly. Playful brush strokes around the neck of the bird loosen and enliven what would otherwise have been an overly precise and straight composition, while also throwing a hint of gentle mockery at the austere bird. Such gentle touches constantly shine through Jakuchu’s work, suggesting that he may even have been subtly commenting on the vanity and pomposity of the society around him. Jakuchu’s name appears second to Maruyama Okyo’s in the “Heian Jinbutsushi” (“Record of Heian Notables”), a kind of who’s who of Kyoto of the period, testifying to his high standing in his own time. But, if he was such an accomplished and recognized artist, why did he need a boom to come back into favor? This implies a period of neglect. Perhaps it’s because, unlike Okyo, who founded a school and thus had many disciples and followers to keep his reputation high, Jakuchu was a more solitary creature. His painting studio was even named Dokurakuka, literally meaning “solitary pleasure nest.” One imagines that he may have been something of an odd bird.

“The 300th Anniversary of his Birth: Jakuchu” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum runs until May 24; 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Fri. until 8 p.m.). ¥1,600. Closed Mon. www.tobikan.jp


                Kyoto museum celebrates the works of native son Ito Jakuchu

                                                                            by Special To The Japan Times          












                 英の勉強(4)ー (う、え)


ウイルス感染       virus infection ウイルス対策ソフト antivirus software

魚の目(足の指の)corn (on a toe)

鵜飼                   cormorant fishing / fishing with cormorants

浮き彫り作品       work in relief

受け皿銀行          bridge bank / takeover bank

薄型大画面テレビ large-screen flat-panel television

薄型テレビ          flat-screen television[TV]

うそ発見器          polygraph / lie detector

うそ八百               all sorts of lies / a pack of lies

歌い放題カラオケ all-you-can-sing karaoke

内金                   down payment / part payment

内ゲバ                intrafactional strife(集団間) / intragroup strife(同一グループ)

内税方式             tax-inclusive system 外税方式 tax-exclusive system

内弁慶                a lion at home[inside]and a mouse abroad[out-side]

内幕                   inside facts (of the political world) / inside knowledge / actual conditions

宇宙                   space / (the) universe / (the) cosmos

                           宇宙開発 space development

         宇宙開発事業団 National Space Development Agency [NASDA] 

                          宇宙基地   space station 宇宙空間 outer space 宇宙ゴミ space debris

                          宇宙時代 the Spaced Age / the space age 宇宙食 space food

                          宇宙塵 space dust 宇宙ステーション space station / space platform

                          宇宙中継 transmission by communication satellites 宇宙服 space suit

                          宇宙遊泳 spacewalk / walk in space

                          宇宙人 alien / man from another planet

                          宇宙船 spacecraft / spaceship / space shuttle

                          宇宙飛行士 astronaut(米)cosmonaut(ロシア)

うつ病                depression / melancholia

雨天中止             rainout

鰻重                     broiled eel served over rice in a lacquerred box

海風前線     sea breeze front

海の幸                  marine products / seafood

埋め立て地            reclaimed land [ground] / landfill

裏書き                endorsement (小切手などの) 

裏金       off-the-books money / slush fund (政治活動) kickback money(リベート)

裏口                   backdoor 裏口入学 backdoor admission to a school / buying one's way 

                           into school 裏口融資 backdoor loan / loan through back channels

裏取引                behind-the-scene bargaining / backstage deal

裏話                   inside story  ※内幕 inside facts (of the political world) / inside

                           knowledge / actual conditions

裏番組                program on a different channel

裏ビデオ             hard-core porn video

裏技                     trick / knack

占い       fortune-telling / augury

売り掛け             credit sales

売り手労働市場      scarcity of labor supply / tight labor market

うるう年               leap year / intercalary year

売れ筋商品            hot-selling product

運航管理               operation control / flight control

運賃                   fare

                           航空運賃 air fare タクシー料金 taxi fare 

                           運賃精算(所)   fare adjustment (office)

                           運賃値上げ fare hike [increase, raise]

                           運賃値下げ reduction in freight / a fare reduction 運賃表   fare chart

運転資金               working fund / operating capital / working capital

運動資金               campaign funds

運命共同体            common destiny / community held together by fate


エアコン     air-conditioning (冷房機) / air conditioner (空調調節装置) 

営業外利益          non-operating income 営業利益 operating income

                           営業停止処分 suspension of business

英才教育             special education for gifted[brilliant]children

エイズ                AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

                           エイズ患者 AIDS patient / person (infected) with the AIDS virus

                           エイズの流行 AIDS epidemic

衛星                   satellite 衛星(生)中継 live transmission vir satellite

                           衛星放送 satellite broadcasting

栄養                   nutrition / nourrishment / nurtriment / nutrient

                          栄養過多 over nutrition 栄養剤 nutrient substance

                          栄養失調 malnutrition 栄養障害 nutritional disturbance 

                          栄養ドリンク energy drink

                          栄養不良 undernourishment / lack of nourishment

                          栄養補助食品   (dietary) supplement

営利企業            profit-making buisiness [enterprise]

                          営利団体[組織]  profit-making organization

                          非営利団体 non-profit organization

AO入試              admission office-managed entrance examination for colleges and


A型肝炎ウイルス hepatitis A virus [HAV]

A級戦犯             the A class war criminal

液晶                  liquid crystal

                          液晶カラーテレビ liquid crystal color television

                          液晶画面 liquid crystal display / [LCD] liquid crystal picture [screen]

                          液晶テレビ   LCD television

疫病                  plague / epidemic

駅弁                  box lunch sold at stations or on trains

エコノミークラス症候群 economy-class syndrome / deep vein thrombosis

越境入学            going to a school outside one's school zone

エビ       shrimp / prawn

烏帽子      headgear worn by nobles in court dress

絵馬                  votive picture[tablet]of a horse (※奉納 votive)

エリート社員      white-collar employee of a big company

エルニーニョ現象 El Nino effect

円                     (the) yen

                          円借款 yen-based loan / yen credit

                          円相場 yen exchange rate / yen-dollar moves

                          円高差益 benefits of the yen's appreciation

                          円建て quotation in yen

                          円安(ドル高) the yen's depreciation (against the U.S. dollar) / cheap yen


         円高   strong yen (rate) / high-value yen / yen appreciation 

遠隔作業機         remotely operated vehicle [ROV]遠隔操作カメラ remote -control camera

遠隔授業            distance learning using multimedia technology

沿岸漁業            coastal fisheries 遠洋漁業 deep-sea fisheries / pelagic fishing      

遠距離恋愛         long-distance romance [relationship]

遠近両用めがね   bifocals / bifocal glasses

冤罪                  false charge / unjust accusation

援助交際            juvenile prostitution / compensated dating

エンスト            engine stall

延滞利子            overdue interest

延命治療            life-prolonging treatment



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