
  紫蘭 シラン Um Orchid 
  紫蘭 シラン Um Orchid 


Enjoy your life in Japan, for the moments

                    by Debito Arudo Article history         

In contrast, consider what happens when you don’t shikata ga nai and thus spoil the moment. Have you ever experienced an evening where a sudden lover appears out of nowhere, and you reach an overnight closeness that authors such as Donald Richie, the virtuoso of Japan’s secret worlds, would wax lyrically about? Then your newfound companion puts his or her clothes back on and is gone — even looks annoyed if you ask to meet again. Suddenly you find yourself standing on the street alone, sleepless and slightly dazed, wondering “What was that all about?” The answer is pretty simple: Your sudden lover wanted a moment. And you were there to oblige. I call these kinds of rendezvous “Year of the Cat” adventures (listen to the Al Stewart song), and they are one of the most attractive things about Japan. If you haven’t experienced this kind of rendezvous, consider a milder example of transience: moving to a new city. Steadily your old friends from your previous burg drop out of sight. Yes, you’ll all get together for a party when you’re back in town, but otherwise, outside of a few texts on Line or Facebook, they’re no longer in contact with you. Why? You were but a phase in their lives; now you’re gone. Move on. Or consider a surprisingly normal way of shutting down a rural Japanese company: the big sayonara party. Although there will be grumbles, rarely are there organized strikes or protests by workers. They just get told that closing down is shikata ga nai in today’s depopulating countryside, followed by a banquet celebrating everyone’s efforts and memories. And then the moment’s over. Move on. However, there is one big drawback to expecting impermanence, and that is conversely expecting the status quo’s permanence (especially if you’re tying to change Japan). Let me tell you what I mean: As an activist for the rights of non-Japanese residents, I have lobbied thousands of people at all levels of society. After a few hours of discussion, almost everyone vocally acknowledges (even the biggest bigots!) that all people in Japan, regardless of nationality or physical appearance, are human, and that they deserve fair treatment and equal opportunity to make something of themselves. Great! Progress made, you think. But then the speech ends, and the moment is gone. And your audience return to their lives and look back at the moment we had as mere wishful thinking in a secret world. Because for most people, life is cold, harsh, unyielding and disempowering. Especially so for foreigners — they’re by definition only temporary anyway. That’s why you see people latching on to foreign friends with fetish. While the foreign guest is here, be friendly, enjoy the moment and have an experience that will leave a pleasant memory and maybe even create a secret — but temporary — world. But it will likely not change their worldview.

Because what happens in this interaction is bounded in space and time, and will likely change nothing big-picture outside. In a state of transience, the only apparently intransient thing is unyielding Japanese society. So, shikata ga nai. Don’t make plans and spoil the mood. Ride the wave and enjoy the wabi-sabi of Japanese relationships with life events. You will very likely find secret worlds that are impossible elsewhere on the planet. And that is one of Japanese society’s major appeals. Chasing after those moments keeps adventurous people here entire lifetimes.

Debito Arudou’s textbook, “Embedded Racism: Japan’s Visible Minorities and Racial Discrimination” (Lexington Books), is out in paperback in July. See www.debito.org/embeddedracism.html. Twitter: @arudoudebito. Comments and story ideas: community@japantimes.co.jp


Wearing a clown costume, Tsutomu Yoshinaga hands a balloon to a girl at an evacuation center in Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture, on Monday. Yoshinaga has already given out about 1,000 balloons to children who live in the quake-hit area. | KYODO


    Mental support for kids begins in quake-hit Kumamoto

                                                        JIJII Article history          


Families participate in a running event held at Tokyo Disney Sea in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, on Thursday's Children's Day national holiday. | KYODO

     Tokyo DisneySea’s Children’s Day jogging event attracts 1,000 entrants

                                                       Kyodo  Article history          

Disney characters cheered as they ran around the amusement park in a 2-km run before it opened for the day. Mickey Mouse greeted the participants at the finish. “It was hot but I was happy to meet Mickey Mouse,” said Hirochika Yajima, 6, who lives in the city of Maebashi, in Gunma Prefecture, with his mother. According to Oriental Land Co., operator of the amusement park, it is the first time it held a jogging event in the park. The event was held to mark the 15th anniversary of Tokyo DisneySea.


      Kids rejoice as bear mascot Kumamon makes first appearance since quakes

                                                 Kyodo, Staff Report Article history          



















5月4日(水)6:00入港 17:00出港 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス

5月7日(土)14:00入港 20:00出港 マリナー・オブ・ザ・シーズ

5月8日(日)6:00入港 17:00出港 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス

5月16日(月) 6:00入港 17:00出港 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス

5月24日(火) 6:00入港 5月25日(水) 4:00出港 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス

5月29日(日) 13:00 入港 23:59 出港 ゴールデン・プリンセス

5月30日(月) 6:00入港 17:00出港 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス



 ゴールデン・ウイークの9日続きの大連休に、何処へも出かけなかったが、5月5日の子供の日、元町まで出掛けて大井肉店でハンバーグを買い、森谷肉店で鉄板焼きのロース肉を買って帰り何処へも出かけなかったことの溜飲を下げた。で、、ステーキ肉 ? 、、やっぱり、、森谷が一番だね!


