桜前線 cherry blossom front
枯山水 dry landscape garden / garden composed entirely of rocks and sand
漢字 Chinese character(s)
漆器 lacquer ware / lacqured ware / japan ware
七宝 cloisonne/ the art of enameling on a metal base of copper or silver
書道 calligraphy / penmanship / the method of writing with a brush and
a dark Indian ink
水墨画(墨絵) India-ink painting / painting in India ink
人間国宝 living national treasure
枕草子 the Pillow Book
回り舞台 revolving stage
民芸品 folk craft / folk handicraft
釉薬(ゆうやく) glaze
おみくじ written oracle / fortune slip / sacred lot
神主 Shinto priest / the chief priest of a Shinto shrine
(神社などの)境内 the precincts ( of a shrine ) / the compound ( of a shrine )
五重塔 five-story [ five-storied ] pagoda / five tier pagoda
狛犬 a pair of stone-carved guardian dogs
三回忌 the second anniversary of ( a person's ) death
しめなわ sacred straw rope ( decorated with cut paper ) / sacred Shinto
大仏 great image (statue) of Buddha
祝詞(のりと) Shinto prayer
雲丹(うに) sea urchin / seasoned sea urchin eggs
かやぶき屋根 thatched roof
辛子明太子 spicy cod roe ※ cod,cod fish (たら)
牛丼 beef bowl / a bowl of rice topped with thinly seasoned beef and
玄米 unpolished rice / uncleaned rice / unmilled rice / brown rice
麹(こうじ) malt
鯖(さば) mackerel
精進料理 vegetarian cuisine [food]
扇子 folding fan
大根おろし grated Japanese radish
柘植(つげ)の櫛 boxwood comb
つまようじ ( tooth ) pick / picker
天守閣 donjon / castle tower / (castle) keep
てんぷら deep-fried food [fish and vegetables] / Japanese
fried food/ Japanese deep fry / batter-fried seafood and vegetables
豆乳 soy milk / soybean milk
豆腐 ( soy ) bean curd / bean-curd cake
床(とこ)の間 alcove
納豆 fermented soybeans
なべもの hot pot food [ dish ] cooked at the table / food served in a cooking
にぎり寿司 hand-rolled [ hand-shaped ] rice ball ( sushi ) / a bite-size
rice ball topped with a slice of fresh fish
にしん(にしん) herring
パン粉 bread crumbs
屏風 folding screen [partition] / room divider
干菓子 dry confectionery / dry Japanese sweets
胡坐(あぐら) sitting cross-legged / sitting with one's legs crossed
縁日の夜店 night stalls erected on festival days / open-air stands set up on the
鬼ごっこ tag / (英) tig
還暦 one's sixtieth birthday / the sixtieth anniversary of one's birth /
(the) end of the traditional sexagenarian cycle
敬語 honorific (word) / honorific (expression)
子守唄 lullaby / nursery song / cradle song
地鎮祭 Shinto ceremony of purifying a building site / Shinto ground-
breaking ceremony
実印 registered personal seal / legal seal
十二支(干支、えと) twelve signs of the Chinese Zodiac
成人の日 Coming-of-Age Day
凧揚げ kite-flying / flying kites / flying a kite
提灯(提灯) (paper) lantern
仲人 go-between / matchmaker
年中行事 annual event / yearly function [affair]
屋台 food stall / street food stall / food stand
結納金 betrothal gift money / betrothal money
露天風呂 open-air bath
オープン戦 (プロ野球) exhibition game [ match ]
相撲の番付 ranking list of sumo wrestlers / sumo ranking list [ chart ]
※ 想定 「通訳試験必須英単語集 」より
(8/11)(7/24)(7/11)(June 27)