                 英語の勉強(2)ー (あ)


 合鍵       duplicate key (同じ鍵) / master key (ホテルなど)

合気道      art of weaponless self-defense

間狂言      comic interlude ( on a Noh play ) 

相乗り      riding together / ride together / share ( a car )

和え物      dressed foods / dishes dressed with various seasonings

青色申告     blue form income tax return

青写真      blueprint

青信号      green light ※blueではない

青空駐車               unauthorized parking / illegal parking outdoors

青田買い               early scounting of university students

赤貝       ark shell

あかぎれ     crack / chap

赤字       deficit (不足額)  (黒字 surplus) / in the red

                          赤字金融 deficit-covering loan

                          赤字国債 deficit -covering bonds / deficit financing bonds

                          赤字財政 deficit finance 赤字残高 red balance

                          赤字補てん making up a deficit 赤字融資   financing for deficit-covering      

赤潮       red tide

赤の他人     complete [ total ] stranger

空き巣ねらい   prowler/ sneak thief (人) / sneak thieving (行為)

悪臭防止法    (the) Offensive Odor Control Law

悪循環      vicious circle ( of poverty and crime 貧困と犯罪の悪循環 )

アクセル     accelerator

悪性腫瘍     malignant tumor

悪徳商法     vicious buisiness method [ practice ]

悪の枢軸     axis of evil

上げ相場     bullish market 下げ相場 bearish market

鯵 ( アジ )    horse mackerel ( 単複同形 ) ※ mackerel さば

足切り      pre-test screening system

味付け海苔    seasoned laver

アジト      hideout

預かり証     claim tag / deposit receipt

アスベスト肺   asbestosis / white lung

アセアン     ASEAN / Association of Southeast Asian Nations

汗疹( あせも )   prickly heat

頭金            down payment / initial deposit 

                           分譲マンションの 頭金 down payment on a condominium 

圧縮                     condensation / compression 圧縮ポンプ   compressor

圧勝                       overwhelming victory / landslide victory / resounding  win

斡旋         concilation / mediation 

                            斡旋者 go-between / conciliator / mediator

                            斡旋収賄 influence pedding / acceptance of a bribe for

                            favorable treatment

厚底ブーツ     platform boots

圧力        pressure

                           圧力なべ pressure cooker 圧力計 pressure gauge

                           圧力団体 pressure group 圧力隔壁 bulkhead

後書き                postscript 後払い deferred payment / cash on delivery [ C.O.D.]

アドバルーン   advertising balloon

アトピー性皮膚炎 atopic dermatitis

穴子 ( あなご )   conger (eel) / sea eel

あぶく銭     easy [unearned] money / ill-gotten gains / fast (quick) buck

アフターサービス after-sale(s) service / service under warranty ( 保証期間中のサービス )

アフレコ     after-recording / postrecording

油揚げ      fried bean curd

安倍川餅     rice cake dressed with bean flour

甘え       emotional dependence

天下り      retired bureaucrats parachuting into private firms / the appointment of

         ex-government officials to high positions in private organizations

甘栗       sweet broiled [roasted] chestnuts  

甘酒       sweet drink made from fermented rice

尼寺       nunnery / convent                        

あまのじゃく ( 天の邪鬼 ) perverse person / cross-grained person

網戸       screen door / window screen

アミノ酸     amino acid

アメダス     AMeDAS / Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System  

アメとムチ    carrot and stick

菖蒲( あやめ )   iris

霰(あられ)   hail / hailstone

霰餅       rice crackers / rice-cake cubes [pellets]

アルカリイオン水 ionized alkaline water

歩きタバコ    smoking while walking

アルツハイマー病 Alzheimer's disease

アルバイト    part-time worker / part-timer

アルミ               aluminum

                          アルミ合金 alminum alloy アルミ製品 aluminum ware

                          アルミホイル aluminum foil

アレルギ ー     allergy [ to egg 卵の] allergic( 形 ) allergic disease ( 疾患 ) allergic rhinitis

         ( 鼻炎 ) / tendency to allergy ( 体質 ) allergic reaction ( 反応 )

粟おこし     millet cake  ※millet とうもろこし、きび

泡消火器     foam fire extinguisher

泡だて器     whisk / ( egg ) beater / egg whisk ( 英 )

アワビ( 鮑 )   abalone

アンケート回答者 respondent to a questionnaire

暗号ソフト    encryption software

暗殺       assassionation

安産       easy delivery

暗証番号       personal identification number [ PIN ] / PIN number / secret code


安全         safety / security

                          安全管理 safety control [management]

                          安全地帯 safetey zone / safety island ( 道路の中央の高い所 )

                          安全点検 safety inspection[ check ] 

安全保障         security 日米安全保障条約 ( the ) Japan-U.S. Security Treaty [Pact]

           安全保障理事会 ( the ) U.N. Security Council

安打         base hit / single hit

安定多数     stable majority / comfortable majority

行燈 ( あんどん )  paper-covered lamp stand

案内広告       classified ad ( 項目別三行広告 ) want ad ( 求人求職広告 )

あんパン       bun filled with sweet bean paste ※ bun 干しブドウ入りの甘いパン

アンプ(増幅器) amplifier

暗黙の了解      unspoken agreement / tacit understanding[consent] 

餡餅         rice cake stuffed with bean paste[jam]

安楽死        mercy killing / easy[painless]death / euthanasia(専門用語)     



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